All Starts Now

Regardless of what they found out yesterday, Xiu Mei had to continue their operations. Her assistant was completely unaware that her own computer was bypassed and cleaned up by Lu Chen's subordinates yesterday, and now Lu Shao and Lu Chen were called up by her eldest brother about some kind of emergency meeting that apparently, she wasn't allowed to attend. 

Well, considering their circumstances that she had to backtrack all the company information that Albert Chen was now aware of, she had gotten busier than ever while closely tracking all their current projects to see if there were anything wrong or something suspicious going on that Albert would probably interfere with.

Five days after Albert Chen filed for leave, Xiu Mei was immediately notified that he sent a formal resignation through email. 

No, the Human Resource Department did not notify her.

It was the sound from her computer. Because the resignation letter was sent to her email.