The restart

Naruto: kawaki why?

Kawaki: because this is...the end of shinobi.

Kawaki left while, Naruto stare at him in daze an closed his eyes, the next moment he opens the eyes and find himself in his mother arms, while she talks with his father.

Minato: don't worry about that and stay at naruto's side. Naruto : wath's the **** is happening?? is tis genjutu, no I somehow ended back when I was born!!, I..... don't... have.. much.. strength.... left.

Closing his eyes. Kushina:naruto! She said while is crying. Kushina: thank you, Minato. Minato is Tighten his fist, then put his hokage Cloack then left. On the Hokage Rock Minato suddenly appear.

Minato: as the Hokage I shall protecting the village that is my family. Kyuubi Launch a bijuudama at Minato then Minato sealed it with Space-Time Barrier Minato: with something that large I need to be careful where I send it, I need to tell the third wath's happening. Suddenly someone's arrived behind him, Minato atack with his kunai but the man with mask on his face grabbed his hands, Minato use his Flying Thunder God Technique (Hiraishin no Jutsu) to teleport near the forest Minato (shocked) : wath's that Jutsu?!! Suddenly the space distort and the masked man apear. Minato: (think) so he use Space-Time ninjutsu so that's how he can take kushina and to disappear so quickly who is he?? ( Speaks) are you uchiha madara???, no he's dead. Masked man: are you sure about that? Minato: why are you targeting us? Masked man: for peace.

Both of them aproching to each other Minato has kunai in hands and throw's in the direction of the masked man but he pass through the kunai

and reach 7 inches away from minato

Masked man: I got you

But instant Minato formed rasengan in one arm and teleport on top of masked man head and then he hit him with rasengan (Boooom!!)

Minato: that was Flying Thunder God Technique 2!

Masked: damm it! He jumped to the kunai he threw.

The masked man get away from Minato apear with 30 metres from him, his right hand melt and fell down the ground

Masked man: I can't let my guard one second with you.

Then Minato teleport near the masked man and put on him un contract seal. (he put his mark when he hit him with Rasengan)

Minato: you no longer have kyuubi in your control.

[In the village]

Kyuubi rampage in the village

Iruka mother: are you okay Iruka

Iruka : father, mom!!

Iruka father: why didn't you remain at shelter?!

Iruka: I don't wanna run anymore I wanna to protect you and mother!! (saying while crying)

Third hokage: we must reduce the amount of loss, I need time to perform the Jutsu, stay on offense. Saying to the jonins and anbu in his back

Jonin a anbu: YES!!! ( Replied Simultaneous)

an anbu: let's go!! (tey disappear)

they arrived in the air few meters from the kyuubi and threw at him explosive kunai but that angered kyuubi which attacked with his paw and drove them away

On the building that sat third hokage

Third hokage: summoning jutu, come the monkey King Enma!!!

Enma: kyuubi ha? so the seal was destroyed

Third hokage: we will drive him from the village?!

Enma: I understand, transformation jutu.(Pof)

The next moment the smoke disepper a large bar with a eye at top the third catch it and point at kyuubi.

Third hokage: let's go!!

Enma: OK!!

The third: extend yourself.

The bar extend and hit the nine tails in stomach and push him outside of the village.

Third hokage: Minato where are you?

[Back to the forest]

Minato and the masked man stod face to face

Masked man: I expect no less from the fourth hokage, to push me to this extent but kyuubi in future will belong to me there are multiple ways to achieve that. Saying this while uses his power to disappear

Minato: he seems to not lying

[At entrance in the forest]

There are shinobi that guard the entrance so that no one will enter.

Kurenai father: stop anyone is forbidden to pass tis point

Kurenai: but we want to help the village.

While the young shinobi agreeing with her

Kurenai father : that is not a war with other villages that's the village problem you don't need to sacrifice your life in vain


(He intrerupt her)

Kurenai father: all I want you to do is to pass the wll of fire to my grandkids for this I have faith in you.

On the Hokage Rock Minato appear.

Kyuubi is getting ready to lunch another bijuudama.

Minato: this looks bad, summoning just.

In a blink a eye a toad appears on top kyuubi with Minato on his head.

Minato: I need time immobilizes it.

Third hokage: this is to much even for me

Minato: for something that big I need a large amount of chakra.

In the next moment kyuubi disappeared.

(Booooooooom!!!!) a larger exploxion in the near mountain

Third: so he teloported there!

Near the mountain a figure suddenly apear with a woman in his arm and a baby. He looked exhausted and the woman nearly vomited blod while the baby stare at the two of them.

Naruto: is there something that I can do!!

Minato I need to raise a barrier.

Kushina: Minato I can still do it.

In the next moment huge chains encircle and imprisoned kyuubi.

Kushina: I will drag kyuubi with me in death and I will save both of you.

Minato: kushina thanks to you I become the fourth hokage because you let me become your men and I!

Kushina: Minato don't loock at me with that face I fel grateful to you for your love an grateful to give birth to naruto.

Naruto: no there's something that I can do.

Minato: Death Reaper seal.

Kushina: what are you doing

Minato : I will seal you rest of your chakra in naruto that you will watch him to grow up I will seal half of kyuubi chakra Inside me and the other side in naruto. (check episode 249 for explanation)