I Was Envious OF Her...

Dylan wasn't just taken aback, he was literally frozen like a statue in shock. Xiu herself didn't know why she hugged him without thinking. But she certainly could say that being around Dylan wasn't as annoying as it used to be.

"You both best friends have one thing in common," she said pulling away to wipe her tears with her sleeve. While Dylan raised his brow in question, she answered, "You both are really crazy in your own ways."

Dylan looked jubilant as he said, "Of course, we are. Why do you think we are best of friends till now? Both of us don't do anything half-heartedly. Besides, to keep sanity in this world, all of us should try invading the borders of insanity once in a while."

Xiu glanced at his face for a moment longer with her reddened eyes and shook her head saying, "That remark was so weird and so random..." she sighed slowly before adding, "But it still felt like you."