Getting the Game

Jose Hans was a 76-year-old man that has long grown bored of life, he was previously in the military, had a high-ranking position in a rather unique sector as well. However, once he turned retirement age, they immediately kicked him out.

Jose's wife died 4 years ago in a car crash, while his sons and daughters have all grown up and started families of their own. Every now and then they would come to visit and bring a brief moment of joy to his year, on his birthday and Christmas as well.

However, he absolutely despised his daughter's husband, he had a stick so far up his ass it would be poking out his mouth. He would constantly disrespect him and his son, due to him being some wealthy man that runs a multibillion-dollar company.

If it wasn't for his daughter constantly apologising for him, Jose would have long since taught him a lesson. Bring his military training back and put his skills into good use, show him how to respect his elders and family.

Fortunately, as of now, it was Jose's birthday and his son and daughter were coming back home to celebrate Father's Day. The family sat around the large redwood table, there was roast pork, curries, fried rice, but most importantly, there was his family.

Jose had 2 children, both of whom had 2 children of their own. Jose had a son called Jayden and daughter called Chloe. Unlike the daughter who got married at the age of 24 and pregnant at the age of 26, his son got married at the age of 20 and got his wife of age 20 pregnant the same year, giving birth to Ethan, the eldest of Jose's grandchildren. Currently being 18 years of age.

Jose sat at the end of the table, he was rather slim but well built and had dark grey hair, combed back to look neat as well as a short beard. His eyes were dark blue. And to his right was his son's family, while on the left was his daughters family, where the detestable son in law was sitting.

"Hey Ethan, you excited for the new server opening in Second World?" Sam asked. Sam was the youngest of the grandchildren, but he was still 7 years old. Jose was rather impressed by Sam's grades, he's also constantly taking part in competitions far outside of his league and doing rather well in them as well. Same had dark red hair, something he picked up from his mother. His eyes were a piercing dark blue, something Jose was proud about. He was roughly 3'5, but one the table he was currently the shortest in the room.

"Of course I am, my guild is planning on creating a branch there and guess what. I'm going to be the leader," Ethan said proudly as he pointed to himself with his thumb. Ethan was one of the more disappointing grandchildren. His future looked so promising, almost getting full top marks and winning plenty of academic and sports competitions. He could have easily got accepted into the Australia Defence Force Academy, maybe even studied overseas in a highly regarded university.

However, instead of doing that, near the end of high school his grades dropped massively. After getting confronted by his parents they found out he was spending most of his time playing games, which infuriated them. However, once he showed them the money he was making they had to accept it.

Ethan had dark brown hair and light green eyes. He was surprisingly one of the tallest, reaching 6'3 which happened to tower over Jose's son in law, Ryley.

What Jose did notice though was that Sam's expression lit up with excitement the moment Ethan said that. Jose was getting a back feeling in his stomach, he would absolutely not allow for another one of his grandchildren to go down the same route.

"Really, do you think I can join?" Sam asked with sparkles in his eyes. Jose had never seen him so happy, even when Jose told him that he could bring him on board a navy boat for a tour he never showed Jose such an expression.

"Ethan, don't go ruining your little brother's future," Jose said coldly as he frowned. Although Jose wanted Sam to be happy, he didn't want his future to be ruined because of it. "If you're going to play games, play in moderation, 1 hour a day. And Ethan, don't go letting Sam play past his bedtime."

"Hear that Sam, grandpa said I can't go ruining your future even though I'm earning quite a bit from playing games," Ethan snarked as he took a bite of his roast pork. "Grandpa, you need to get with the times, I'm earning five figures a month from playing games."

"Whoa, what does that mean?" Sam asked childishly in confusion as he tilted his head. "Is that a lot of money?"

"Haha, yes it is, and if you reach my level you can earn that much as well," Ethan said as he shook his hands through Sam's hair, roughing it up. "Who knows, maybe you have more talent at gaming than me, you could join an even bigger guild and earn more money."

Ryley, Jose's daughter's husband, was the owner of a company worth billions of dollars, he saw five figures as spare change. His two daughters were similar, they've lived a lavish life getting everything they want so they found no interest in money.

Every time they see Jayden, Jose's son or his family they look down on them with disdain. Jayden opted to do something for a job Jose wouldn't expect. Becoming a sheerer, while his wife Mia was a shed hand, collecting all the wool from the wooden floorboards.

Ryley saw that as a worthless job, he didn't see that point in it. Granted, the company he has right now was something he inherited from his parents. So, it wasn't that surprising why his attitude was so cold towards those of the lower class.

"Who knows, maybe I could employ you as a gold farmer for my guild if you get good enough," Ryley chimed in with a sarcastic remark, brushing his black silky hair back with his hands, his face cleanly shaven showing more of his arrogant expression as his dark brown eyes looked down of Jayden's children. "Oh wait, you probably wouldn't ever reach such a level, especially considering our gold farms are all at your brother's guild's leader's level."

"That's enough honey, there's no need to be disrespectful!" Chloe shouted angrily, slamming her hand on the table. Her long blonde hair would have been standing on its ends if anger could affect it, Jose's daughter, Chloe had rather pale skin and green eyes. "Remember what I told you, anymore disrespectful behaviour to my family and our relationship is over."

Ryley's eyebrows twitched as he turned to his wife. "I'm sorry darling, I was just having some friendly banter with your brother's children, no need to go shouting about divorce in front of the children."

It was obvious what he was really afraid of, not about losing his relationship with Chloe, but rather losing half his assets due to the divorce. It was the one major bargaining chip Chloe used to keep Ryley's attitude under control, it was also something she very much disliked having to do.

"Dad, I'm bored. Can we go now?" A young girl by the name of Taylah asked. She was the oldest of Chloe's children, at the age of 14. Her hair was black like her father's; however, her eyes were a piercing dark green. However, because of the high-quality life she lives, she has yet to realise the importance of studying.

Her grades are barely passing, just getting Cs and even some Ds. But when Jose had the guts to confront Chloe and Ryley about it, Ryley had the nerve to talk back as if he knew everything there was to life, despite being handed just about everything on a golden spoon.

"You're an old man now, you let me raise my children in my own way and mind your own business!" Ryley shouted angrily. Chloe's expression at the time was one of shock. It was the first she's seen Ryley act in such a manner, it was also the first time she threatened Ryley with divorce.

After Taylah asked the question Jayden replied politely, "Yes we can. It has been a pleasure seeing you again father and brother in law, we will be taking our leave now". After that, he picked up his coat from the chair and left, with his two daughters trailing behind in his wake.

The other daughter, Marie, was quite the quiet and shy one. She was currently 10 years old and unlike her older sister, she was acing just about every subject. Not to mention she gets high recognition and praise from her teachers. She had long brown hair and dark brown eyes. Jose liked her and Sam the best out of all his grandchildren, they both quiet and shy but put in the hard work.

Chloe stayed a minute longer and gave both Jose and Jayden long and strong hugs before apologising for Ryley's behaviour. Although she hated it, she really didn't want to burden her daughters with the divorce.

The atmosphere became rather awkward after that, Jayden and his wife Sophie, as well as his two lovely children Ethan and Sam stayed a while longer before leaving as well.

Once they left, Jose's was there sitting along on his large table, with a plethora of food in front of him, with no room in his stomach to continue eating. So, he began to pack it all up in containers and store it in the fridge.

His life in the military showed him the importance of not wasting any food, both due to their intense training as well as their trainers looking down on them.

After packing up Jose headed upstairs before turning left and going into his small study. It was a nice and cosy room, he would use it so he could actually keep up with everything happening in the world. But, Ryley's words at dinner sparked an interest in him, an interest in the game they were talking about.

Turning on the computer Jose opened a browser and searched for 'Second World'. A large variety of websites quickly spread across the screen, it was filled with information. There were tutorials, gameplay and fan-made story pages.

At the top, however, there was the game's main link. As Jose clicked on it the screen was filled with bits of information. Where to buy the game, what Jose needed to play it and a whole bunch of important basic information.

With his long life, he learned to always read everything there is to the information. Even in the fine print, he would sometimes whip out a magnifying glass to make sure no company was trying to scam him of his money.

Jose put in his details and where to set it up. The receipt appeared with a small message, thanking him for the order. Jose quickly took a screenshot. It's better to always keep that information so if it doesn't come I can get a refund or get them to do it again.

After that Jose turned off his computer and went to bed, he turned his electric blanket on the lowest settings as he laid flat against his back. His pillow was fluffy while his bed was slightly firm, but still had the right cushion to make it comfortable.

When Jose woke up, he went ahead and did his daily routine, one he's done for the past few years. He went downstairs and made himself a vegemite sandwich for breakfast, along with a cup of coffee. He then went back upstairs and onto the balcony, sitting down in his rocking chair as he ate and admired the view.

Jose spent a lot of my money on this house that overlooked the ocean. He loved it, reminded me of my days in the Navy. Spending some quality time with other soldiers, playing games and telling stories. Those were some of the best days of his life, aside from the birth of Chloe and Jayden of course.


The sound of a car honking caught Jose's attention. Looking down from the balcony he realised there was a small truck in front of his house. On the side, it said in big letters, "NEW GAMING EXPERIENCE". He could only think of one thing that would be delivered in such a truck and went downstairs to open the door for them.

When Jose opened the door, they were visibly stunned to see him, an old man. Jose wasn't surprised either, you wouldn't think that an old man would ever try out a new and popular game yet here Jose's stood.

"Package for Harrison Watson," The delivery man in front of me said, he had a machine in his hands, used for signatures to confirm their delivery. On the left side of his chest was a small badge, "Caleb".

"Yes that would be me," Jose said as he reached out, taking the electronic pen from Caleb's hand and putting in his signature.

After Jose signed it Caleb motioned at the other people to come in. They opened the back of the truck and put the large box onto a pallet jack and moved it towards the house. They barely managed to fit it through the door, but after a few small adjustments, they were able to slide it through.

Jose led them to the back living room, Jose never really used this living room so aside from a couch there wasn't anything else there. They quickly put the box down and opened it up, revealing the large Navy-blue capsule.

The capsule's design was rather simple, it just looked like any pod. It was able to completely isolate the player in the game world with no disturbances. After reading the manual Jose came to know that there were also safety precautions that have been set in place.

The capsule constantly checked on the condition of both the body and mind. Once the player reached a certain limit of stress it would eject the player from the game. This was to avoid any deaths or permanent damage. A timer would be seen on the top left of a players screen, indicating them of the time they had left.

Jose turned on the capsule and opened it up. Inside was a gel-like substance along with a suit. These were add-ons that were supposed to make the experience much better. Jose didn't know how but he had a bit more money to splurge.

Jose put everything on and hopped inside the capsule. Jose almost instinctively retreated when he felt the old gel envelope the lower half of my body. Because Jose ordered the game and capsule at the same time, they had already installed the game, so he could start whenever he wanted.

After Jose read the manual, he knew that to get into the game he just had to relax his entire body, as that was the safest time to disconnect his control over it. They don't want people tensing or lifting anything as they're about to go in.

There was only Jose's head above the gel, however, equipped on his head was the helmet which helped deal with the stress, he felt the control over his body slowly fade away, to the point where he couldn't move a finger, it was slightly frightening. Jose's mind went completely blank before an array of bright colours appeared before me, then, he felt as though I was floating in space.

[Welcome to the Second World]

[Which server would you like to play on?]