Meeting the water elementals

The trio left the starting village and started to walk towards the distant lake. "Who is this?" Princess asked her brother. She was quite curious about this female her brother brought along. Her brother normally didn't socialize in real life so having a new friend in game was surprise to her.

"This is Shiarra, she is the one who has a quest that could use our assistance."

The woman in armor nodded. "As I told your brother, I want to befriend the water elementals I hope they will be willing to help save another nearby village from a drought."

"Oh, and how are we going to do that?" Princess questioned.

Shiarra pointed to the sky. "The two of you are going to make it rain and we are going to hope something will work out. If it turns south I will try to block them while you two run."

The two girls enjoyed a great conversation as they traveled, mostly talking about Jericho. As if to solidify their newfound camaraderie they registered each other as in-game friends.

They walked to the shore of the large lake where they saw water elementals frolicking in the waves, wandering the marshy spots, and standing perfectly still as if sleeping.

{Humans have come again. Humans are mean to us, if they come let's get rid of them.} One of the water elementals said.

Jericho looked over and then back to his sister and companion. "Can you two hear them speaking?" He inquired.

"They are talking?" Princess asked back, answering his question indirectly.

Shiarra shook her head.

Jericho half smiled as he recalled one of the skill books he picked up earlier. "Shiarra, are water elementals considered spirits?" He asked to confirm his suspicion.

"Yeah, elementals are often referred to as the spirits of the elements." She replied.

"It seems I can communicate with them. Earlier I picked up the skill, speak with spirits. This may be more feasible then we thought." His smile grew larger. "Princess, lets perform for these spirits."

Jericho pulled out the violin and started plucking the strings. His sister started dancing.

{The human calls for us?}

{Two of them do! How strange?}

The elementals gathered around the duo and started moving around like they were dancing with Dancing Princess.

The performance finished and rain fell.

{These humans are like us!} One of them shouted. {Call the eldest!}

Some of the elementals dashed into the water while the current largest elemental turned to them. {Greetings, humans who are connected to the water, are you capable of speech?}

Jericho stepped forward hoping he was activating his ability right. {I am. The others haven't learned yet. I will communicate on their behalf. My name is Jericho the Bard. The young elf is Dancing Princess, and the warrior is Shiarra. What is your name?}

{They call my Glawio. I am the second eldest among the elementals here. Please wait a moment for the eldest to come. Until then, can you play your music and have the young elf dance again? It made my siblings very pleased.}

{Of course,} he turned to his sister. "They are requesting an encore." He started playing again.

As the performance neared its end a large elemental emerged from the lake.

The three meters tall figure sloshed over. {Humans that guide the water without magic? Maybe they can be of use. Thank you, young one, for bringing me here.} The elemental said to a very short watery figure.

The performers finished. The rain fell and the elementals felt invigorated.

The hulking human shaped water moved closer. {Greetings mortals. I am Llyn lord of this lake and the water that lives here. Why have you come?}

Jericho looked up to the towering figure. {Greetings, I am Jericho the Bard, this is Dancing Princess and Shiarra. We have come to ask for your aid. A human land is dying because of the lack of water there. We wish to ask you to help save that place.}

{Humans have done nothing to help us, why should we help them?} The elemental's deep voice replied harshly.

{Indeed, you have no reason to aid them. This is why I wish to offer you a trade. My comrades and I will help you however we can. In return please help me and my friends save the human village.}

Llyn paused for a short time. {Jericho, a trade must be equivalent or someone will get hurt. Are you from the village you wish to save? No, you would have called it your village if you were. Are they offering you something equal value to their collective lives? Not likely. The one who will needlessly benefit will be the village and the one who will be harmed by this deal is you, friend of water.}

The two girls waited awkwardly as they had no idea what was being said.

Jericho nodded. {I understand. Then is there no solution to the problem?}

The elemental seemed to stare into the souls of the party before continuing. {There may be a way. However it will be difficult. I can sense the non-combative spirits of you and Dancing Princess. I shall give the three of you separate but related quests. When you are done, come to the lake again. I shall emerge and we can talk about the solution then.}

Jericho smiled. {Then please tell us these quests.}

A notification sounded to the three adventurers; [You have become friendly with the water elementals. They will not treat you as hostile targets when you approach. Killing uncorrupted elementals will remove this friendship.]

{The water elementals on the south shore have been tainted and we have felt foul sorcery at play. For your warrior friend, tell her to find the source of the corruption and bring it to an end. There is also an important sphere that we sense is located in the same area, have her bring it back. For the one who dances, there are special herbs that grow on the lake that cannot be plucked by us but are very beneficial. They look like lily pads with two blue antennas. They are called Gemini lilies. We need at least 10 of them. More is better. They won't allow someone to pluck them easily, but they can be stunned by electricity. For you, Jericho, I sense spirit healing magic in you. My request to you is to use that power to remove the corruption from the elementals' mind and body. It is a dangerous task, but the more of our brethren are cleansed the sooner we can restore balance to the lake.}

Jericho nodded. {I accept, let me tell the other two of your requests so they can accept it as well.} The bard turned around to face the two girls who had been bored for the last few minutes of talking.

"Well?" Shiarra inquired. "I suspect something went right considering we became friends with the water spirits."

"It is going to be a bit more complicated but there is a potential solution." Jericho started. "First, there is something going on at the southern part of the lake that is corrupting elementals. He needs you to find a special orb to bring back and find the source of the corruption and bring an end to it."

A quest showed up for the warrior. She quickly accepted the quest. "Should we go then?"

Jericho shook his head. "The elemental gave a unique quest for each of us." He explained. "Princess, the elemental wants you to pick some herbs that grow on the lake. They look like lily pads with two blue antennas. Apparently they are useful but they can't pluck them. The elemental said to bring at least 10 but bringing more would also be good. You may want to use your Shocking Steps ability. Apparently it will stun the plant long enough for you to pick it."

"Okay brother!" The young girl replied happily as she accepted the quest. "What about you?"

"I get to go soothe some spirits." He turned back to the elemental. {They have agreed to perform the quests.}

Llyn created three arms out of his watery body and placed a hand on each party member. {I will give each of you a temporary water elemental ability that will aid you in your quests. The ability won't last for very long, only an hour by your reckoning, but I hope it helps. If the ability wears off before you are done, come find me again.}

Shiarra smiled at her notification. [The water elemental Llyn has granted you the ability Aqua Slash for 1 hour. Your attacks will now deal additional water damage.]

"Oh wow!" Dancing Princess shouted excitedly. [The water elemental Llyn has granted you the ability Water Walk for 1 hour. Using this ability will allow you move on the water's surface as if it were land.]

Jericho stared silently at the ability given to him. [The water elemental Llyn has infused you with the spirit of water and has granted you the ability Split for 1 hour. Normally this ability cannot be used by humans as they don't possess morphic forms. Split allows the user to separate into two weaker versions of themselves.] "It's perfect." He muttered thinking this ability is exactly the type of ability he wanted to expand his music.

© J Eranoth