Husband, You Win

What greeted Darren was an ultrasound picture and right beside it, a chibi baby was drawn who had a text bubble over his head saying, 'Hi! I'm Little Tiger and this is my very first picture.'

Darren's eyes looked over at Xiu who was constantly observing the changes in his expressions. She looked so relaxed and tranquil.

'I'm a healthy fetal of five weeks. But mommy says I'm tinier than a rice grain. But that's only because I haven't grown up yet. As the doctor said, I'm growing up well. I won't be this size for long.'

With trembling hands, he turned the page and found a cutout of his own picture pasted along with Xiu's, and the words written underneath was, 'This is my mom and dad. They look good together, right?' Darren couldn't help chuckling when he read that sentence. 'Mommy said dad was crying after seeing my first picture. I don't believe her but dad says mommy is never wrong. So, you never know...'