Several months passed since Gilgamesh introduced the profound art of cunnilingus to Ninsun. He was twelve years and a few months old. His progress in the cultivation aspect was steady since the Daolord's Bead shielded his true growth as cultivator from deities' prying eyes. He'd filled the lake within his Cinnabar Field Dantian halfway. Basically, he was rushing into the high stage of Violet Palace stage.
For your information, the stage of Violet Palace stage was further split into Low, Intermediate, High, and Peak. He was so close to breaking through to the High rank.
Gilgamesh's cultivation attainment aside, let's discuss something else.
After Gilgamesh introduced the profound art of cunnilingus to Ninsun, she was glowing with satisfaction. She accepted that he could satisfy her despite he hadn't been a real adult man yet. Due to winning the bet, despite it was unspoken one, Ninsun agreed with Gilgamesh's demand. She stopped calling young men of the City-State of Uruk when she had her cravings for earthly pleasure and would call for Gilgamesh instead.
Basically, they had become a couple, though Gilgamesh requested their relationship to be a secret for now from other deities. He didn't want to complicate his already complicated standing in the Sumerian Pantheon court. It was fortunate that other deities couldn't enter or even peek into other deity's temple for privacy sake. Of course, Ninsun was still reporting Gilgamesh's growth and his daily activities, barring the erotic ones, to the court of Sumerian Pantheon.
Other than reporting about Gilgamesh's progress, Ninsun would stay inside her temple to spend time with Gilgamesh. She'd accepted the deal to be a woman of a very possessive and territorial man, and her experienced long life gave her the knowledge of how to keep her little man pleased. Thus, her reason for shutting herself in her temple.
After spending her time together with Gilgamesh in the span of several months, their interaction has changed from that of mother and son to that of a couple. Her priestesses knew about this, but they kept their silent in respect and reverence for their worshiped deity.
Aside from Gilgamesh's progress in cultivation attainment and romance, he also progressed wonderfully with his martial and magical study. He hadn't become a master yet. But, he could be considered as an adept in both. His physique as Fiendgod and his mental capability as a Violet Palace cultivator helped him a lot. Only the best warriors and magi in Uruk would give him trouble.
Other than that, Gilgamesh also had his growth spurt. Because of his Fiendgod Body and his 2/3 divine blood, after his first growth spurt hit him, he looked like a teen in his 14-15 years old instead of his actual age at 12 years and a few months old. There was nothing significant occurrence in the span of several months other than those abovementioned details.
And now, we go to the present time.
Currently, Gilgamesh was resting in the bed. He'd stayed permanently in Ninsun's bedchamber after they became a couple. Gilgamesh was a wide awake and gazing at the creamy clay ceiling with a half-lidded stare. The reason for his absentminded state was due to Ninsun who gave him his first ever blowjob, including in his old life.
When Gilgamesh woke up early this morning, he discovered that he'd his first wet dream. He was excited that his body could naturally produce sperm. It meant that he was considered an adult now. His excitement woke up Ninsun who was sleeping next to him. When she heard about that, she decided to check the credibility of his adulthood by giving him a blowjob that was blowing Gilgamesh's mind.
It was Ninsun's first time in servicing a man with her mouth. In her long life as a goddess, she only experienced normal sex in missionary or cowgirl style. She never tried to expand her sexual life. It was Gilgamesh's influence on her that made her adventurous in her current sexual life.
Finally, Gilgamesh was cumming from Ninsun's mouth. He groaned deeply as he released his seed into the goddess' virgin mouth. He could feel her swallowing his seed unabashedly. He then looked down to his groin, trying to get the clear image of the sensual goddess swallowing his seed.
Simultaneously, Ninsun looked up and unintentionally met his gaze. Her red eyes became upturned as she stared deeply into his eyes. After a few seconds, she pulled out her head and releases Gilgamesh's c***, which was covered by her saliva, from her mouth. She then grabbed his flaccid c*** and began rubbing it slowly.
Ninsun suddenly opened her cherry-colored lips and displayed her tongue for Gilgamesh, who could see muddy white liquid on it. She pulled back her tongue and smirked seductively at him. Simultaneously, she swirled his seed inside her mouth before swallowing it heavily. She ended the lascivious show by licking her bottom lip sensually.
"With my authority as a goddess and the Queen of Uruk, I, Ninsun, the daughter of Anu and Uras, the goddess who governs cattle, acknowledges Gilgamesh as a full-fledged adult." Ninsun declared suddenly. She had a solemn and dignified expression when she announced Gilgamesh's coming of age. Simultaneously, her announcement also spread through the whole city-state of Uruk and even the divine court of Sumerian Pantheon. It informed everyone that Gilgamesh was ready to accept his birthright as the next king and shouldered his destiny as the cornerstone in deities' plot to keep their influence amidst human to slow down the end of the Age of Gods.
Afterward, her serious atmosphere disappeared and she returned back to her seductive goddess mode.
"Well, now, you're an adult. You can claim your birthright to be the ruler of this city-state, my dearest. How do you feel?"
"Horny..." Was Gilgamesh's absentminded reply for Ninsun's playful question.
When Ninsun heard that, she smiled wryly. She understood what horny meant because Gilgamesh had mentioned it many times in the past when she was craving for sexual gratification.
"So, are you going to have your first real sex with this old lady?" Ninsun smirked invitingly.
"Are you sure? Won't you spend your time with my virgin priestess? There are some virgin priestesses in this temple you can pick up as your partner."
Gilgamesh blinked after hearing that. He looked at her closely, searching for any hidden intent in her offer. However, he discovered that she genuinely offered that. Gilgamesh realized that this was the difference in the women from the ancient era and the modern era. The woman who lived in this time were indoctrinated in the belief of men were above them. It was commonsense that women must be obedient to men because men were the breadwinner. Meanwhile, in the modern era, men and women were equal. Their values were very different.
Despite being offered something so tempting, Gilgamesh didn't need to think twice to answer her offer.
"Nah. Don't wanna," he stated confidently.
"Why?" Ninsun asked him in confusion and interest. She held high expectations for this incomprehensible young man who kept surprising her again and again from his idea that came out of the box and followed no commonsense whatsoever.
"Because who I want is you. Even if you offered hundreds of virgins with the appearance that could match that of a goddess of beauty herself, my answer won't change!"
At Gilgamesh's resolute answer, Ninsun had a very interesting reaction. In the beginning, she was dumbstruck. Then, she recovered and started to blush deeply. Afterward, she leaked a small giggle before turning into a giddy giggle. In the end, she laughed aloud and unrestrained.
"...hahaha...ahaha...haaa... Gil, what a dangerous mouth you have here. Are you going to push me into the deep end with no return? What a cheeky boy, but I don't dislike it! Very well, allow this lady to be your first partner! I swear in my name as the Queen of Uruk and Goddess of Cattle that you will have an amazing experience with me as your partner!" Ninsun promised and swore in her divine name. It displayed how serious she was in trying to return the favor after Gilgamesh made her feel fluttering feeling as if butterflies flew in her stomach. It was nostalgic feeling that she'd forgotten long time ago. She couldn't believe that her own son would spark this lost feeling once again.
Afterward, Ninsun moved from her spot and climbed up above Gilgamesh's groin. She held his hands after positioning Gil's c*** into her entrance. Then, she intertwined her hands with his before she lowered herself.
From that moment till before the noon, Gilgamesh's masculine groans, Ninsun's sweet moans, and obscene sound of their lovemaking could be heard from their shared bedchamber.