Beauty To Flirt With

When Xiu and Dylan entered the kitchen through the back door, Dylan hurriedly turned to Xin Zimen to say, "Uncle Zi, don't tell anyone that we were..."

"Having chit-chat behind the bushes?" Xin Zimen provided the words that Dylan was looking for with a playful smile.

"Somehow, that sounds really strange," said Xiu before adding, "Anyways... Just don't tell anyone what we were doing outside."

Xin Zimen looked at Xiu's face and smiled gently, "I won't tell anyone that you both were eavesdropping on someone but what will I get in return." Both Xiu and Dylan scratched their head sheepishly because of how straightforwardly Xin Zimen chose to disclose their intentions. "I'm a businessman, I don't do anything that's not profitable to me."

Dylan smiled at him saying, "But we are all family."

"All the more reason for clear cut negotiations," said Xin Zimen with a glint in his eyes.