Amazing Uncle Shi Yi

Lights filled the room, waking Shi Enxi from her deep slumber. She stretched out and winced. Her body was so sore, especially her lower region. She opened her eyes. What time did they sleep last night? Or was it morning? She didn't know. They were so consumed with themselves.

Beside her, Lu Mello was fast asleep, facing her, looking so relaxed in his sleep. He looked so lovely when he was asleep and yet, what happened last night betrayed what she just thought at that moment. He was a devil in bed, merciless and ruthless. The night filled with pleasure was gone and right now, her body was aching badly. It was like a punishment after that sweet night. How can he still look so handsome even when asleep? She could never get used to it. His hair was in a glorious mess. His pouty lips were parted slightly.