Another nightmare (1)

"So, are you saying that it's from me?"

"Who else if it's not you?" He replied, refusing to back down this time.

Little Snow was looking back and forth from his mother to his father as the two ended up staring at each other.

"Mama? Dada?"

Upon hearing the child, Lu Mello ended up sighing in defeat. He was the first one who broke from their staring contest. He didn't want their son to see a scene where his parents are arguing. It would only make matters worse. He turned to the boy who was looking up at them before he reached out to pick him up from the floor and carry him in his arms. "Xiao Xue, you shouldn't do that to your nanny. That's not good. Look at what happened, she ended up being scolded by your mother. You should apologize."

The boy looked at Ai Lun in guilt before he lowered his head once again, "I'm sorry, nanny Ai…"