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With a short battle shout Kyaga swung his sword vertical, the now in red light covered sword slices through the last goblin. As his body reached the ground, the goblin disintegrated into thousand little pieces. The four sighed with relief, and sat down. A box appeared in front of them:

'Quest completed – Party Rewards: 664XP; 451Gold'

"Hey guys!"

All three looked over to Shizu, who had a pretty happy look on her face.

"I'm finally lvl.5 as well!", Shizu sounded pretty happy, as well.

"Nice, good job!", said Kyaga with a smile on his face, „Which Sub-Class do you want to use?"

In AOS you can play up to level 5, before you pick your class. So, you can see what you like to do the most before you make a prematurely decision.

"Mhh…", Shizu looked like she's thinking very hard about her decision, "I really want to be a Fencer again, …But with Itaka we already got one in our party."

"You don't have to play anything you don't want!", Itaka said in a tone, which sounded like he's a mom who wants to comfort his child, "And it isn't too bad to have two Fencer in one team, the party buffs are really good!"

"Are you sure Itaka-kun?", Shizu asked very unsure, "With Kanagaki we've got one tank, and you two are both fighter. So, wouldn't it be the best if I'm going for Assassin?"

"Me as our strategist can assure you", Itaka adjusted his glasses with his index finger, "that we don't really need an assassin right now. And I'm pretty sure that we'll find one anyway. Don't worry, and just play what you want!"

"Thank you, guys! I really appreciate that you want the best for me.", said Shizu, now with a beautiful, smiling look at her face again.

With three clicks on her Player-Menu she selected Fighter as her main class, and Fencer as her Sub-Class. She looked really happy, having her old Sub-Class back.

"I'm exhausted guys, do you want to go back to Zeiwit?"

"Yeah, great idea, Kanagaki! We already did a lot, and it's just our second day, I'm done for today as well…", said Kyaga while standing up. As he stood on both legs he sighted.

"Totally done..."

The three packed together their things and walked back to the main road. Good that Shizu and Kyazuto often went to Zeiwit before 'The Day'. Shizu had to come here often, since she was the former leader of the Beginner's Training of 'The Royal Playground'. As a leader, Kyaga showed up there quite often as well.

On the main road they headed straight to the city. The road went towards the setting sun, and as they walked down the road, and got smaller and smaller, it almost looked like the sun was eating up the four. Until they became so small that they couldn't be seen anymore.

As the four arrived in Zeiwit they headed straight to the local bar to eat and drink.

"Oh man, I'm so exhausted…", said Kanagaki very exhausted. He walked slightly humped, as his equipment was a bit heavy, "I want to sleep!"

"Yeah, so am I! But we should eat and drink first, we can get new equipment for our classes tomorrow." Suggested Kyaga

"You're right", agreed Shizu," You can think way better with a full stomach and a rested mind!" She smiled at the three.

They arrived at the bar and sat down on an empty table. A NPC came to get their orders and then went to the kitchen to give orders to the cook. The process of getting something to eat is way different from what you might expect by a MMORPG. In AOS you can actually cook by yourself with ingredients from shops or drops. Even food which you can buy in Bars, restaurants and on the market, is made by NPCs.

"Why do even NPCs have to cook in this game", groused Kanagaki," I don't want to wait for my food…"

"I think it's fascinating that even NPCs have various Social Attributes. I think that is what makes this game so unique.", said Kyaga. "I'm really curious if this uniqueness gets even further than just Social Attributes on other platforms."

"Stop talking about things like this Kyaga!", Shizu said kinda annoyed. "I don't want to think about fighting someone looking like me! Just imagine killing someone." Shizu looked a bit frightened… She shook once and looked over to Kyaga again.

"That's not what I meant… I just thought about real artificial intelligence! That would be so awesome! And even if we had to kill them, they are just NPCs so what to worry about?"

"That's not true! If they had a real mind they would just think the same as humans, they basically would be humans. They would feel pain, sadness and more. It just wouldn't be right to kill them."

"But their feelings would just be fake, like a projection, it would be fake."

"We are in a fake reality as well!", Exclaimed Itaka.

"Yes, but when we die in this fake reality we will probably die in real-life as well.", answered Kyaga.

Shizu sighed.

"You just don't get it Kyaga, killing an A.I. with feelings is just wrong. Even if these feelings are just fake."

Maybe she was right, maybe killing someone with 'fake feelings' isn't right… I just don't get why.

The waitress walked up to them and gave them their drinks and food.

"Ohh, finally something to eat!", Kanagaki said with a big smile on his face.

His stomach growled the whole time, he really had to be very hungry. But what should you expect right? They fought half the day, and have not eaten anything.

"Do you guys think the leveling is harder than before?" said Kanagaki with his mouth full of food, "We've only climbed from level one to five today, I remembered climbing up level a bit easier in the original AOS."

"Yeah, you're right. But that was because you probably did the harder quest at the beginning." Kyaga had a big smile on his face.

"Wait, why are we doing the easy quest? I thought you would know Zeiwit!" Itaka sounded a bit horrified.

"Isn't it obvious?" Itaka looked a bit questioningly, "I don't want to get you guys in any danger, we want to clear the game and not to die."

"Owww!" Shizu looked at him with big eyes and a big pout, "You're sooo cute Kyaga!"

She really looked as if she was about to hug Kyaga again, but she could hold herself back this time.

"Oh man she's so obvious!" whispered Itaka to Kanagaki.


"Hey what are you guys talking about?" Kyaga couldn't really understand what they are saying, but they both looked over to him and Shizu so he knew they are talking about them.

"Nothing!" And again, a perfect simultaneously response from both… Scary

Suddenly a man rushed into the bar, and had to make two deep breaths.

"Hey! Players! I've got a message to all of you!"

Everybody stopped to eat and drink and looked over to the man, except of Kanagaki, who just couldn't be stopped from finishing his steak.

"The first Boss Room was found!"

Everybody looked a bit shocked at the man.

"What are you talking about?" Someone raised and started talking, "It's just the second day! There's no way someone found the Boss Room already."

"It wasn't me who found the Boss Room, but who ever found it arranged a meeting at the colosseum! Everyone who wants to come can do so!"

Kyaga raised as well.

"Who gives the meeting, and what time are we meeting?"

"Like I already said, I don't know who found the boss room, I just got the message 30 minutes ago and was told to hand it off to all other players in Zeiwit. But the time is around 10 AM."

Kanagaki suddenly stopped eating and started yelling at the guys.

"Wat? Hw m I supost to com ther zis erly?" It was very hard to understand him with all the food in his mouth.

"Uhm, sorry? I couldn't really understand you, sir."

With one big sip out of his beer jug he cleared his entire mouth and started to talk again.

"How am I supposed to come there this early? I just had a long day and don't really want to get up this early." He sounded really annoyed by the fact he has to wake up this early…

"Then you don't have to come, sir! If you don't want action, you will never get some!"

Kanagaki look at the corner of the room with a really grumpy face.

"You're really acting like a child Kanagaki", Itaka now tried to speak to him, "You want to get out of here as well, don't you?"

"… Yeah but- "

"No buts, you are coming with us tomorrow."

Kanagaki sighed.


"Great!" Yelled the man in the bar. "So, I hope to see all of you guys tomorrow!" The man walked out of the bar without another word, but a big smile on his face.

Everybody in the bar started to talk again.

"Did they really find the boss room already?" Shizu didn't sound like she'd believe what she just heard.

"I'm not sure as well, the boss will be around level fifteen to twenty, so it's pretty unlikely that someone already was a high enough Level to clear the Boss Dungeon." Said Itaka.

"Maybe a Scout was able to spot out the area!" Guessed Kyaga.

"I think that the Shadow Blade gets his invisibility on Level 9", said Itaka, "It's pretty unlikely that someone is already Level 9, but it's not impossible."

"We will just go there and see what they have to say", suggested Shizu

"Yeah, good idea! Let's eat up and go to bed!"

*Next day*

"Hey Kanagaki-kun, wake up already!" Shizu sounded kinda annoyed

"Huh? Why?"

Shizu sighed

"We tried to wake you for 15 minutes! We will get late to the colosseum."

"Huh?..." Kanagaki looked at her with a questioning look. "… Ohh" He rubbed his eyes and gave a big yawn. "Yeah okay…"

"But hurry up, we have to be there in 25 minutes!"

"25 minutes?"

"Do you have a problem with that? You can stay here if you want, but you won't be able to fight the boss if you do so."

"But I want to eat…"

"Just stand up early! For God's sake!"

Shizu walks out of his room with an annoyed look.

Kanagaki sighed.

"I guess I have no choice…"

Kanagaki got ready and walked downstairs to the hotel's lobby. Shizu, Itaka and Kyaga were ready to go, and they just had about 15 minutes to get to the colosseum, so they started to walk their immediately, without giving Kanagaki a chance to eat.

When they arrived at the colosseum 5 minutes before the meeting was about to begin, the place was already a bit crowded, but not as much as you may think for a meeting about the Stage Boss.

"It's pretty empty here!" Commented Kyaga.

"Yeah, I really thought there would be more people! I mean it's information about the Stage Boss." Noted Itaka.

Shizu looked at them kinda confused. "Do you guys really believe that so many people are ready to risk their lives? It's just the third day in this world, maybe they want to farm up a bit before fighting a Stage Boss."

"You may be right… Our Levels are pretty low as well though." Answered Kyaga.

Suddenly a tall man walked in. His armor was white and looked noble, he must have spent a lot of money to get it. He was pretty muscular and had a shield on his back and a sword on his belt. To his right walked a woman, maybe a bit taller than Kyaga. But the fact that she was walking besides this tall man made her look like a small girl. Her face was covered by a purple hood, but you could see a brown strand of hair, which wasn't covered by the hood. Under her hood she wore red and purple ninja clothes, which gave her the best space for her movements.

They walked past everyone, right to the middle of the colosseum. He turned and faced everyone, the woman still to his right-hand side.

"I'm glad that so many of you appeared!" Said the man with a very dark voice, "My name is Thoshiharu, but you can also call me at my IGN, Toshi. And this right here…", The man was raised his right hand, so it was behind the woman, "is Toya, my companion! Yesterday she found a room which might be the Boss Room, so we asked you guys to come here and help us to fight it!"

"So, what makes you so sure that this is the Boss Room?" It was the man who already claimed yesterday in the bar, that they couldn't find the boss room at the second day.

"Toya reported, that she found a big door with a 1 on it." Answered the man, "We couldn't think of anything else but a Boss Room."

"And how did you get there?" Asked Itaka.

"Me and Toya farmed the last 2 days, so we are both level 9 at the moment."

Everybody looked a bit amazed by the fact that they are already Level 9 by the third day.

"As a Shadow Blade, Toya learned her invisibility spell at Level 9 and spied out our area."

Kyaga smiled at the other 3.

"I knew it!"

Again, the man from the bar came to the word.

"But how did she get past all the monsters? A Shadow Blade learns her 'quite steps' spell at Level 19."

"The Low-Level monsters doesn't seem to react on noises, so she could walk past them without them even noticing."

"So, what's the plan?" Kyaga asked.

"The Highest-Level Dungeon Monsters are Level 10, so we estimate the Boss's level on about level 15. The Boss-Raids here are probably similar to Raids in the old AOS, so we will take the first 28 people which are level 15+ with us. We will work on tactics later."

The man looked around.

"Any objections?"

He waited 5 seconds and started to walk to the exit. While he was walking past the others he said:

"Now go and Level-Up, I don't want to stay in this world forever."

And without one more word out of his mouth he walked outside of the colosseum.

"Should we go and get some quests? I really want to fight that boss!" Kyaga said all of the sudden.

"Alright, alright! But please let me eat something at first! "Griped Kanagaki.

The other three started to laugh.

"Yeah, sure! You can't fight witch an empty stomach. Let's go to the market, so Kanagaki can eat, and we can look for new equipment. "

All four agreed and they went on their way to the market. On their way to the market they saw Toya and Toshi go out of the city gate.

"Man, this two really take risks in order to Level-Up" Said Kanagaki.

"Yeah, I don't understand it either,", commented Kyaga, "why are they power Leveling against enemies who could really harm them?"

"Kanagaki wanted to take on the Higher-Level monsters as well!" Shizu smiled at the three. "Maybe their heads are just as empty as his!"

"Was this really necessary?" Said Kanagaki witch a bit of disappointment in his voice.

Shizu started laughing. "Haha, I'm just kidding! You need to chill Kanagaki. "

Suddenly Kanagaki stretched his head in the air and took two deep breaths threw his nose.

"Do you guys smell that?

"Huh?" The others looked at him questioningly

"I can smell it…. I smell food."

The three looked at him and started to laugh.

"Hey! What's so funny? I just want to eat okay?"

"Go ahead and grab some food! "Kyaga said to him, "We will wait right here." He smiled at him and Kanagaki ran to a food place immediately.

He came back with a huge burger and started to eat.

"Dwo yu guis wan two gow now?" Kanagaki was talking with a full mouth again.

"Yeah sure", answered Itaka, "But please stop talking with a full mouth, it's really annoying."

Kanagaki lowered his head.


Itaka sighed.

"So, which shop we want to go first?" Asked Itaka.

"Maybe the weapon smith?" Answered Shizu.

"Yeah good idea", said Kyaga, "We all have to get new blades so that's maybe the best choice for now."

As they opened the door, a bell rang. A beautiful woman showed up behind a desk and greeted the four.

"Hey, welcome to Nari's blacksmith shop! How can I help you?"

"Hey! We all got our Sub-Classes yesterday, so we need some equipment upgrades." Said Kyaga

"You definitely come to the right place." The woman smiled at the three. "May I ask you what your Sub-Classes are?"

"Sure, I'm a Dual Blader."

"I'm a Tank" Kanagaki finally talked without food in his mouth.

"I'm a Fencer"

"And I'm a Fencer as well."

"Okay, and what are your levels and price ranges?"

"We are all Level 5 and all have about 5k gold."

"Mh…" The woman looked like she's thinking really hard. "There aren't too many choices in this price range, but I will see what I can do.

The woman disappeared in the next room, and the four waited for about ten minutes before she came back.

"Here you go, these are the best for about 4 to 5k each." The woman dropped a bunch of swords on the table and the four inspected them. "You can look at them and take them in your hands if you want."

Shizu picked up one of the rapiers. It looked very noble with a beautiful pattern running down his length, and an even more beautiful clew on top of the handle.

"Woah!" Shizu looked at it with big eyes. She swung it twice and looked at the blacksmith. "It's awesome!"

"Yeah you right", she answered, "It already has 13 Agility even though it's just a Level 5 sword, and because it's an A-Class Item you can upgrade it up to Level 150."

"A-Class?" All four looked at the woman unbelieving.

"Yeah, there was a man who wanted me to sell it to someone for 5k, I don't know why though…"

"And why didn't you sell it already?" Asked the still unbelieving Kyaga

"In the last month there weren't any customers, Zeiwit was like a dead town. I don't really know why, but since 3 days there are so many new people, I'm close to selling as much as in the good old days." The woman smiled at them.

"Mhh, I think I should be grateful!"

After talking about the others, everybody bought himself a sword.

"Thanks for your consultation, we're really glad!" Said Kyaga to the woman while walking outside together with the other three.

"No problem, hope to see you again!"

"You got really lucky Shizu!" Said Itaka, "I think I'm kinda jealous."

"Yeah, you're right. I got really lucky this time."