
While Xiu Mei was relaxing on the plane, the rest of the Lu Corporation employees felt like they were facing the worst enemy of their lives. Who told them to work under such a scary boss?


Almost every person in the boardroom held their breath. They were trying their best not to make any sound lest they attract the emperor's wrath. They weren't sure where to look at either, to their boss or at the wall. Only the sound of the pen tapping the table echoed in the whole room. The man in the navy blue business suit held his fountain pen in one hand as he leaned back on the leather office chair. His face looked blank, yet anyone could feel the oppressive aura that he exudes. If one would really look closely, they could even see that his bows furrowed a little bit.

The silence was too deafening that even a pin drop could possibly echo in the whole boardroom.


"President," The voice broke the silence, and everyone breathed, fearful of what might happen to the owner of the voice who was idiot enough to interrupt his thoughts.

And the said idiot was none other than the ever-so-brave personal eunu---secretary of the emperor president CEO.

Lu Shao leaned in to the president's side, to keep everyone from listening in on their conversation. Which he doubts would happen as no one is really that brave enough to eavesdrop on the president, especially when he is on his emperor mode.

"We are still in the middle of a meeting." Lu Shao had whispered. He saw Lu Chen's shoulder slight move, stiffening. However, it happened so fast that nobody except him had noticed that.

In fact, he understood what was going through in all the minds of the people in the room.

Everyone must have thought that the president was too disappointed with the results of the latest sales they were presenting to him resulting in him choosing not to speak anything due to his utter disappointment. But Lu Shao thought differently.

He had trained and grew up with Lu Chen so he knew quite well what was going on with his mind. And with the way he was acting, he's quite sure he wasn't exactly angry nor disappointed. Rather, he was worried over something. He was in a state of dilemma and even though Lu Chen wasn't saying anything to him, Lu Shao could easily identify what he was worrying over about.

After all, Lu Chen had started acting strangely a week ago after returning from Xiu Mei's house to pick up the little master. It seems like the president had seen his partner in a different light.

And watching the slight changes he had observed this past few days, Lu Shao was more than pleased.

Lu Chen finally woke up from his reverie when Lu Shao had called out to him. He was stunned for a second, before picking up his usual professional mood again as he tried to recall everything that was reported by the Marketing Director to him. Even though it looked he was listening to the report, his mind was actually elsewhere. However, he had read the report on his hands a few hours back so he understood the gist of his report without listening to the person in front.

The meeting continued for more than an hour before he had everyone dismissed to return to their works. Lu Shao followed behind everyone after all the directors and other people had left the room. Slightly bowing his head in his direction, Lu Shao slowly closed the door of the room making a little sound.

Lu Chen's gaze lingered on the door for a little more before his gaze shifted to the seat beside him. Staring at it, he was tempted to touch the chair just to prove that no one had really sat there. For some reason, he was imagining the presence of the female sitting on her seat who usually sat beside him.

That doey eyes that had stared at him even though she was pretty weak. The determined eyes that refused to bend under his persuasion.

And now, this seat that was usually filled with warmth felt so empty.

Dang it, was he going crazy?

Lu Chen finally removed his gaze away from the seat and took a deep breath. His emotions was too chaotic these past few days and even he himself doesn't understand what was happening.

It felt like he was in a constant rollercoaster of emotions, yet he didn't find it irritating. But rather, he weirdly felt comfort, yet frustrated.

Fine, he's getting crazy.

He's been getting crazy ever since he had proposed marriage to Xiu Mei.

And now, he was in a complete mess.

The phone in his suit pocket vibrated to life. He pulled it out and seeing the caller ID on the screen, he automatically frowned.

His guts told him that this call would only worsen his mood, thus he was even more tempted not to answer the call. Yet, he knew that everytime this person calls, he provides the most vital information he needed.

He slid his hand over the screen pressing the green button. Lu Chen did not bother speaking any greeting when he placed the phone on his ear.

"Package B had been spotted by someone from the TEAM."The other side spoke in a hushed tone.

Lu Chen's brows jumped. "Can this information be trusted?"

After all, what he was telling him was a second hand information. And not everything could be trusted unless it was his intelligence that personally witnessed it.

"Yes. I have verified it by having another guy loop in around the TEAM. It seems like they are planning a bit big this time."


Lu Chen's fingers tapped on the table. "This time, they won't be able to escape in my net anymore."

Lu Chen's eyes glinted sharply. His aura a minute ago completely changed into a more oppressive aura. Rather than the emperor aura, it was more similar to a lion king. A predator eyeing a prey, laying a trap to have him on his net.

"Continue with what you're doing." He gave his command.

"Copy that." And the line was instantly cut off.