Yes, darling?

Fan Xiao Yao arrived just in time for dinner. She entered the dining room just to see her husband placing the food he prepared on the table.

Huang Li, who was wearing an orange-colored apron with a bunny head print on the middle looked funny. The apron belonged to her in the first place. He raised his head, his gentle eyes landing on her. The side of his lips turned up as he charmed her with one of his sweet-looking smiles. "Welcome back."

Her heart trembled at the sight. She could clearly imagine a sparkle filter effect around him when he smiled at her.

Ah... It's so nice to come home with a handsome husband waiting for her. She thought as she moved toward him and gave him a hug, "How was your day?"

"Not great when you left me here alone." He leaned forward and pecked her lips.

Her face flushed at his remark and the kiss. She released him from his hug and helped him place the utensils on the table. "I went to visit Xiao Yu and Xiao Xue too."