Hana's mistake

In the end, Hana was forced to keep the child but she also swore to herself that the moment the child was born, she was going to kill him. She didn't know who the father was between the two men she killed in Japan. But she didn't care anymore. The child needed to die. She didn't want a reminder of that night. She didn't want to take care of the child produced by that horrible night.

She never thought that after she gave birth, Keita would steal her child and hide the baby away from her. He even has the nerve to come back after hiding the baby. In the end, she didn't have a choice but to torture the man until he told her where the baby was. When he finally gave up, she killed him.

She went to the orphanage, looking for the baby but it was all too late, the baby was adopted already. The head of the place wouldn't tell her to what family the baby was adopted to. It was a dead end.