Snow Orchid

"No… N-no! NOO!!!"

"Enxi, wake up!"

Shi Enxi snapped her eyes open and as she did, the first thing she saw was Lu Mello's worried look.

"Mello!" She got up and embraced him in an instant. She was covered in cold sweat and her body was trembling because of the fear she felt inside.

"It's okay… You just had a nightmare." Her husband said with his gentle voice as he caressed her back.

It was the first he saw Shi Enxi scared like a child. Her face was ashen, her eyes were flooded with tears. He pulled away from the hug and held her sweaty hands. "Enxi, calm down." He released her hands and touched her face, wiping off the tears with his thumbs. "I'm here, okay?"

She nodded a bit and sniffled. Her chest was rising then down as she tries to inhale and exhale as much air to help her calm down.