The Third Gift

In a different location, the sound of classical music echoed within the whole house. A man with a broad back can be seen playing with an Old English Sheepdog in the vast green garden. The dog's bark sounded happy as he ran across the garden to pick up the chew bone that his owner had thrown.

"Mr.Lu's people started moving to investigate Zhu Lin's death." Xiu Su Yi stated as soon as he arrived at the garden.

The man still looked at ease as he threw another ball. 

"They're too slow. I expected much more from Ms.Xiu's choice of man." 

Silence befell between the two. Xiu Su Yi solely focused on the man's view from behind. 

"Send another gift on my behalf." The man ordered. The man pondered for a moment, tapping the ball with his finger as he carefully chose the gift he wanted to send Xiu Mei. 

A broken doll. A blood-red rose. Hmmm,... what should he give her next?