Chapter 19

isclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

Beta: Caracac

Warning: Contains blood, gore, sex, possible rape, sword fights, dark shit you will never unsee, demons, angels, witches, wizards, medieval crap, and pure unadulterated badassery.

Special thanks: Gorchanstruck (keep those weapons and abilities classy my friend)


"Yes this is our home." He said as he put an arm on both his children and walked towards the gate as he looked at the fecal matter covered handle in front of him. I however could only stare in shock as the discrimination towards other human species was far beyond anything I had seen. However Cly cleaned off the handle and pushed open the gate as he turned to me.

"Come on inside Percy, I would you like you to meet my wife and the people you will be working with until you leave." He said as I nodded and quickly went inside as I couldn't help but take one long last look at the markings as I felt rage boil inside me. However I felt a hand on my cheek as I saw Gaia shake her head.

I got the message as I proceeded forward into the mansion that lay before me. In time I would understand that this world was just like any other dungeon with its monsters and safe havens.



"Come on boy is that all the fight you have?" Yelled the man in front of me as I wiped a trail of blood coming from my mouth. I then spit a glob of it on the ground as I slowly stood up, my stomach was in an extremely amount of pain after I just got kicked up but I was still good.

"You know when I said I needed training this wasn't what I expected." I said looking up at Cly as he gave me a mocking stare. His sword was planted firmly in the ground in front of him as he was currently beating my ass with everything he had. The risks I take to improve myself.

"Well you said you wanted to get stronger and improve your skills and who better than someone who possess a phantasmal level skill in all his sword arts?" He asked me as I growled. I somehow didn't want to believe it but the truth was he was way better than me with a sword. Unfortunately he wasn't going easy on me either as my body was covered with cuts and bruises, he wouldn't let me eat anything to heal myself either.

"God you're worse than Zeus." I mumbled as Cly just gave me a confused look as if the name held no importance to himself.

"Anyways breaks over now come." He said as he pulled his sword out of the ground as the simple steel sword in his hands was like a legendary weapon on steroids. But I still compelled myself to attack the crazy person before me, as of lately I had gotten accustomed to claymore style swords. So the massive 5 foot sword sliced through the air on a killing trajectory only to be simply deflected by Hades with little effort.

The blade smashed into the ground digging itself into the ground. However the massive sword was like any other small sword as I ripped the sword from the ground and slashed upwards at him for him to only simple block the strike. In fact he was so strong it felt like I was hitting some sort of metal pole as he didn't move and inch but my sword bounced of his own blade. I could only continue onwards as my sword was like a bolt of lightning and every clash was an explosion between us.

However due to stat difference my incredibly powerful strikes had little to no effect on him. But he only defended for a minute before he suddenly began attacking as I was instantly pushed back. He attacked with such precision that I could only barely deflect his blows or block them and when I did block them I was pushed back a few feet. The vibrations alone were enough to shake my arms to a numb state. Yet he still continued to pummel me into the dirt.

He then suddenly threw a kick in with his strikes but I was ready this time as I jumped back in time to dodge. It this gave us a few feet separation as I let out a roar and put all my strength into my upwards strike. Cly even went as far as putting both hands on his sword as he brought a powerful downwards strike towards me. The instant out blades me an ear splitting breaking sound erupted from the blades.

With that both blades shattered under the impact from one another and shard of metal exploded out in all directions. Every inch of my five foot claymore shattered into inch long razor sharp projectiles and those projectiles shot towards me and Cly. The instant they hit Cly I could only watch them bounce off him like they were balls of dirt. But one or two suck in his arms as he covered his face.

On my part I was left for dead as the shards of metal stabbed into me as I also covered my face. But I could only glare at Cly as I shot forward as he looked surprised as I shot a fist at him. But he reacted instantly as he blocked my strike and his other fist was launched right at my face. My free hand raised up to push the strike out of the way but only to find his arm was immovable even for my redirecting strike.

That instant his fist punched me right in the face and I went down like a sack of flour. I only rolled a few feet but as I came to a stop I found my whole world spinning. I could only push myself to my knees and elbows before I felt nausea overtake me as I was forced to put my head on the ground.

Alert! You have suffered a critical blow and others!

30% decrease in natural healing.

20% Hp reduction until shrapnel wounds heal

5 minute confusion status effect implemented

5 minute bleeding statues effect implemented

I could only stare at the alert as it was the only thing that wasn't spinning as I had to blink a few time. I then slowly turned myself so I was sitting on my butt as I put my hands behind me to prop myself up. Cly just stared down at me as he pulled the shrapnel from his arms with ease as I just sat there.

"You okay?" Cly asked me as I slowly looked down at myself to find nearly 2 dozen pieces of metal sticking out of my chest. Though they were only superficial wounds they still hurt like hell and looked like hell.

"I think but I won't be standing anytime soon." I said as I started to pull the metal pieces out of me one by one. Due to all my pain reduction skills I felt little to nothing as I pulled them out. Thankfully the pain reduction skills would still tell me if I had an injury so I wasn't randomly going to hurt myself if all my pain was gone.

"I think that will do it for today." Cly said as I nodded as I finished pulling out the rest of the shrapnel only for each piece to be eaten by myself. This in turn healed most of my wounds the shrapnel caused, now all I needed was a shower. But before that I needed for the world to stop spinning.

As I did I checked my skills to see in anything had leveled up as I could only sigh to see that none had leveled up. But over this past weeks I did managed to have a few level ups but nothing to significant. It was much faster than normal training and fighting so I couldn't complain, but it would be better if Cly wasn't such a dick about it. Ever since he had told me he knew I liked Viola it had been like this.

"Boys!" I heard a female's voice call from inside the house as both me and Cly turned to see a very beautiful women walk out of the house. Thankfully the training field had a weather barrier around it so there was snow inside and the temperature was a solid 70 degrees.

But as the women came closer and entered the barrier she proceeded to brush off the snow that had gathered on her large black overcoats hood. As she did she pulled it down revealing a healthy head of black hair and that had all been pulled back in a very fancy looking pony tail. Her skin tone was slightly lighter than Viola's in her hair there were two small pointy ears. They were about half the length of Viola's.

However her eyes were a very dark chocolate brown but always seemed to give off a warm feeling. Like they were always smiling even if she wasn't. If you need to ask this was Cly's wife or Vanessa Dark. She was a dark elf human mix which I asked Cly about but he refused to talk to me about. But between the morphed human and the half dark elf I was surprised that they got two kids who could be so different from one another.

But I didn't question it as Vanessa walked over to us with a smile that radiated warmth as she gave Cly and hug and kiss as I turned away as the two gushed over one another. I then turned to see several other servant I had grown accustomed to seeing carrying in crates of foods and other things. The world was still spinning slightly as I just sat there and watched Vanessa and Cly finish speaking as Vanessa turned to me.

"Good evening Perseus." She said with a smile as I gave her a hand wave, I had given up on trying to getting to call me Percy. However she gave me a confused look.

"Cly you aren't being too hard on young Perseus are you?" She asked Cly as he scratched the back of his head as I smirked at him.

"He is the one who wanted training." He said with a cough as she gave a pouty face as Cly seemed to freeze in place. Number one rule of the Dark family household Vanessa always got what she wanted.

"You need to be nicer to him." She said in a slightly pouty tone as Cly seemed to sub come to her childish appearance and nodded. With that she gave a smile and kissed him on the cheek as he blushed a little. Even if the two looked late thirties to early forties they acted like children sometimes. At first it was weird but after a while you get accustomed to it.

"It's fine." I said as I slowly stood up but stumbled a little as I caught myself and then stood up properly.

"Yeah it's fine, just men being men." Said Cly with a cough as Vanessa didn't seem to buy it.

"Sure, anyways Perseus I need you to do something for me." She said as I nodded as she smiled.

"What is the task?" I asked her as she reached into her inventory and appeared to be looking for something. Don't let her appearance and attitude fool you Vanessa was a level 1800 demon hunter, however with her kids coming she retired from being an adventure. Only the level 3700 Cly remained in action. But after a second she pulled out a small box covered in a small amount of linen as I instantly recognized as a bento.

"I need you to bring this to Viola. I mean to drop it off during my shopping but I forgot." She said as if she was a horrible mother. But I wasn't that dumb as I instantly recognized that glint in her eye. She knew I liked Viola and approved of me, though Cly didn't so she always put me in these situations with her daughter.

Alert! Quest available!

Quest name: Take Viola the bento


Bring Viola's lunch to her school before lunch

Bonus task:




Bonus Reward:

A date with Viola

Do you wish to take this quet?


"That I can do." I said as I took the bento and put it in my inventory as I accepted the quest.

"You might want to get cleaned up first." Cly suggested as I looked down at my blood stained chest as I nodded in agreement. I just went towards the house so I could get cleaned up.


10 minutes later I was in the streets in a brand new pair of linen clothes and thick winter coat with a mission on hand. I quickly ran through the snow filled streets as the falling snow never seemed to stop. Decorations for Deities day were already up and there were multiple items being sold as well. Small figures of certain deities such as some angel gods and blacksmith gods. I even saw a few Tens ones as I continued on my way.

I saw box's being wrapped in colorful paper and people carrying small pine trees with boxes containing decorations. All in all it was just like Christmas on earth as I seemed to enjoy the festive time of the year. However as I ran through the streets I quickly came upon Viola and Angel's school. This school was much smaller than the academy that I was used to but it was still decent size.

I saw a barrier covering a practice field to keep the conditions right as well as a few other things that had the students working in the conditions. But surrounding the school was a 6 foot tall brick wall with one gate in front. It was a more prestigious school so of course there was a few guards in front as I quickly ran over to the gate. As I did I slid to a stop in front of the guards who were nearly 13 foot tall demi-behemoths.

Their bodies were huge and muscular beyond anything I had ever seen and they had massive mains of hair that went all the way down to their knees. Each wore a massive thick overcoat as that was black and was decorated with the school's insignia on the front. They just looked at me as I stood in front of them only half their height.

"What do you want?" One asked me.

"I need to make a delivery to a Viola Dark." I said as they looked at one another.

"What is the delivery?" They asked me.

"Her lunch." I said pulling out a bento as they again looked at one another.

"Go inside the main office and sign in as a visitor, then bring it to her." One said as he put his hand on the giant gate and moved it like it was nothing. I gave them a nod and went inside the school yard. As I did I quickly found the castle looking school as I went inside as the warmth hit me. I only smiled a little as I got out of the cold and proceeded to the main office.

"Hello?" I asked around as I found an older harpy lady writing something down a piece of paper as she looked up at me.

"What are you here for now?" She asked me as she instantly recognized me. Let's just say Vanessa sent me here a lot.

"Lunch." I said as she rolled her eyes and quickly scratched won my name without me even telling her.

"I already signed you in Perseus, take the visitor pass and I believe you know the way." She said as I nodded as she went back to her work as she kind of reminded me of any school secretary ever in existence.

With that I was walking to Viola's class room which was on the second floor but right before I got to it I heard shuffling inside and children talking as I looked up at a magical clock to find Lunch had just started.

"Just on time." I said as the door opened revealing a wave of students as they all funneled out of the room. I just stood to the side as some of the students noticed me but paid me no mind while others gave me a wave. I just waved back as the nearly 50 students all funneled out of the room.

"Viola your boyfriend is here!" A full blood elf girl yelled as you could hear a dramatic sigh from inside the classroom and a 'shut up tiffany'. With that the elf girl snickered and gave me a wink as she was on her way with her followers behind her. I then walked inside the classroom to find Viola angrily mumbling to herself about what things she was going to do to tiffany.

"Hey there." I said as she looked up at me with a small smile on her lips.

"Let me guess…lunch?" she asked me as I nodded and took out a bento as Viola sighed happily.

"Oh and here I thought I was going to starve." She said as she sat down in her desk as I chuckled as she quickly opened it. Inside was a simple meal of rice, some vegetables, beef, and some deity day sweets.

"Thank you so much." She said as she stomach rumbled and a blush covered her face. At the same time she began to eat as I took a seat on the desk beside hers as I looked around the room to see a few other students eating lunchboxes. A few were both studying and eating at the same time, I then turned back to Viola who caught my stare.

"What?" She asked me.

"Where is Gaia?" I asked her remembering the spirit wanted to go to school with Viola today.

"Oh she is napping." She said as she pulled out a drawer in her desk revealing a small amount of fabric and stuffing that had been turned into a pillow and blankets that were encasing a small drooling Gaia. I could only smile as she slowly pushed the drawer back shut as the sleeping Gaia was left alone.

"She sleeps a lot more than she should." I said as Viola snickered and nodded.

"So anything special happening today?" I asked her.

"Last day of school before our break." She said thankfully with a sigh as I chuckled.

"That reminds me are you going to enroll here?" She asked me as I scratched the back of my head.

"I don't know, I know mostly everything they are teaching you right now." I said as Viola didn't look convinced.

"Really? Then what is a fire drake's ultimate weakness?" She asked me.

"Trick question. It has two ultimate weaknesses. One is water magic and the other is a spot on the underside of its belly. It's soft spot if you will." I said.

"Lucky guess. What is a corrupted wood nymph's way of escape and how can you block it?" She asked me.

"They can vegetation movement which allows them to move from plant to plan through the roots. The only way to keep them pinned is to cut the roots of a plant." I said as Viola bit her lip.

"Fuck you are smarter than you look." She said as I laughed at her rare use of a cuss word.

"Anyways you can have this back." She said as she handed me back the empty bento box. I took it and put it in my inventory as she slowly got up and stretched.

"Thanks…" But before I could speak again I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder as I winced lightly. Viola noticed this as I reached up my hand and felt the pained spot as it instantly located my mark that was forever planted on me. I then brought my hand back as I saw the blood lightly running out of it as I felt worry build up in me.

"What's wrong Percy?" Viola asked looking at the blood on my fingers with a worried look.

"Something evil is on your campus…stay here." I said as I left Viola behind as I could feel whatever it was locking onto my position. This dam mark acting like a torch in the middle of a dark world for it. But as I made my way down to the first floor I suddenly saw teachers running around quickly.

"What's happening?" I asked one of the teachers as they rushed past me.

"Something broke past the schools barriers from above. We are suspecting it is a monster. All students need to remain in the school building until this event runs over." They said as they ran past me as I looked around and quickly rushed outside. The instant I did something was immediately shot into the earth in front of me creating and explosion of snow and earth.

I could only cover my face as the storm of dust and snow rushed past me. I only opened up my eyes to find of the demi behemoths that was guarding the school was now lying dead in the crater. A hole the size of my head was prominent on his chest as his blood gushed from it. I then looked around and I finally found my target.

It was and old man that seemed to be from the blue skin demon tribe, his body looked unharmed but sticking from the end of his hand was the guard's heart as he was eating it like a delicacy. Behind him was the other guard who had been split in half as the dead body bled everywhere. I only focused on the blue skinned demon as he suddenly noticed my gaze. As he did his blood covered mouth smiled at me and he dropped the heart.

"I knew I sensed a tasty morsel around here. You don't know how long I have waited for you to come out of hiding. But seems this tasty morsel will be mine for the taking." He said with an evil laugh just then I used [Analysis] on him.

Wind fetcher Corrupted devil

Age: 180 Race: Blue skinned devil {empowered}

HP: 75 billion/75 billion

MP: 100 million /100 million

Lv: 1060









Looking at the info I gritted my teeth as I saw the {empowered} beside his name. For the past couple weeks after I exited the dungeon I also felt an ominous pressure in the air around me and looking at the old demon in front of me it appeared he was the reason.

"Halt!" I heard people yelling as the teachers began to circle around the old man as his face scrunched up.

"You are in my way, disappear." He said as he suddenly waved his hand as the wind in the sky began to rumble as the teachers all began to be pushed away like tumbleweeds. The wind bent to this old man's commands as it twirled around him in a tornado like fashion. But every teacher who was at level 500 was easily pushed away as they were thrown into the air. I was the only one unaffected as the man waved his hand as the wind dispersed leaving him standing alone.

"Empowered!" One of the teachers yelled as he seemed to be able to tell what this old man was. However the old man's face scrunched up showing his displeasure in the word.

"I prefer the term enlightened being." The old man laughed as everyone shook under the pressure. However I stood firm as he smirked as I put up a front.

"Still for a sacrifice of your level to survive is incredibly impressive. You should have become nourishment for one of my brethren long ago from what I can tell, your mark says it all. But now I can accomplish what they did not, sacrifice you to the higher ones and in turn gain your power." He said as I gritted my teeth as I felt my mark burn with resent.

"Percy what is he talking about?" I suddenly heard a voice as I turned to see Viola with a floating Gaia beside her. Gaia just stared in shock at the scene before her as she had been napping a minute ago before Viola woke her up.

"I don't-." But I was cut off as Gaia let out a scream as the ground quaked and the old man seemed surprised. In an instant spikes nearly 12 feet long ripped out of the ground and launched themselves at the old man. But like a feather he managed to dodge them all as the wind kept him afloat as more spikes shot at him.

"Spirits should now intervene." The old man shouted as suddenly he flung something out of his inventory as a small flag hit the ground. The instant Gaia saw this she retreated as a dome began to expand from the flag. The dome instantly went past me and Viola as Gaia shot into the air away from it. The dome finally stopped as it covered about 3 football fields as Gaia breathed heavily outside it.

"Why does he have such a powerful spirit killing field?" Gaia said as the old man chuckled as he landed lightly on the ground.

"Your spirit is smarter than I imagined." He said as I backed up slowly if Gaia seemed panicked as she held out a hand to use her magic but as soon as it hit the barrier a bolt of electricity recoiled back at her as she was hit by it. She only let out a pained cry as I looked up at her only for her to shake her head.

"This little treasure is something I ran upon while killing another sacrifice. I thought maybe it would come in handy one day and it appears I was right." He said as I glanced as at Viola.

"Go get your father, I can hold him down until then." I said as she gave a panicked look but nodded as she began to sprint as fast as she could towards the exit of the school.

"Oh? Trying to escape?" He said with a laugh as I watched him pull out another flag that was also black. In an instant I was already charging towards him to get him to spot but I was to slow as the flag hit the ground and quickly expanded past me. Viola however pushed herself to the limit as she sprinted as fast as a dark elf could.

She looked back at the quickly approaching barrier only to turn back towards the gate as she pushed herself harder. Her body suddenly glowing in a light green glow as her speed nearly double as she used some of her magic. But the barrier seemed to increase its speed as well as it encroached on her. But with one last ditch effort she jumped with all her might as she escaped the barrier right as it met the school's gates. Her foot only inches ahead as she tumbled on the ground only for her to quickly roll to her feet and proceed to sprint back home.


"Tsk! She is faster than I imagin-." But the man was interrupted as a white hot spear tip was thrust towards him. He quickly dodged as the air hissed and the snow around Percy melted the spear in his hands the same one he liberated from the kobold king. Though he still hadn't had it appraised it was still useful to him.

"That is a big spear for a little man." Said the old man but Percy didn't stop as he began to thrust the white hot spear at him. At first the man only dodged but the heat from the spear tip was too much as his clothes were beginning to steam as if threatening to catch fire. So he launched his first attack at Percy but the instant he did Percy swept the spear through a large pile of snow in front of him sending up a cloud of steam.

"Fucking rat!" The old man cursed as the cloud of steam clouded his vision. He could only looked around as his senses were being hindered greatly. However a whistle in the air caught his attention as he flung up his hand to catch an arrow that was aimed right at his temple. But before he could reaction a hidden arrow suddenly slammed right into the back of the first arrow. This thrust the first arrow in the old man's hand towards him and he quickly let go of the arrow and dodge backwards.

But he was to slow as the arrow managed to cut him right across his forehead as black blood began to pour from the wound in little amounts. The old man cussed in annoyance as several more arrows cut through the steam and right at him. However this time each one was knocked away with a gust of wind from the old man. These only seemed to tick him off as he let out a roar and a torrent of wind began to rush around him in a tornado.

"Disappear!" The old man roared as he thrust his hands down and all the steam quickly dispersed leaving an empty area in front of him. No sighs of Percy were found as he looked around to find nothing. However a hissing sound entered his hearing as he quickly looked down to see Percy basically as close to the ground as he could get. The white hot spear was now inches from him as he threw up his arm to block the attack.

The spear met the arm and let out a sizzling sound as the old man jumped back as the wind carried him. But his arm that was hit was left where he once stood as the arm which was now on fire fell to the ground. Percy stood over it as he looked at the spear impressed as the old man looked shocked that the spear even hurt him in the first place.

"Well you could almost say that was almost like a hot knife through butter." Percy joked for a second as the old man's face contorted as he let out a feral roar.

"No more games!" He said as his face began to contort as Percy stared in awe as the man's stub began to grow until a brand new arm was left behind. But then the wind began to change as Percy felt a sense of crisis began to grow in him. Just then he put away the spear and pulled out a large shield which he had bought a week ago. The reason being he needed to improve a new ability he had gotten and eating shields was the best way.

"Earth drake's golden body!" Percy yelled as he felt his MP drain a little as his skin began to itch. After a second his shirt suddenly burst open as fist size green scales began to pop out of his skin. In a second his entire body including the areas around his eyes and mouth had smaller scales on it. Even his hair was seemingly covered up with green scales while two small horns popped out of his head as it made Percy look like a demi drake.

This skill was made from combining 3 of the five skills Percy got from eating the earth drake. The three skill in question were [Earth drakes scales] [Earth drakes blood] [Earth drakes muscles] each of the skills came together to form [Earth drake's golden body].

Active skill: Earth drake's golden body lv-3 (0%)

Have a perfect drake body come upon you and give you the power of the Earth drake itself. This drake has the highest defense and health of all the drakes so you will become a walking fortress. Also it makes you look like a demi drake.

30% increase in HP when skill is activate (10% more each level)

30% increase in natural healing when skill is activated (10% more each level)

3% in damage when skill is active (1% more each level)

3000 defense x MP used (1000 more defense each level)

Cost: 100 MP every 30 mins to sustain skill effects (1MP less every 5 levels)

As the scales covered Percy he brought up the shield in front of him as a massive blast of wind suddenly hit him. Percy was forced down to a knee under the strike as he planted the shield in the ground. The wind dug trenches around Percy and the shield it was so powerful, Percy could only use all his strength to hold up the shield against the blast of wind. Finally it died down as the shield in Percy's arms finally gave way and began to break apart.

Health 162,500/162,500 (30% increase) 211,250/211,250

Mana 325,000/325,000 (30% increase) 421,500/422,500

Defense 2,500,000/3,000,000 (temporary)

Even with the shield guarding him he still lost over 500,000 defense in that one strike and that was with a 27.5% physical and magical damage reduction. He bit his lip in frustration as he looked up from the broken shield to see the man before him was no more a man. Instead he was a massive creature of a sort.

The man's body had transformed into what looked like a giant vulture the size of a small private jet. The beast's body was covered in razor sharp feathers each nearly 4 feet long and to be made of a sort of metal. Its talons looked big enough to pick up and elephant with both at the same time. However the most disturbing thing was that the old man's face was on the birds over extended neck.

There was a massive beak of the bird but in place of eyes and nostrils was the old man's face that looked like it was grafted onto the monster. It was beyond disturbing as Percy watched in horror as the old man's face opened up its eyes as the whole eye was now black and he had a sinister grin on his face. At the time a loud screech erupted from the beak of the bird monster and the old man laughed at the same time.

"Ah! It feels so good to be in my purest form! Now nobody can stand in my way!" He said as Percy shivered. If this was pure to him then what was a normal body?

"And you!" The man said infuriated as Percy noticed a small hand clench that was at the tip of the giant wings. Seeing this made Percy want to vomit but he held it together as he pulled out a new shield which looked identical to the one he just had. At the same time he pulled out a his spear again as the heat of the tip once again made the air sizzle.

'Remember Percy not to use your true soul manifestation or your transformation ability unless you have to. If someone sees you with such a powerful soul ability who knows what will happen and if someone sees you transform then all hell will break loose. So promise me you won't.' Cly's words ran through Percy's head as he looked at the teachers who were still watching the fight from outside the barrier.

Percy was however beginning to question when a good time was as the wind began to race around him. He only stared at the massive beast in front of him as he tried to figure out what to do to delay him until Cly got here. But he didn't have time to think as the first gust of wind that was as thick as a tree rushed him. Against a formless weapon Percy had little to no way to block against it so he dodged.

The wind tore the ground apart like it was nothing and snow flew in the air in a blizzard. Percy was nearly blinded by the blizzard but he kept his wits as she rushed around the monster and occasionally stabbed at vulnerable spots. But the spear did little to nothing now. Even with its extreme heat the blade only left small marks on the skin and feathers of the beast.

Percy even went as far as using magic but the element arrows he used left nothing but small scratches. That included combining all 8 elements which left a small bloody wound but it would instantly close up. He nothing was working as he even used nearly 100 bolts of all 8 elements in one spot only for a foot deep wound to appear. But on a beast this size it was nothing and in the next 3 seconds the wound was gone.

Percy knew if he relied on this method he would run out of mana long before he managed to made a dent in the monster's health so he went with simply buying time while Cly made his way here.

"Stay still maggot!" Roar the mutant beast as his size was simply to attack Percy directly as he ran around him stabbing. However simply being in the storm of wind and snow was depleting Percy's defense every second. Percy also couldn't get close enough to take a bite from him so he was at a loss as he rushed around him dodging blasts of wind.

However the shield Percy had only lasted for minutes at the most as they crumbled apart only for it to be replaced instantly as Percy had a stock of them ready. But with time comes mistakes the massive beast suddenly swung its wing backwards at Percy as the razor sharp feathers came right at him. Percy was barely able to slide on his knees to avoid the strike by millimeters as he felt some of the scales on his person being chipped away as they were only slightly glanced by the feathers.

But Percy wasn't done as he held up the spear point behind him so as the spear passed over him the tip of the spear sliced the whole underside of the wing. Yet again the spear left nothing but a faint mark on the wing. But then as the wing finally passed over Percy waiting for him was a massive beak of the monster. In a flash the beak came down like a spear of death. In a last ditch effort to avoid the strike raised up his shield and spear to deflect it.

But the monster was ready as its beak snapped open and then clapped down with a force a thousand time more powerful than and alligators. The beak snapped down on as Percy's left arm in a flash which led the shield. The spear was torn from his right from the force of the monsters bite and was now stuck in its beak. The shield however crumpled under the bite in and instant as his arm was caught in the beak as well.

"AHHHH!" Percy cried in pain as both sides of the beak dug into his caught arm like sharp blades. His scales completely shattering under the force of the bite, next was the skin as it was torn through like wet paper and his muscles were also shredded as a large amount of blood shewed from the wound. However as the beak reached the bones it stopped s the spear that was stuck in its mouth was the only thing keeping it from biting down further.

"Fuck!" Percy yelled as intense pain shot through his whole body as his left forearm was now stuck in this massive beast's beak. However the beast did not move seeing Percy under its thumb as the human face began to laugh.

"Looks like I finally caught you. Now what should I do?" It questioned as Percy was gritting his teeth as his options began to open up as he looked up at the giant beast.

Alert! You have suffered serious injuries to your left forearm!

5% HP loss every 30 minutes

50% decrease in natural healing.

30% HP and MP reduction.

80% increase in blood loss.

50% decreased in upper body movement.

400% Increase in pain in arm.

100% increase in infection accruing.

All symptoms will remain the same until medical attention is provided. Also if arm is not healed within the next 8 hours it will become crippled.

"Fuck Cly hurry up." He cursed as the monster seemed to finally decided what to do as his human face looked down at the struggling Percy.

"I think I want to play with my food." He said as suddenly Percy was jerked up into the air as he felt his bones popping. In the next second he was being smashed into the ground. He could only vomit up and mouthful of blood as his entire body shook with pain. His mind went hazy as he lay there as more of his scales broke under the brutal attacks of the monster.

However Percy didn't have time to think as he was raised into the air and suddenly was being shook like a dog with its toy. The only thing keeping him in the beast's mouth was his now shattered forearm as he was smashed into the ground a few more times. Finally it came to a stop as he was left completely defenseless and his whole body was covered in bruises and cuts. His now useless forearm hung there limp in the monster's mouth.

Health: 162,500/162,500 (30% decrease) 25,345/113,750

Mana: 325,000/325,000 (30% decrease) 161,120/227,500

Defense: 0

"Do you feel despair yet? Does the feeling of fear run deep inside you? Because if it does it will only make you all the more delicious." It said as Percy glared up at the monster as he waved his free hand slightly as all the snow around them began to float and condense into massive spears until 4 spears were floating in the air.

"Oh? One last ditch effort? Fine go ahead." It said as the spear shot towards him as the massive 50 foot ice spears rammed into him. However his feathers were too strong as the spears simply shattered as they hit him. The ice rained down on Percy as he lay there as his the power hungry eyes of the monster looked down at him.

"Is that it nothing else?" I asked as Percy began to laugh as he looked over at his now useless arm. Percy could almost feel a curse spreading from the bite that felt a lot like his mark. He knew nothing, no magic or healing item, would ever heal whatever this curse was. So he finally made up his mind.

"I have one trick left for you." Percy said as he suddenly rolled over as he faced his forearm his bones cracking as he felt like he had near a hundred broken bones.

Alert! You have 102 broken bones! All movement until all bones are healed will be limited by 99%

Scratch that a 102 bones were broken. Still he leaned forward and suddenly sunk his teeth into his forearm. He didn't think as one bite turned into two and two turned into three. With a four Percy was no longer feeling any pain as pure adrenaline fueled him as he only had a small strip of flesh connect his arm to his now disconnected forearm. With a roar he pulled his arm free and the last piece of flesh snapped free as Percy rolled away.

As quick as he could he got to his feet and limped back a few step as he didn't have time to think of what had just done. He didn't realize the copper taste in his mouth lingered as his own blood stained his lips. His own ability turned against him as he watched the slightly stunned beast stare at him. It was then Percy let out a roar.

"True Soul Manifestation!" He roared as the sky inside the barrier suddenly seemed to flicker as a massive amount of mana began to gather around Percy as his true soul manifested in its true form. Planets, moon, gods, titans, primordials, every hero, and even some micro planets that Percy missed before. They were all there as the sky darkened inside the barrier as his true soul seemed to make the entire area his domain.

The four primordials of day, night, darkness, and light all circled the outer edges of the barrier as the solar system was left rotating slowly in the middle of the dome. The empowered freak could only watch in complete awe as the world change from the school to that of something in outer space. The effect never happened before but it seems like with Percy's level going higher his true soul became more powerful. Even to the point of creating a miniature domain for to exist in.

"Mars! Diana!" Percy yelled out their roman names as two lights began shine from miniature solar system. Mars the war god eyes lit up like an unholy fire and the pure silver of Diana's eyes shined from the moon as Percy began to roar. His power was filled with and unholy and holy energy.

All the pain from his broken bones and previous wounds was now gone and his muscles bulged out with pure and raw power. Also his body erupted with a flame twice as powerful as the suns as it help a fire that seemed to burn anything even emotions. Next his body seemed to gain a silver light as the blood red fire mixed with creating and red light to expand from him like he was some sort of ungodly being.

"Die!" Percy roared as he suddenly disappeared as his dexterity experienced a boost of 5 times. On Percy's right fist the blood red fire quickly expanded until it was nearly ten times the size of him as it slowly morphed into the figure of a boar. This boar let out a squeal of rage as Percy rushed the monster. However as he punched towards him with his only fist the boar shot towards him like a rocket.

The monster let out a roar of rage as the winds began to whip around him as hundreds of streams of wind shot towards the boar. But the wind pressure from Percy's fist combined with 100 times element damage and all of his mana was a result that the wind streams could not deflect. With that the boar broke through the streams of wind and rammed right into the monster. Percy was left powerless as his once floating body fell back down to earth.

With an explosion of blood red flame the boar rammed into the monster and a blinding silver light exploded out. It seemed like millions of arrows of silver light had hidden themselves in the boar and were not hitting the monster all at once. With this the monster could only throw up its wings to protect itself. Percy couldn't watch what was happening as he fell back to earth as the shockwave of the blow made him fly further away from the impact zone.

The entire barrier shook and from the outside you could see nothing but a black dome. However the barrier shook with intensity as a massive explosion took up nearly 70% of the area in the dome. This may take time to describe but this all happened in 3 breaths as the dome finally quit shaking and small amounts of cracks now appeared on it. Then the darkness retreated as the scene was finally shown to them.

A massive plume of smoke engulfed most of the land as people looked around to see if they could see anything. Slowly the dust cleared as resulting in a sigh that made everyone hearts drop. The monster still stood tall but one of its wing was now reduced nothing but bones and burnt flesh. Only half of the said wing was left as chunks of flesh dropped down to the ground in burnt chunks.

Multiple other areas were now burnt away and areas were missing feathers as well but the most amount of damaged was on the one wing. The beast then began to move as I let out a roar of anger and pain as it looked at it's now destroyed wing. Even the area around it was reduced to a sizzling ground but the monster still remained alive as it panted in pain. However the ugly human face were the normal bird face should be showed pure anger.

"You're going to die!" I roared as it looked around for it's surprisingly hard to catch prey. He was no longer thinking of escaping however. With his wing as it was he was more than likely going to be hunted down by the churches guards and killed. So before he died he wanted to rid world of the fool that pushed him into such a sorry state. But even now his wing was beginning to regenerate as it looked around.

"You really pissed it off kid." Said a voice as a soft chuckle escaped Percy's lips as he felt his body being held up off the ground. His whole body burnt and bruised from his own attack as the pain finally was coming back. His [true soul manifestation] only lasting second after he depleted his mana leaving him in a helpless situation.

"Well…I tried my best." Percy croaked out as was his throat burned.

"Cly you take care of this…beast. I will heal Percy." Said a soft voice that was filled with emotion as Percy felt himself being handed into much softer arms.

"Y-Your arm." Said the women as Percy didn't respond as he found himself quickly approached unconsciousness.

"Well it seems like you took the phrase arm for and arm too literally." Cly said as Percy couldn't help but laugh as he glanced at the beast who was also missing its left with and was staring at Cly and Vanessa.

"W-Who are you?" The beast asked as a dark aura began to emit off Cly as he pulled his sword free of its sheath. The dark aura made the air tremble as Percy watched Cly simply walked forward as the monster seemed to take 180 in emotion as it seemed terrified of Cly. But he wouldn't blame him for that, cly was terrifying right now.

"Your doom." Cly said as he suddenly vanished as the space seemed to distort as his stats were so high they seemed to warp space itself. Just then he appeared in front of the monster as his sword moved at lightning speed. One slash, two slashes, four, eight, sixteen….his sword was so fast that nothing could count the slashed besides Cly himself, but finally he stopped. He then slowly turned around and walked back to Vanessa she was using earth type healing magic on Percy as he watched Cly work.

"W…What?" The monster questioned as Cly slowly sheathed his blade.

"32,768 strikes…I am getting a little rusty." Cly said as the monster was in shock before his body finally began to turn into tiny pieces of meat that rained down into a pile of flesh and blood. But then a black flame suddenly erupted from the pile of meat as Cly turned to Vanessa who had a her eyes on the monster pile.

"Honey there is no need." He said as Vanessa shook her head. The pile of meat already gone as the black flame reduced it to ash. The barrier then began to fall apart as Cly sported two flags in his hands which then went into his inventory along with a multitude of other things that the {empowered} freak had dropped.

"I needed to get in a strike as well, for Viola." She said as her heart clenched at the thought of her daughter. She could only imagine her daughter's reaction to Percy's…condition. Just then people began to fly down from the sky as they were covered in white cloaks and had on metal armor with red trim underneath.

"You go home I will take care of this." Cly said as Vanessa nodded and disappeared from sight as she also moved at an incredible speed with Percy in her arms.

"Seems the divine church is a little late to the party." Cly said as he approached the white cloaked men.



I don't know how long I slept as I slowly felt my body wake up and my mind become clear as I woke up from the darkness that encased my mind. Slowly the sensation of being alive seemed to fill me as I slowly opened my eyes. As I did a blinding light entered them as I instantly shut them a then waited as I slowly opened them again as my vision swam. Above me as a magical lamp that lit up the room however as I saw the fancy wood on the ceiling I instantly recognized my room.

Then pain filled my body I felt all the bones in my body seemed to groan in protest from me simply laying here. I could only wince but then a warm sensation covered by body as I felt my body mending itself very slowly. I could only turn my head to see a random woman standing beside me as a healing light came out of her hands.

As she healing light covered me she noticed me moving as she looked up at me as she suddenly smiled.

"Seems like you're finally awake." She said as I tried to talk but only a dry croak came out of my mouth as I coughed. Quickly she gave me some water as the cool liquid traveled down my throat. After several glasses of water I felt a lot better, however the women kept healing me as I basked in the comfy feeling of my body healing.

"Thank you." I managed to say as my voice was still a little crinkly.

"No problem. Besides I have been healing you for the past 3 days so I guess you could say I am a little surprised seeing you awake for once. Just let me finish up this treatment and I will go get the Dark family." She said as I nodded as let her finish up healing me as I felt my bones slowly healing. However the sensation slowly ended as the woman removed her hands and the light dissipated.

"Alright that is all, there are some fruits right here if you are hungry." She motioning to her left revealing a bowl of fruits that were within hand reach. I gave a thank you and the pretty healer lady was on her way as she left me alone. I slowly reached over and grabbed an apple like thing with my right hand.

Looking at it I slowly gave a bite as the juices exploded in my mouth as the flavor was amazing. I quickly found myself eating the entire fruit and then another and another. After five fruits were inside my belly I slowed down as a warm sensation began to flow in my body. I now gently at the fruit in my hand as I could feel [Consumption absorption] working wonders on me. My bones began to mean just as fast as when the women was healing me. I knew my HP was full but due to most of my bones being broken I still technically wasn't at 100%.

However as I ate my food I felt an odd sensation rise from my left arm. I slowly looked down at my arm as my breath hitched. My arm was…gone. Only a few inches below my elbow was left as the rest was gone. I could only stare as the end of my arm was wrapped in a thick gauze preventing me from seeing the scar. However as I looked at it I slowly turned away and sighed as I laid my head back.

I stared up at the ceiling as I brought another fruit to my mouth and continued eating. My emotions not catching up with my current setting as I laid there quietly. My whole way of living just changed right before me and I felt nothing, however as I laid there I heard a slight snoring as I finally noticed a small little spirit curled up on my chest as her tiny hands tightly clenched at my shirt.

I don't know if it was because she was now wearing a white dress or because she left off a comfy healing feeling. But as I noticed her she seemed to clench at my shirt tighter. I just smiled as I gently laid my hand around her as if cupping her small body no longer was it 8 inches tall but was only 4 inches tall. She fit perfectly as my hand as it seemed to cup her perfectly as she snuggled up to my hand.

I only laid there silently as I listed to the tiny Gaia's breaths as she seemed to sniffle every now and then. However the door suddenly opened, I only turned my head as I saw an elated Viola as her face lit up. Following behind her was an equally happy Angel as the two rushed me. But I held up my hand stopping them from jumping on me as I motioned to the tiny Gaia laying on me. They seemed to understand as they quickly took their seats not but a foot from me.

"Hey." I said with a smile as I glanced up from the misty eyed children to see Cly leaning against the door as Vanessa stood by his sides.

"I thought you were going to die." Viola suddenly said as tears began to stream down her cheeks as Angel only gave a nod as a trail of snot and tears ran down his face. I could only grin as I moved my right arm and patted Viola's head as I laughed.

"It takes a lot more than a giant bird monster demon thing to kill me. But it does seem I am not that invincible." I said raising my left arm's new stub as Viola's tears fell faster.

"If only I was faster." She sobbed as I frowned lightly.

"Don't put this on yourself I am the one who decided to stall him. Besides he was after me in the first place." I said as I used my thumb to rub some of her tears away. You could see Vanessa in the background holding Cly back with a gentle stare as he couldn't meet her gaze.

"P-P-P-Percy…I was s-s-so scarred. A-A-And your arm." Angel said as snot covered his face and tears streamed down it as I grimaced a little as I reached over and ruffled the little kid's hair. Even if he was older than me I guess you could say he looked up to me in a way.

"Don't worry about me. I am fine." I said as Viola suddenly frowned.

"No you not fine look at yourself. Yours arms missing and for some reason even the highest class magic won't heal it. It is like some curse is preventing it from healing." She said like a concerned mother as I chuckled. I could only imagine as my real mother was reacting since her and my father were watching me from afar.

"I presumed as much." I said looking at my stub. However Viola seemed startled at my answer.

"Why are you so calm about this? You're missing an arm. Your life is going to be different from here on out." She said as I sighed. I guess I was underacting by a small…large margin but still.

"I don't know why I am so calm. But one thing I do know it isn't going to change much." I said with a smile as Viola didn't look convinced but remained silent as Vanessa provided Angel a much needed tissue.

"So Perseus why was that…empowered being after you?" Vanessa asked as Viola looked up at her mother with a confused look. I could only sigh as I felt my stub ache a little but I ignored it.

"I was once a sacrifice to one of them…an empowered being if you will." She said as Vanessa seemed astonished as I reached up and showed them my mark on my shoulder as everyone seemed surprised.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Asked Cly as I shrugged.

"It never came up." I said as Cly snorted as it mocking my answer.

"What is a sacrifice?" Asked Viola and Angel as Vanessa seemed to bite her lip as Cly sighed.

"A sacrifice is…a sacrifice is a person who is used as a means to power up an empowered being or those who borrow the dark deity's power. They in turn consume this person's life energy making themselves more powerful while providing half of the energy to their deities. This grants them a form of their true desires however those desires are always corrupt and turn them into hideous beasts." Cly said as I had never actually heard this information.

"However Percy seems to be and unclaimed sacrifice making him a high value target for minor empowered beings like the one just now." Cly said as I shuddered. That was only a minor empowered being? Then what the hell was an important empowered being like? The thought only sent shivers down my spine as I tried to rid myself of the thought.

"B-But is there any way to make him not a sacrifice?" Asked Viola as Cly sighed.

"If only it were that easy. I have known a few powerful people who were also sacrifices, they scoured the globe to find something to remove the mark. Though some found ancient magic techniques they could only temporary block the signal that each mark gives off." He said as he shook his head.

"The only thing that might work is actually finding a deity to remove the mark themselves. Even then it is impossible as the deities have taken a pledge to forever remove themselves from this world. Sure their follows may bring their influences into this world but they themselves cannot. The closest that you can actually come to any influence is Percy's race, the divine soul humans." He said as Percy sighed.

"But what about his wounds? Why can't they be healed?" Viola asked.

"Because all wounds from empowered beings possess a curse that no magic can cure. It is like a barrier that no magic can breach to cure. Sure the body can heal itself as nothing can influence the form in which we were all made from. But that wound will never heal." Cly said as I sighed and closed my eyes.

"So there is nothing we can do?" Said Viola as Cly didn't answer for a second.

"The best thing you can do is be there for this twerp and make sure he doesn't do that again." He said as Viola wiped her eyes but nodded as a confident look appeared on her face.

"Looks like Viola is going to be keeping a close eye on you." Vanessa said as I chuckled light as Viola suddenly blushed. Angel snickered a little but then he was hit by Viola.

"Anyways we should let Percy get some sleep. I am sure he is tired and has a lot to think about." Cly said as I didn't respond as Vanessa nodded as she urged her children to leave the room. Viola and Angel gave me a long look before they left the room as the door quietly closed. I could only then close my eyes as I went back to sleep.

LINEBREAK: a few days later

"Percy you should rest." Said Gaia as I didn't respond as I pushed myself higher in the air. My good arm below me as I was doing one armed handstand pushups. My body was covered in a sheet of sweat as I did another as my body groaned a little.

"2457." I said as I lowered myself down again as my arm burned. My stub was by my side as I continued to do more pushups.

"Perc I am serious." Said Gaia as I finally complied to the spirits pleas as I slowly lowered myself back to the ground and then stood up. Gaia, who was now in her life-size form, stood in front of me with a towel and glass of water. Her attire had changed recently as her green dress was gone but was now replaced with a white one. It seemed to me made of light itself as it shimmered lightly.

"Thanks." I said as I accepted the towel as I wiped my face and my left arm and then the rest of my body. Then I put the towel on my shoulder as I took the glass of water as Gaia gave me a saddened look.

"Your wounds still haven't healed Percy, you shouldn't be pushing yourself like this." Gaia said with concern as I sipped on the water.

"I know but I feel so cooped up in here." I said motioning to my room but what I meant to motion to was the mansion.

"Percy I know but just a few more days and they will clear you, if you hurt yourself while you're still healing it will only take longer." She said as I felt my brow scrunch up.

"I am fine Gaia. Really I am." I said as I moved past her to the weapon rack as I picked up a simple sword. But as I did I suddenly felt warm hands wrap around my left arm as I turned to see a concerned face of Gaia. Her hands were so soft and delicate they felt like silk on my skin as she slowly made me put down the sword as I complied.

"Percy when was the last time you slept?" She asked me as I sighed and turned away from her, but I felt a soft hand on my face as I closed my eyes as she turned my head back towards her. I kept my eyes closed because I knew those green eyes would melt my cold exterior like the sun to ice. However I then felt her other hand lightly touch my left nub as if feeling if anything was wrong.

"Gaia." I said but I was shushed by the looked on her face as I opened up my eyes. Her soft green eyes looked right into my soul as her touch seemed to melt me. Her right hand gently cupped my stub and held onto it as I finally sighed and submitted to those beautiful eyes.

"Two days." I said as her worried expression stayed the same.

"Let's get you in bed." She said as I sighed and nodded as she gently lead me to the bed as she sat me on the side. She then sat beside me as her warm body leaned up against mine.

"Percy you need to rest and worry later." She said as I stiffened.

"Worry about what?" I asked her as her eyes opened slightly as if looking at nothing.

"I am not as blind as you think I am Percy I can see you drive to become stronger growing every time you look at your missing arm. While I will not stop you on your quest I will however make you take small steps at a time. To great of a leap will send you into a spiral of madness. I don't want to see you like that Percy." She said as my whole body shook as suddenly tears began to well up in my eyes.

"He just took my arm from me like it was nothing." I said as Gaia slowly leaned into me and hugged me.

"I know Percy I know." She whispered as she tried her best to comfort me, not with lies but with the truth. Gaia was like this I guess.

"I was nothing and now here I am armless and with no plan. If I can't handle a single empowered being without being saved how will I ever face Gabe?" I asked her as tears streamed down my face as my feelings finally exploded out. My standing in the world finally revealed to me as I crumbled under Gaia's soft touch. My arm and stub wrapped around her as she laid us back on the bed.

"You will defeat him one day but for now rest and when you are fully healed you will grow stronger. It isn't the failures that define us Percy it is how we come back from them and proceed to go forward. Just give it time okay." She whispered in my ear as I nodded, in my past life I had only crumbled emotionally like this twice. This would make the third time in my entire life.

"Okay." I said as I curled up with her in my bed until as I let my head finally rest after who knows how long. I knew my feelings would not change that quickly but with Gaia at my side maybe the burden of losing one hand would subside quicker than I imagined. Still there was a long road ahead of me that was for sure.

Unfortunately my nap was cut short as a screaming child ran into my room. My eyes snapped open as I found that Gaia was still by my side and was currently playing with my hair. Her light green eyes giving a longing look but then she noticed I was awake as she lightly blushed as her antics were found out. Fortunately the screaming child ran into my room as I could instantly tell it was Angel.

"Percy save me!" Screamed Angel as the door slammed open revealing a dreadful looking Angel. Snow was covering him in a fine film but his panicked face he quickly looked around as I gave him a confused glanced from the side of the bed as I slowly sat up and yawned. At least I got a few hours' sleep.

"What's up?" I asked him as he looked right at me.

"W-Well you know how today is deity day right?" He said as gave a confused look. I guess I got more than just a few hours' sleep. How long was I out?

"Sure." I said as he nodded.

"Well I thought it would be funny to prank Viola by putting gecko juice in her morning milk. Well turns out she flipped on me." He said as I heard thundering footsteps come racing down the hall. Let's just say gecko juice was a highly nutritional drink that lasted a long time but it tasted awful, sometimes adventures had to drink it to survive in the dungeons. Combined with the fact all elves had a sensitive palate it only made the reaction worse.

"I would to." Said Gaia who leaned up from her lying position in the bed as Angel gave us a sidelong glance.

"Were you two snuggling?" He said with a blush as I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah what so what? Never snuggled with someone before?" I asked him as he suddenly blushed as his many feminine features exposed themselves making him almost look like a girl. I only meant to tease him but this reaction was over the top.

"Angel! I will destroy you!" Yelled Viola as the footsteps finally stopped outside my door as the door handle was violently shaken as Angel used all 80 pounds of himself to push up against the door. His face full of panic as he seemed to plead with me to stop her. I could only sigh as I slowly stood up and walked to the door as I stopped and then looked down at myself. My body was still shirtless and currently I was in need of a bath.

'Don't mentally scare the girl too much.' I heard Gaia hum in my head as I glanced at the women dressed in white as she played with some of her hair. Her body showing her perfect curves in the white silk gown making her looked like a succubus.

'I won't.' I thought back as I approached the door as Viola angrily yelled behind it. I motioned Angel to move as he moved to spike of the door so when it opened she wouldn't be able to see him. With that I opened the door revealing a livid Viola as her face was red with anger, however she was still in her night gown which was a long white blouse with a few buttons on the top.

"P-Percy?" She asked me as her demeanor took a 180 as she rapidly blushed as I stood there shirtless for the world to see. You could see her eyes dart behind me to find no Angel but then they darted to me as I gave a slight confused look. This seemed to make her blush more as she clear her throat trying to calm herself down.

"Hey…what's got you so riled up? It's not good for you, give you wrinkles earlier in life." I said to her as she tried to speak but was still flustered as she calmed herself after a second and finally spoke.

"Y-Yeah whatever, listen have you seen Angel?" She asked me as I hummed lightly and put my right hand on my chin to think.

"Can't say I have." I said as she quickly nodded.

"Well if you do please tell me." She said.

"Actually wait a here for a second." I said as she gave me a confused looked as I opened up my inventory and pulled out a small wrapped package. I gave it to her as she looked at me confused, I only grinned as I spoke.

"It is deity day so here you go." I said as she stared at the present but a blush spread to the tips of her ears.

"P-Percy young unrelated men and women of the same age shouldn't give each other gifts on deity's day." She silently yelled at me as it was my turn to be confused.

"Why?" I asked her as she blushed as her hands tightened around the package.

"I-It means…they like one another. But not just like I mean 'like like' you know." She whispered as her whole face went red like a tomato as she hid her face behind the gift as her whole body shuffled as she displayed all her hidden emotions. But to me this idea of liking one another was sort of true but have these people ever heard of good will? Ignoring my thoughts I decided to reveal some of my true feelings for the dark elf as my voice grew sincere.

"But I do like you Viola." I said as she froze as she lowered the present so I could just see her brown eyes staring at me. The emotions in them was vast as she remained silent and stared at me. But I wasn't done as I leaned forward and suddenly planted a small kiss on her cheek. This effectively made her whole being freeze.

After a second of lip to cheek contact I was upset to part with her soft cheeks but reluctantly did as I reached up and gripped the towel on my shoulder as I gave her a small smile.

"Well I need to go get a bath, if you see Angel let him know I might need help washing my back a bit. Still getting used to my handicap over here." I said waving my handless arm around she gave a small squeak as I walked past her. She remained frozen in front of my door with the present in front of her face. After that I walked towards the bathroom as I ran into Vanessa her face full of worry as she noticed me walking by.

"My my Mr. Jackson if you keep walking around like that you might make Viola trip up." She teased me as I couldn't help but blush as the older women seemed to poke my buttons.

"Your funny Vanessa, anyways what's got you so worked up?" I asked her as she smiled.

"Well one of my children decided to prank the other and right now they need to hurry up and bathe so we can leave." She said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Leave? To where?" I asked her.

"We are going to my parents' house then going to the church of Opal to pay our respects to her. Afterwards we are coming back into town for a parade and then having dinner. " She said as I nodded.

"Well if you are looking for them both they are in or by my room. Angel is currently hiding in there from Viola." I said as she nodded.

"Well you go and get a bath you're coming with us, also Clymenus is in there if you need any help." She said as I nodded and walked in the bathroom and quickly undressed myself to see Cly washing himself in a huge bath well more like pool. Magically heated and fresh soap were provided as the whole area was like a sauna as Cly looked over at me.

"Need help?" He asked he in an unconcerned voice as I sighed. I was starting to get the feeling that people cared too much about my disability.

"Yeah." I said as I let the older man scrub my back as I thanked him afterwards we both soaked in the massive pool of hot water as I glanced over at him. His body was covered with small and large scars from neck to pelvis. I remember the first time I saw it, I was surprised to say the least. But then he suddenly sighed and sunk down deeper in the water as I smiled.

"Don't want to meet the in-laws?" I asked him as he glanced at me and sighed again.

"Every year is the same 'why don't you get a proper job the military is not benefiting of you' and 'you call that a suit of armor' even 'why don't we have more grandchildren'. They are so annoying." He complained as I laughed as he glanced at me.

"Oh don't worry Percy you are coming with us and don't think they spare guests." He said as I froze and turned to him as he grinned. God it was so much like Christmas I almost didn't want to celebrate it anymore. Sure I was up for free gifts but relative on the holidays were the worst especially when you were related the Greek gods.

"Well I am going to get out." I said as Cly nodded as he soaked for a bit longer as I walked out of the bath area into a changing room only to find a completely naked Angel facing away from me. If I didn't know that it was Angel I was about to wonder why there was a female in the men's bath side.

I however looked away from the feminine body of the young lad and quickly got dressed. Well as fast as a one armed person could. However as I did Angel suddenly eeped as I noticed he saw me as he held up a towel as if I was going to violet him with my eyes. I could only roll my eyes as I pulled up my pants and fashioned them with one hand.

"Angel you're acting like a girl." I said as he suddenly noticed his behavior and his face went red with anger.

"Well you just popped out nowhere and scared the crap out of me." He yelled as I laughed and put my shirt on with less difficulty than my pants.

"Whatever." I said as he huffed out angrily and stomped his way into the bathroom.

LINEBREAK: (A/N: new poll info below it has changed from last chapter so take a look)

"So this is the young man you spoke of?" Said and elderly women as my jaw and suddenly grabbed by her as I tried to break away as he forced me to open my mouth as she looked at my teeth. Her strength was on part with Cly's as she let of my jaw and suddenly pinched my cheek as pain shot through my cheek.

"Well aren't you adorable." The old women chimed in as Vanessa weakly laughed as the old women quickly let go of my cheek as I grimaced in pain. Both Angel and Viola sporting the same marks as the older wood dark elf and human smiled at us.

"Thanks." I almost slurred due to my cheek being numb. God these old people were strong. However I stepped back as the adult talked with one another as I glanced at Angel who was sporting a red cheek like me and Viola.

"Is it like this every year?" I asked as he reluctantly nodded.

"Be thankful we leave in 3 hours." He said as Viola nodded a well. Unfortunately the younger dark elf wouldn't look me in the eye for the past hour, but I did managed to catch her staring at me as she blushed each time I did.

After that I was put through hell and back as these old people were just as bad as Poseidon and Zeus in the same room. Their energy exceeded their age as they constantly joked and poked at sensitive points like Viola and me dating one another. Vanessa only laughed while Cly scoffed off the question as Viola and I were embarrassed out of our minds.

Afterwards we reached the church of opal who apparently was Shinigami or death god. Well a peaceful death god to put it in a better sense. She represented all the monsters of peaceful death which were a lot actually. Turns out if I killed enough skeletons in cloaks with giant scythes then I could get her bloodline bestowment. Still didn't understand how they were peaceful about the monsters but I could understand the concept of a peaceful soul reaper.

Afterword we parted from the church but when we did I felt eyes on me as I quickly turned my head to the church as I looked at sculpture of a grim reaper. But instead of a skeleton underneath the cloak there was an indescribably more beautiful women as her hair flowed out of the hood. However in one hand she had a large scythe and in the other a stopwatch that hung from and iron chain. I don't know why but I felt the eye were coming from the statue but I ignored it as Angel pulled me along.

Finally came the parade which was nice as far as I could tell, people were singing and stuff there was floats…of a sort. There were people dressed like the deities and they danced around as I watched nearly a thousand different deity costumes. With that we went back the house and had dinner. Afterword everyone opened presents and I wasn't really surprised when I didn't find a present under the pine tree for me.

"Sorry Percy but your present is on its way. It wasn't going to be made in time but it should be done in the next week. I apologize for Cly's poor planning." Vanessa said as all blame instantly shifted to Cly as he threw up his hands in frustration. I could only laugh.

"That's fine and I thank you all." I said as they smiled. Angel got a multitude of fancy clothes and other things as well. Cly got a white Ancient rarity white sword from the family as he was amazed to say the least. He basically kissed Vanessa into a daze after he opened the gift and I could only guess what was going to happen later tonight. Vanessa got some fancy jewelry and clothes Cly had specifically made for her.

"Oh who got you those?" Asked Vanessa as Viola opened a small packed I had given her revealing a pair of gem earrings. The gem on each was a large dark opal and was connected to a mithril piece of metal as her eyes went wide as she looked at them. She seemed so stunned she almost forgot to answer her mother's question.

"P-Percy did." She said as everyone looked at me and I shrugged.

"You managed to buy a legendary pair of earrings for her?" Cly asked me.

"I got a nice deal on them, they also have a really nice effects for stats and elven magic." I said as Cly just stared at me but didn't say anything. He then turned to Viola who was staring at the jewelry.

"I love them." She said with a genuine smile as I smiled back.

"Good, it was hard to find-." But I was silenced as suddenly warm lips met mine as my eye went wide. Viola had shot up from her sitting position and kissed me right in front of her whole family. Cly suddenly dropped his new sword, Vanessa smiled knowingly, and Angel just stared in shock.

I was just as shocked as her tender lips touched my own and her scent of the forest and cut grass entered my nostrils. Her eyes were closed as she gently kissed me as I relished in the feeling of her soft plump lips. Her arms gripped at my shirt as she pulled me closer as I to closed my eyes simply enjoying the kiss as finally she broke the sweet kiss before anything more could happen. I was in a slight daze at the sudden kiss but as I stared at Viola she only looked down as her whole head went red.

"Thank you Percy, I don't have anything to give you but I thought a kiss might work instead." She said in a whisper as her whole family was in still in complete shock. Well everyone but Vanessa who was smirking and holding Cly down with one hand.

"S-Sure." I said as she smiled a loving smile.

"Happy deity's day Percy." She said.

'Awe I wanted a kiss from her to.' Gaia said as I ignored the goddess who was whispering in my head. But I was still stunned from the kiss as I could still feel the smooth texture of hers on mine.

'But I guess I can wait. For now I will let you claim this little soul mate sweetheart first.' Gaia said in my mind as I blushed even more. I totally forgot that Viola would start to love Gaia just as much as she did me later in our relationship. Just then an image of Gaia and an older Viola kissing and making out entered my head. Even the water nymph Zoe popped up and started kissing them as well.

'Oh seems like someone is just as excited as I am.' Said Gaia as she must have seen scene that was floating in my head. Okay maybe having a love who was as open as Gaia with my other soulmates wasn't such a bad thing.

"Yeah. Happy deity's day Viola." I said as that little scene brought the night to a close.