Little Followers

Being the most thoughtful person out there, Xiu had even brought a picnic basket with loads of homemade healthy but yummy snacks for the kids. And with food, obviously, this little sightseeing became even more entertaining.

In the past three years, it had become a little secret between the girls. Every month, they'd join Xiu out for sightseeing once. And to eat her handmade delicacies were just like the cherry on top. Who would resist it? As she said earlier, no one says no to good food. And it was especially true for these kids. 

In their simple world, food was quite important at the moment.

Xiu watched them eating with gusto and felt happy. She even invited Bo Jiu to join them. It's not like she brought limited stuff. You never know about the appetite these little kids would have. Although Asteria was already 10 and Ava was also about 7, she still called them kids. These were the only kids in their families. How can they not be special?