Sleep It Off

"Ying Jie?"

Hearing her name, Ying opened her eyes and looked up at Ah-Si who was baffled to see Ying Jie. Not only was she in this building, but she was also just lifelessly sitting in the doorstep.

Clearing her throat, Ying stood up from the floor and straightened up. 

"What are you doing here?"

Ying stared at Ah-Si with a cold stare, "Why can't I be here? I'm pretty sure I'm a free person who is allowed to live wherever I want to!" Saying that she slammed the door shut leaving Ah-Si staring at the closed door with his mouth agape. He had never seen her acting like this before. He flinched when the door opened again and Ying's neck craned out, "Sorry. I'm just not in the mood to entertain a guest. I'll invite you inside some other day. For today, I'm sorry."

With that, she closed the door again.