Unique talents come with unique perspectives

Back at the well, the two siblings smiled happily.

Jericho stood. "That was an unexpected performance. I am glad that went well."

"Now what, brother?" Princess inquired.

"Both of us have probably obtained basic skills. It would be a good idea to obtain more advanced skills. We can't stay level 0 forever." Jericho replied. "Despite how cool it is, I don't think I can fight the creatures outside of town with my ocarina or violin."

The young elf thought for a bit. "The introduction said we could look at our skill lines and see examples of some of the skills we can learn."

"Right!" The brother replied as he recalled the introduction. "View skill line, Music."

[Skill line music Tier 4

Description: Music skills often take the form of a double ability. There is usually a minor effect while the composition is being played and a larger effect when the music concludes. Leaving a music half performed will not grant a final result. Due to the abnormally long cast times, the end ability is often stronger then abilities of the same tier. The initial abilities are often weaker than abilities of the same tier.

Tier 1: Known skills. Ocarina Expert 8/10, Violin Master 2/10, Voice Expert 3/10.

Tier 1: Skill ideas: Lute, drums, etc.

Tier 2: Skill ideas: Accompaniment of courage, Song of discordance, Etc.

Tier 3: Skill ideas: Inspiring Conclusion, Music's Call, Etc.

Tier 3: Hybridize with any magic Tier 1 (Arcane Music), Etc.

Tier 4: Skill ideas: Captivate Etc.

Tier 4: Hybridize with Chi skills Tier 2 (Remote instrument playing)

After a few minutes looking over his skills, Jericho felt refreshed as his stamina was restored. "So, it looks like my music might end up being more magical then I thought." He pulled out the violin and started plucking the strings again.

Moira looked up. "Why are you playing the violin part of The Storm?" She asked.

The man smiled as he continued to play. "I am going to make it rain."

The elf's emerald eyes brightened. "Let me help!" She hopped up and started dancing to the staccato sounds of the violin.

After the third repetition of both playing The Storm and performing an ancient rain dance, the sky darkened above the town. Rain started to lightly drizzle.

Both Moira and Jericho received three notifications.

[You have composed the tier 3 skill The Storms part 1 (Rainfall) Skill level Beginner 4/10- When playing this piece, the clouds will gather. Upon finishing, rain will fall. The amount of rain that will fall depends on your skill level.]

[You have performed skill synergy with Dancing Princess. If you perform The Storm part 1 while she performs Rain dance, the effect will overlap and the MP and SP costs will be reduced.]

[You have gained the skill line Water Tier 1.]

"My dancing is magical too!" Moira exclaimed happily. "Though, I think we should learn some normal magic too. The tutorial lady recommended it."

Jericho tilted his head. "Oh?"

"There are also some really cool hybrid skills I want to learn."

"Alright. Let's head over to the magic school then. Our audience earlier gave us some funds we can use."

The two left the rainy well.

The rocky town was mystified but grateful for the sudden rain that lasted a few minutes.

"The first Tier 1 skill book is free. For every Tier 1 skill book after the first, you must pay a small fee of 1 silver." The old wizard explained to the two gaming noobs.

Jericho pulled out five silver coins, gave three to his sister and passed two to the old man.

"You may pick 3 tier 1 spells."

Moira also gave her silver and received a similar reply.

"Thank you, sir."

The dancer paused. "Um, can you explain to me about skills and skill lines? While I understand a bit I don't really understand how they work."

The wizard smiled. "It is good to admit when you don't understand things." He nodded. "It will be a bit of a long explanation."

"Thank you. Please teach me," She replied.

"Skill lines are ranked from Tier 1 to a higher Tier. I don't know how high they go either but I have seen people with Tier 6 skill lines.

Normally, skills start at beginner. When a skill in a skill line reaches Adept for the first time, the "tier" of the skill line becomes rank 2. Rank 2 skill lines allow for the learning of higher quality skills. The skills follow the naming titles as follows: beginner, adept, expert, master, grandmaster, and legendary. As I have said, I don't know what lies beyond legendary.

I know this information can seem confusing so let me provide and example to illustrate how skill lines and skills work.

A random mace welder learns the "Smash" skill. They grind and raise the skill to adept.

Mace skill line will rank up to Tier 2 as a result. The mace wilder decides he wants to be a paladin and chooses to learn holy magic. They then take the opportunity to learn the holy/mace combo skill holy smite which requires the Tier 2 mace skill line and the Tier 1 holy skill line.

They repeatedly train holy smite to adept. Because Mace is already at tier 2 that does not change, but holy grows to tier 2 allowing for more skills to be able to be learned.

There are special skill lines that teach the basic skills of each tier upon the line increasing. Monster skill lines are included in this list.

The numbers next to the skill line are representative of your progress towards the next rank up. There are subtle differences between a skill at 0/10 and 4/10, but the significant differences occur between ranks."

The intelligent wizard took a breath. "Any questions?"

Princess thought for a bit. "What about skills learned on your own? How do those work?"

The man nodded. "Yes, skill learned on your own are a bit different. You see, when you perform the skill outside of a 'combative' situation it usually takes some time to form but the skills start at a higher starting point than learning from another or from books. When you perform a new skill in the middle of a combative situation the skill will form almost instantly but the results will vary from training the same skill peacefully. Does that answer your questions?"

"I think so. If I have more questions later I will come find you or another smart person," she replied

Jericho and Princess walked into the library of skill books.

The young girl quickly found four books she liked: Shadow bolt, Ember, Spark and Speak with animals.

Jericho thought for a bit as he perused the selection. "Cure would go great with my music. Moira's hybrid skills she wants probably don't involve healing." He removed the book and rubbed his hand over the spines of the other books. "Speak with Spirits seems valuable. Music has always resonated with my soul so why shouldn't I help it affect the souls of others? While these aren't fantastic abilities, if I am able to hybridize them with my music the effects may be better." He continued his search. "I need an attack. Ah, Aqua Shot. I already have water magic unlocked. This will work."

[Speak with spirits- (Passive) You can speak with and understand the languages of the spirits. Spirits include but are not limited to: Ghosts, Elementals, Nature spirits, and half-spirit creatures such as sprites.]

[Cure (Tier 1 Healing)- Beginner 0/10 – Heal target creature. Amount healed will vary depending upon skill level and the stats of the caster. Notes: Great for minor injuries, will harm undead.]

[Aqua shot (Tier 1 water)- Beginner 0/10 – Form a small ball of water out of magic and shoot it.]

The siblings traveled to the training grounds to try to hybridize their skills.

The elements of shadow, fire, and electricity danced alongside Moira's hands and feet. Despite needing to take rests more often since the skills took more out of her, she was quite talented.

Jericho pulled out his violin and played a simple calm melody that seemed to ebb and flow. During his fourth repetition, water droplets started to form around him like rain frozen in time. The longer he played the thicker the water became. As he concluded the song, the droplets scattered at high speed in all directions piercing the scarecrows around him. While the damage wasn't extremely high, the spell struck multiple targets.

[You have learned the Composition Water's Tears Beginner 1/10- While you play this song, water element will surround the caster, slightly boosting defense. The water element abilities of allies that can hear the song will progressively get stronger the longer the melody is played. When the composition is complete, the water surrounding the caster will burst in the direction the caster desires. This was created by combining the knowledge of Aqua bullet and Music.]

The musician smiled and worked on his next two abilities.

[You have created The Song Healing Part 1 Beginner 5/10- while you play this piece, all allies regen values increase by a value determined by the proficiency of the skill (5). After the piece is complete, healing magic falls upon them restoring Hp Mp and Sp the value cure would heal Hp. This skill improves in power the higher level the healing skill line becomes. This skill was created combining Cure and Music. Note: As this is not holy power, undead will not be harmed by this ability.]

[You have created The Song Healing Part 2 Beginner 3/10- While you play this piece, all allies gain an increased resistance to mental ailments, such as Charm and fear. When the piece finishes, dispel is cast causing the removal of mental ailments. The strength of dispel is based on the skill level of the healing skill line. Additional effects may occur if played at the same time as Healing part 1]

[You have learned Soul Music Adept 3/10- Your music naturally speaks to the soul. The influence your music has is passively increased. Your music will have greater effect upon spirit type creatures.]

Jericho let out a light laugh. "I need an ability that allows there to be more than one of me. Most of my songs are incomplete with only one instrument."

The two left happy with their newly formed skills. They turned to the field outside town. Most of the competitive players had left the starting areas by this time so the outskirts of town were not very crowded.

A lizard scuttled over to bite Moira. She danced around the lizard and started generating electricity while clogging. Jolts of electricity shot into the angry lizard.

Jericho pulled out his violin and started playing a shortened version of The Storm part one.

After a minute of Moira dodging and shocking the poor lizard, rain fell. The sparks generated by the elf grew larger and faster. The wet lizard died.

[You have defeated Stone Lizard. You have gained 15 Exp]

[You have learned the skill, abridged musical piece: You can shorten the duration of the music. The end results will be weakened. The cast time will be shortened.]

"This…" Moira paused. "This feels wrong. I didn't enjoy dancing this time. Brother, why did we have to come out here to hunt?"

Jericho felt the same. His music felt… off.

He thought about it before responding. "We feel that way because what we just did is contrary to what we believe. We have always viewed music and dance as a means to help ourselves and others. Using it to attack others for personal gain is against our nature. I was told that hunting monsters and doing quests were the ways to level up and get stronger."

Tears leaked from the elf's emerald eyes. "Is there no other way?"

Jericho patted his emotional sister's head. "The letter said that the game can accommodate any play-style. If there isn't, we will make a way to get stronger. If we can't make a way, then we can train our non-performance skills for fighting. That way at least dancing and making music can remain fun."

Moira wiped her tears. "You promise?"

"In the future, we may have to use our skills to fight. However, we will aid our friends and allies even if it means others may get hurt. I can promise you that we will not use our gifts to hunt down victims like we did today. I will look for a new method for us to get stronger this afternoon. We should log off and get breakfast. You have school this morning."


© J Eranoth