Nono In Trouble

The next two days were rather quiet and troubleless. In fact, there was nothing noteworthy that happened during the next two days. Xiu went back to being a good employee and Dylan went back to being a good boss. Well, as good as he could become. But Xiu's meetings with Darren changed a little, instead of Darren waiting for her outside her apartment, now Xiu literally just stayed over at his place since Nora was not home as well.

On Friday night...

Since Nora had already informed Xiu that her mother was calling her home, Xiu decided to visit Jing Family home. Just as she pressed the doorbell, she could hear the sound of a tiny figure calling out, "It's Xiuxiu, I'm gonna open the door for her." Xiu's lips hooked up since she could even hear the eagerness in Jackson's voice. This little man was really anticipating to meet her.