Tragedy & Comedy

Beyond the horizon, the last rays of the sun illuminated the sky. In the far distance, as the silhouette of the skyline pierced through the warm glow, Darren alighted from the car before a beautiful family home.

Right after getting out of the company, he was supposedly 'kidnapped' by Asher. However, what he wasn't expecting was seeing his old friends waiting for him. He looked at Asher who shrugged his shoulders.

Darren looked back at the trio before him and waved at them saying, "It's been a long time."

The first to engulf him in a bear hug was Xavier Brown. Darren hit his shoulder saying, "Xav, are you trying to kill me? Let go already!"

"If Xav had held his first wife with this enthusiasm, I'm sure he wouldn't have to go through that divorce battle," hearing that usual sarcastic voice Darren couldn't hold up his laughter.