Elemental rewards and Understanding the Elements

After taking care of things in real life, the three comrades planned to continue their adventures through the night. They logged back in from their various locations and traveled back to the lake to turn in their respective quests.

Princess and her entourage of knee height lesser water elementals carried 23 of the special herbs forward and placed them on the ground.

Shiarra brought forth the orb and did the same.

Jericho brought himself. The happily cleansed elementals had already returned.

The water stirred. Llyn emerged. {I sense the three of you have completed the favors I requested of you.}He scooped up the items.

Jericho nodded. {Indeed.}

The three received various notifications about their completed quests. Both Jericho and Princess leveled up a few times considering their previously low levels. They were both elevated to level 4.

Llyn turned to Princess. {Rewards: starting with the young dancer.}

The 12 small elementals hopped up and down. {{Water Walk!}} They collectively shouted. {{Give her Water Walk!}}

The large elemental chuckled. {Good idea. However she earned more than just that skill.} A book made of water and a magical staff floated to the surface. {Jericho, please pass these on to the young elf.}

Jericho picked up the items and looked over them. [Skill book: Water Walk] [Yun's First Staff]. He passed the objects over. "You can thank your little friends for the skill book." He said with a chuckle.

Princess smiled as she learned the skill and examined the staff. It had two colors on the pole. The grip on the bottom was a dark pink. From the bottom of the grip hung a bell. The main body of the pole was an indigo-blue with wave like patterns. At the top was a dream catcher.

[Yun's First Staff: Requirements Lv 0 The first staff used by a friend of the spirits, Yun. This well designed staff is lightweight and not designed as a weapon. She danced on the water with this staff to guide the souls of the fallen to a better place.

Effects: +1 Intelligence +1 Charisma.

Dancing with this staff will ease the suffering of wandering souls and direct them towards a better place. It is unknown how it works. Attacking with this staff will break it.]

"Wow!" Princess replied looking at the staff. She spun it, swung it and held it in various ways. "This is totally a staff for dancing!"

Jericho smiled at his sister. "I'm glad you like it."

Llyn turned to Shiarra, {Jericho, ask the warrior what she wishes for as a reward. Tell her she cannot wish for us to aid others. This is a personal reward.}

The bard relayed the message.

The warrior smiled. "Ask them if they can improve my elemental or magical resistances."

The man didn't question and continued the role of translator.

{Indeed I can improve her water resistance.} The elemental moved his watery hand and touched the armored woman's head passing on the reward.

[Water resistance gained: You will take 1 point less of damage from magical and water sources per point of resistance. Current water resistance 34. (2 point per level each)]

Shiarra was pleased with the reward but remained concerned. "Jericho, how does this help us complete our other quest?"

Jericho shook his head. "I don't know yet."

{Jericho, send the other two off and stay behind. Tell them they are welcome to visit any time but we must speak to you alone. This concerns both your initial request and also your reward for aiding us. Let them know this may take a while.} Llyn spoke seriously.

The bard nodded. "Princess, Shiarra, the elemental is requesting that for the next while I remain with them alone for an unknown period of time. He said it is both related to my reward and our earlier request."

Princess smiled. "Don't worry about me, big brother. Shiarra and I will go have fun elsewhere!"

The woman in armor half-smiled; "we can look for another quest to do later. Let us know when you are done playing around in the water. Oh, and keep us posted on the potential solution to the village problem. Even though the player population in these earlier areas has thinned out, I don't want to wait too long since someone else will likely receive the same quest."

Jericho nodded. "Stay safe you two."

His sister and their teammate left.

Llyn swayed slightly. {Jericho, your reward would not normally be offered. However, the others and I have spoken and agreed that what you have done for us cannot simply be repaid through simple means. While we elementals are immortal and normally cannot truly die, when we temporarily experience death we become weak again like the little ones that like to follow princess. The work you have done saved the elementals years of work to regain their strength.} The large elemental pause for a moment. {Glawio, are you sure you wish to be the one?}

The human height water elemental emerged from the water. {Of course; if I didn't then the others would start fighting for the chance. We don't need to stir up the water and make the humans mad at us again. Jericho, follow us.} He tapped man's shoulder.

[You have been given the blessing of the water spirit. You cannot drown for 1 hour.]

The two larger elementals walked towards the lake.

Jericho followed.

After entering the lake, Jericho was dragged to the center of the body of water and pulled into its depths by the elementals. He looked around to see that he was in an unusually clear section of water that seemed to pulse with vitality.

{Welcome, Jericho the Bard, to the heart of the lake.} Glawio introduced where they were. He picked the orb and 18 of the 23 herbs up. He carefully wrapped orb in the herbs before injecting power into it. The herb covered orb shrunk.

Glawio slid in front of Jericho. {Before we give you your gift, there are a few things you must learn. In this world there are eight guiding elements.} He motioned towards the image of a compass rose etched into the lake floor. {The four main elements are Wind, Fire, Earth, and Water. Humans often misunderstand these elements. All four of these elements contain properties of control, life, freedom, and death. Each of these elements specializes in one of these four aspects. However, humans have it backwards.

The wind, represented by north, exercises a subtle control over other things. It creates chaos and seems free. Because of this, humans see wind as the embodiment of freedom. However, the more unrestrained your life, the more you desire to control others and the more restricted you become. Wind on its good days acts as a guide for the clouds, the dust and other things. If used correctly, wind is the most defensive element. Using it for speed and accuracy is foolish.

Fire, represented by the east, burns with life and vitality. It lives and breathes like you humans do. It consumes things as it passes. Because of this, humans view fire as the element of death and destruction. However, fire provides nutrients for things to grow. Fire provides the warmth and light needed for life. Fire is what helps mortals feel alive instead of just being alive, a thing you call passion. There is nothing that lives that does not consume. Fire however always gives back. If used correctly, fire is the best life giving and healing element. Using only the power of consuming will weaken the heart of the fire. The fire elementals will tell you that because of their passion they are the best artists. Don't listen to them, we are.

Earth, represented by the south, is stable on the surface. There is order and reason to everything the earth does. Because of this, humans view earth as a stable existence that restricts movement and exercises control over things. Earth is patient and vengeful. It waits before erupting. They know the rules that make up the world and use it to their full advantage. Earth's apparent rigid nature allows it greater freedom. It can change like the sands. It can remain still and hard. It can form crevices, valleys, and mountains. When it wants, it can set up the conditions for creation and destruction. Earth uses order to create freedom. If used correctly, earth is the fastest and most accurate element. Using it like a shield is a literal waste of potential energy.

Water, my favorite of course, is represented by the west. Water seems necessary for you humans to survive. As you are creatures mostly made up of water but aren't water, it is reasonable for your kind to misunderstand our element. Most humans think of water as a life giver; a boon of healing. However, water in its dormant state will slowly eat away and consume vitality. It will slowly erode away and age the other elements. Water crushes, destroys and changes the things around us. We are good artists too. The things that remain from our wake are often considered beautiful by human standards. This is another reason we are often called the element of life. Water if used correctly is the strongest destroyer among the elements and also the best artists however, as I said earlier, the fire elementals will argue that they are better. But enough about the arts. Using water as a means to heal will only hasten death.} Glawio concluded his narrative.

[You have learned about the true nature of the four cardinal elements, the northern wind, the eastern fire, the southern earth, and the western water. When working with the elements your skills will grow slightly faster]

Jericho looked enlightened. {What about the other four?}

Glawio mimicked a human laughter sound. {Humans only recognize three of the other four natural elements. There are more than just eight elements but they belong to other unique sources of power. Since you are still human to a degree, I will wait till later to teach you in detail. To the Northeast belongs the element of electricity. To the Southeast belongs the element of crystal. To the Southwest belongs the element of wood. The element of the Northwest will be a topic for another day.}

{I understand.}

{Now, onto the next subject, as Llyn explained before, after an elemental experiences death, they are reborn and need to take time to regain their former strength. However, on occasion, an elemental will experience true death. When it comes time for them to be reborn, a core like this one is formed.} He showed the core wrapped in herbs to the bard. {This is a soulless core. We elementals work to protect cores like these as they can birth new life given certain conditions.}The elemental placed the tiny core into Jericho's hand. {This core has been covered by Gemini lilies and compressed with my power. Swallow it. It is our gift to you.}

Jericho tilted his head. {What will happen when I swallow it?}

Glawio drooped slightly. {I forgot, humans are often suspicious of things. You will become a water elemental like us. However, because of the Gemini lilies you will also remain a human like you currently are. You will be able to use our skills since they will be your own. Some of them will require you to become stronger but that is to be expected. Understand this offer will only come once. This is something we do not normally offer to mortals, but you have proven to be different. The best way we can repay you is through this offer. You will also be able to save the human village on your own, once you are stronger, if you choose to.}

Jericho nodded. {Will I be able to learn the skill Split?}

{Yes, however it is a skill lesser elementals cannot use as lesser elementals are our weakest form. You must become stronger to use it.}

Jericho's hesitation vanished as soon as he learned it could help him achieve his musical goals. He swallowed the core.

© J Eranoth