Chapter 22

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

Beta: Caracac

Warning: Contains blood, gore, sex, possible rape, sword fights, dark shit that will never be unseen, demons, angels, witches, wizards, medieval crap, and pure unadulterated badassery.


"Athena you point and way and keep a hold on Darkness." I said as she nodded as I took over the commander's position for this quest.

"What about you?" Asked Gaia as I walked out of the tent as I felt my blood boil. It has been a week since I had used my demon form as I slowly exhaled. My first clenched slowly as I looked up at my field map that came with my dungeon map. The area around us was starting to light up with red lights that were monsters. Already there was nearly 50 as a grin spread across my face.

"I am going to defend this rock." I said as my divine transformation started and soon my demon form took my place. Unfortunately my bottom arm was missing the same part that my main body was missing. So I was left with 3 whole arms and currently that was all I needed.

My demon aura like a tsunami as it radiated off me as I stared into the darkness at the approaching monsters. At the same time a spear made of blood slowly formed in my hand as I slowly took aim and launched my first attack.


The first blood spear killed at least a dozen or two level 500 and lower monsters and four 700 to 750 level monsters. However turns out if a monster was only 30 levels below me the experience I got was diluted to only 1 XP. I could only groan as I basically got only about 4,030 XP with the one strike as I continued to fire blood spears into the hordes of monsters. This whole time Gaia skillfully kept our platform moving at an incredible speed of 400 mph.

Still my aim was beyond deadly as my eyes found the largest bunches of monsters and my arms then launched the blood spears like missiles. Each kill spot was nearly 1 mile away as Gaia continued to guide the rock forward. But as each blood spear was not lost as I fired them into the hordes of low level monsters following us.

Due to it being my blood and me possessing certain projectile air control skills, I could control each spear with deadly accuracy up to 10 miles. As each spear killed monsters more blood spears were created and a drop of my blood from the original spear was put in it. This made one spear turn into 10 or 12 in one turn. These spears would then fly in the air like missiles and track monsters down, impaling them without effort and then containing to the next monster.

Eventually my limit of 250 blood spears was reached as my mental capacity was stretched to its limits. I was even forced to sit on the rock in a meditative pose as my mind controlled each blood spear. However hundreds of monsters soon turned into thousands and then into the tens of thousands as I realized just how powerful this little pup's aura was. It turned functioning monsters into berserk creatures that held no sense of reason.

Even if the spear didn't kill the monsters they would continue chasing us with bloodlust in their eyes. I could only grimace at their ragged state as I found that no matter how many I killed only more would replace them. I could only shake my head but then my senses shifted to Gaia's direction as I noticed a large group of monsters in the air and ground coming right for us.

"Gaia threw up a small barrier in front." I said as Gaia nodded as a small hexagonal barrier suddenly began to build itself in front of us. Just then I made a 100 of my blood spears fly over our ride and shoot in front of us. But just as they reached the mass of monsters in front of us half detonated in the densest parts of the monster horde. Tiny fragments of blood as small as needles numbering about a million for each spear shot out at a speed faster than sound.

The tiny needles that were as sharp as could be struck by the monsters in a hail of furry. In that instant a large gap in the monster hordes opened up as the needles killed nearly 2000 monsters. Many of them fell out of the sky covered in needles while others turned into Swiss cheese. The nearly 150 spears I had left they began to circle around our rock as Gaia punched through the gap in the monster horde. The shield protected us from some stray needles as they bounced off the shield lightly.

Thousands of monsters were still failing from the sky as Athena blanched at the slaughter I just caused. As we passed over the mound of dead monster corpses, that only gave me a lousy 2000 XP, I felt a large pressure in the sky form as I knew something of a higher level was coming after us.

"Kaw!" A loud screech sounded in the air as I glanced over to see an unharmed eagle like monster coming our way. I only glanced at its level which was 1123, which meant my blood needles had little to no effect on it. Fortunately it was stupid enough to come closer to us as I summoned 10 of my blood spears and took aim. But as I did the rock suddenly dove down as I was forced to stabilize myself with one of the spears.

"What's happening up there?" I asked Gaia as she broke the nose dive and began to fly up into the air again.

"Just a simple supersonic attack, I am fine now." She said with a slight grimace on her face. I could only turn my attention to the giant eagle monsters that had their mouths open releasing a silent attack. Anyone who attacks my woman would have to pay the price.

"Die!" I yelled as I flipped my wrist and 10 blood spears shot towards one of them. Yet they still had no effect as they simply shattered against the wings leaving only small marks and indents. I guess these must have been from a breed of mithril feathered eagles. Still I frowned slightly at the sight but decided to try again.

"Gather up." I said as my remaining blood spears all began to gather together and create one massive blood spear above me. This spear alone was nearly 150 feet long and 5 feet thick as it rotated silently in the air as it flew forward with us.

"Holy shit." I heard Athena say as she stared up in awe at the massive weapon I had created.

"What, never seen something as big as this before?" I couldn't help but smirk along with my comment. However Athena caught onto my drift but could only frown at my sense of humor at this time.

"No I just never knew that you could control spears made of blood with such efficiency, I have seen similar skills with levitating swords and arrows but never on such a scale as this." She said as I smiled and then flicked my wrist as the massive blood spear shot off at a speed that created a boom in the air.

"It's all thanks to [water manipulation] [field control] and [Solomon's wisdom]." I said with a laugh as the spear struck the eagle like creature as it gave a painful cry as it tore through one of its wings like paper. With that it began to fall towards the earth and was officially out of our hair, unfortunately no XP was given since it was still alive. But a foot of the spear was gone due to the attack but I didn't mind as I shot it towards the next victim.

"You have a skill called [Solomon's wisdom]." Athena asked, astonished.

"Yeah, helps me act like you. Stuck up and way too much of a know it all." I said with a hearty laugh as the now angry Athena glared at me and pouted as I finished crippling 5 of the eagles. It seemed the stronger monsters were finally gathering up after all. However I couldn't focus on leveling right now, escaping was the number one priority.

"Shut up and I think that does it for the high level monsters in this area. We probably won't meet anything that strong for at least another 45 mins." Athena said as I smirked and sat down as I watched the hordes of monsters underneath us seemingly trample one another as they tried to get to us. Thankfully this was the sky eagle's territory so I didn't have to worry about anything coming my way for a while.

"Anyways I am surprised you have a hero skill." She added on as I raised an eyebrow.

"What is a hero skill?" I asked her.

"Basically the same as a perk but it is named after the hero that created it. I actually know of [Solomon's wisdom] it is a high ranking mind perk. One of the best I might add." She said as I nodded.

"Well it does wonders on the mind." I said as she nodded.

"Anyways get your rest and resupply your mana we should be passing into another 1500 level monster domain." Said Athena.

"What does that mean?" I asked her as she rolled her eyes.

"A monster domain is like whoever controls that region of land per say. As the level goes up so does the area in which they protect and encompass. Currently we should be leaving one and heading into another. Also watch out for sand worms." She said as me and Gaia shared a look of confusion.

"Sandworms?" I asked her.

"Oh my gods do you know anything about his desert?" She asked me as I slowly shook my head as she sighed in protest. The tiny pup in her arms napping peacefully as she then went to explain whatever this 'sandworm' was.

"A sandworm is basically the king of this desert region. The smaller ones level's range from 2000 to 3000 and the larger ones from 3000 to 6000. However the so called emperor of this entire desert is a massive sandworm that is so powerful that it can burrow down so far that it goes past the mantle into pure lava. Anyways stay away from them, got it?" She asked me as I looked amazed.

"Wait will those things be attracted to us because of darkness?" Gaia asked a little concerned as Athena shook her head.

"They shouldn't be, they have very dumbed down senses. Well at least the smaller ones do, the ones past 5000 wouldn't even be bothered by darkness's aura. In fact for them she is nothing but a small snack that is not worth their time." Said Athena petting the small pup.

"How do you know this?" I asked her as she smiled.

"I am glad you asked. After a while of studying the whole universal laws around this planet I have found that after a certain level consuming certain things, such as rare medical plants or monsters, they will evolve." She said as my massive blood spear shot forward and intercepted a smaller wind eagle which seemed to be the only 1000 level beast around here. Not a very diverse desert monster population if you ask me.

"You see there are barriers for both humans and monsters every so often in our level process. For humans it is level 100, 500, and then 1000. After that it is every 1000 levels. This is a point in which no matter how much XP you get you will not level up and become permanently stuck at that level." She said as I was surprised.

"But I have never had that issue." I said as she looked surprised.

"That is probably because your stats are so high, the higher your stats you have at that bottleneck the less difficult it will be to break through. But once you reach 1000 then you might hit your first real bottleneck. This is where such items such as medical plants or certain animal drops come in. You can either consume something to push yourself past the bottleneck or you can raise your stats to a point in which you forcefully breakthrough. 99% of the time people focus on the consuming point." Athena said as this was all so new to me.

"Anyways to the point, little darkness here is giving off an aura that is so strong it can help any monster stuck below any bottleneck under 3000. But if they are already past the level 3000 bottleneck they will have no effect on them." She said as that sounded weird but me and Gaia nodded as she continued to guide us forward.

"So basically she anything below 3000 will attack us and not the bigger shit." I said as she nodded.

"That is precisely what I am saying, so watch out for the sandworms because if they catch wind of her we are in for some shit." Athena said as me and Gaia nodded.

"But..." However as I started talking I began to notice my spear, which was on auto kill, hadn't touched anything for about 20 mins. That made me suspicious as I slowly stood up and began looking around as I noticed the dust clouds of monsters that were chasing us were now running away just as fast. Even the sky eagles were running away as I saw all the monsters began running away.

"Something is not right." I said as Gaia slowly nodded as this was indeed wrong. Just then in the distance I saw a massive object moving towards us. It only looked like a moving hill at first but then something shot out of the dirt like a fish in water as it created an arch and then dove back into the sand.

"Hey Athena." I said slowly as I saw it happen again as what I presumed to be something very bad was coming out the way.

"Yeah." She said.

"That wouldn't happen to be said sandworm would it?" I asked her as she turned her vision towards the now three arching backs of whatever was tunneling towards us.

"Well there are many species of sand worms so..." She said.

"Now is not a time to be technical, it is a sandworm yes or no." I said in a hardened voice as Athena bit her lip.

"Yeah it is." She said as I heard Gaia mumbled something around how shitty our luck was.

"Great." I said as I looked towards Gaia.

"Can you make this thing go any faster?" Asked her as she shook her head.

"I am already going nearly 400 mph any faster and the barrier around us will break and we will blow off our rock." She said as I turned back towards the now quickly approaching sandworm. I could only watch the nearly 200 mile long beast that was coming from the horizon approach us at such a quick speed.

"Can you do anything to stop it?" Gaia asked me as I shook my head.

"The strongest skill I have is [true soul manifestation] and [hypersonic vibrations] I don't think either of which will even scratch that bitch." I said as I mentioned a newer skill I picked up that allowed me to vibrate my arms and items they touched so fast it could make them into killing machines. Even sticks could cut through rock with that skill.

"Then our only chance at survival is to outmaneuver the thing. Gaia we are counting on you." Said Athena as the fairy could only weakly nod her head.

"I will try to provide distractions but I don't know how effective it will be." I said as a ball of green blackish mist formed above my hand.

"Is that [poison perspiration]?" Asked Gaia as I nodded.

"Yeah I can make a strong paralysis poison so potent that a drop can put down elephant sized monsters in less than a second. Maybe if I create enough of it I can slow it down or make it sluggish at the most." I said as I focused my nub and my other three hands in one area as the ball of mist slowly concentrated into a ball of liquid poison as it slowly grew in size.

"That might work." Said Athena suddenly a loud roar cut through the air as nearly 10 miles away a massive head of a worm ripped out of the ground. However the mouth on this looked a lot like those things off star wars, the asteroid worm things. In fact they looked exactly like it but way bigger. We all could only gulp as the head of the beast slammed back into the ground as it dug once again. Behind it were several large arches of its body that were drug behind it.

"Here it comes, get ready." Athena said as I readied my last blood spear and coated the entire surface with the nearly gallon of poison I managed to create. With that I took hold of a small handle I morphed into the spear and took aim at the ground below us. Just then the world went quiet as even the ground stopped shaking.

The only noise was the wind rushing past us, even our breathing seemed to stop as Gaia controlled us to keep going. I even shut my eyes and stretched out my senses as it reached the ground below us. The seconds ticked by slowly as this seemed to last for an eternity until my eyes snapped open and looked to a spot nearly right below us.

"Hard right!" I yelled as Gaia instantly took a nearly 90 degree right causing the sitting down Athena to roll a few times. In that instant the ground where we would have gone exploded as a nearly mile wide head of the sandworm exploded out of the ground with a massive roar. It was so deep that it seemed to shake the world as I felt it paralyze my senses for a second as all I could do was stare in awe.


Age: 2589 Race: Desert sandworm

HP: 172 billion /172 billion

MP: 10 million/ 10 million


I was lucky enough to get that simple info with my [spirit eyes] but all his stats showed up as ???? as well as everything else. I could only start to feel a cold sweat go down my back as I even had to look at that 172 billion health. This was simply too much health and in truth it was beyond frightening as I watched the beast stop roaring. In that instant we all snapped out of our stupor as Gaia fled as fast as she could.

"Percy now!" Athena yelled as I blinked a few times to see that Athena had been shouting my name a few times. I then nodded as I reared back and shot out my spear as hard as I could as the head began turning our way. With skill and luck on my skin just as the mouth had turned towards us the spear and disappeared into it. However the spear was smaller than a toothpick in its mouth as it disappeared into the darkness that was its body.

"You know, I never realized just how vast this world truly is." I murmured as the giant sandworm came crashing down. Thankfully Gaia had managed to steer us to a point in which the giant creature missed us. However the clearance distance was less than 200 feet and with the crashing worm came a tsunami of sand and powerful gusts of wind.

Seeing the massive wave of sand shooting towards us like a wall of death all I could do was try and protect us the best I could. I sprinted as fast as I could to the side of the rock and shot towards the giant wall of sand that was nearly half a mile tall with all my might. As I flew in the air towards the wall of sand I inhaled as much as I could. With that I activated a fused skill I managed to acquire after a while.

Active skill: Giants bellowing roar lv-10

Roar like a giant and stun the enemies around you with ease. You can also use it to create a sound bullet to destroy far away objects. But do note that this skill is based on the body of the user so if you overuse it there could be potential harm to them.

2500 damage x MP x lung capacity (250 each level)

"ROOOAR!!!!" The sound was numbing in a sense as it was almost equally as loud as the sandworms as the roar. But as I roared a bullet of sound shot towards the wall of sand and smashed into it. With a loud boom the sound bullet detonated against a sand wall and made the air shudder like a rock falling in water.

Thankfully my move pulled through and created a gap in the sand wall that would be enough for Gaia to use to avoid it. However in turn my throat felt like it was bleeding as I could only cough as I fell through the air like a limp rag. Thankfully my ride came back for me as I slammed into a pair of welcoming arms.

"T-Thanks." I managed to squeak out as my throat barely let me talk at all. Gaia, or the one who caught me, sighed in relief as her face softened. But then it went right back stern, angry but caring mother style as she just stared at me.

"Is he okay?" Asked a concerned Athena.

"He is fine. He just overused the skill and now he can't talk." Gaia said as I sat up and wiped a small stream of blood from my lip from using the skill. Just then the sand wall passed by us as we safely avoided it. However with one problem came another. The massive creature that was currently slinking below us was bound to come back for us. Athena fortunately pointed out if we stayed close to the part of it which was going into the sand it couldn't attack us.

Unfortunately the wind was so turbulent that my MP was draining a lot faster than I first thought. Gaia had used up her reserves and started to take it from me since I was technically her spirit master. Anyways at the rate this was going and the speed in which my MP was being wasted away we could avoid him two more times.

"What do we do?" Gaia asked Athena as the angel seemed to be the brains of this operation. However Athena looked lost as she let out a sigh and looked up at us.

"There is nothing we can do but there is something someone else might be able to." She said as me and Gaia shared a confused look. Athena didn't explain as she reached into her inventory and took out a skeleton. To be precise it was a skeleton hand of what looked to be some sort of beast kin or nonhuman with its shark finger tips.

"This was given to me by my aunt, there is a chance she could save us." She said as Gaia responded.

"Why do I sense a but coming?" Said Gaia as Athena sighed.

"She is a very...lazy person. She may be high level but she is extremely lazy, the only things she actually enjoys is toying with new specimens and collecting rare creatures and species. The only reason she actually isn't at home sleeping or in her lab is because my mother forced her to come with me. She didn't even help us when we were attacked by demons." She said exasperated.

"Is she a necromancer?" Asked Gaia as Athena nodded. Huh, a necromancer angel...well I have to say it is an interesting combination.

"Yes she is but I don't think she will help us, my aunt isn't really one to intervene with things like this." She said like she was at a loss.

"Well..." Gaia said, looking at the slowly approaching tail of the sandworm and closing in head.

"If she is interested in species..." She added on as she slowly looked at me, at the same time Athena did as I looked back and forth between the two.

"..." At the time I got their message and shook my head signaling a firm no. I was not going to be someone's toy again.

"Percy come on! I will make it so she is lenient!" Athena said as I stiffened at the cute angel holding a puppy dog. Couldn't we just use the dog? Ah never mind I couldn't sacrifice a cute puppy, I am not that much of a monster.

"Please Percy." Suddenly a sexy voice sounded in my ear as a moist breath blew against my ear lobe. I couldn't help but shiver as I turned to see Gaia leaning up against me with her C cups planted firmly against one of my red arms. One hand gently tracing my encased arm and the other tugging at the loincloth I was wearing. However her beautiful green eyes looked at me with lust as she toyed with my emotions.

"If you do it then I will do the thing you like after you're done with her aunt." Gaia whispered a little too loudly as Athena heard us and blushed all the way up to the tips of her ears. I however was caught in a dilemma, as I finally caved at the thought of Gaia...ahem. Anyways I finally gave in and nodded as my form slowly turned back into my human one. My stats lowering and MP reducing felt like a debuf almost.

"Thank you." Said a blushing Athena as we noticed the worm was back. However it was slightly slower than last time as we all noticed this.

After the system announcement I was relieved that the tiny amount of poison did worm in the massive beast. Even if it only lowered its speed by a few mph it was enough for us. This time the head broke the surface; it was not below us as it came crashing out, no roar sounded as well. Instead only whale-like noises as it came out. Athena thankfully directed us out of its trajectory by at least a 1000 feet and Gaia managed to clear the sand wall.

But in turn nearly half my MP was gone as Gaia sucked it up like...a succubus you could say. However I kept the thought to myself as Gaia moved close to the part of the worm that was going back into the ground. I could only sigh as I tried to keep up with the MP consumption as I consumed some of my drop items. Even if it was 1% it was enough for a little as Athena brought out the skeleton hand and poured her mana into it.

"Ring...ring....ring....ring..." Surprisingly it sounded like a phone on speaker as Athena seemed to be praying to every god up there for her aunt to respond. However they seemed to pity her for having such an aunt as it finally picked up. Just then a hologram appeared above the skeleton.

In the hologram or magic project a sleepy face appeared. Her black hair was messy and looked like a rats nest as she seemed to just have woken up. Her eyes weren't even open all the way as one was barely a slit and even then it was only open for a second. She then reached up and pushed some of her hair back and scratched her scalp along with that. Finally a yawn came out of her mouth as she smacked her lips and spoke.

"What's up squirt?" She said tiredly as her head nodded up and down like she was on the verge of falling asleep again.

"Aunty C, I need your help. I am being chased by a sandworm." Athena spoke quickly as the groggy Aunty C groaned like it was a pain in her butt to do work.

"Not my problem." She said as Athena sighed.

"What if I die? Do you know what my mother would do to you?" She asked as Aunty C replied with a very simple but terrifying sentence.

"I would just find you and revive you after a year or two." She said as I felt like this woman was truly a lazy uncaring person. I kind of felt bad for Athena, not even Gabe was this bad.

"Wait!" Athena said as Aunty C stopped hanging up the magic phone.

"What?" She asked her.

"What if I make it worth your time?" Athena asked as this seemed to spark her aunt's interest.

"Oh? Do tell." She said smiling as Athena let out a breath.

"He is an extremely rare species that was nearly pushed to the brink of extinction." She said, glancing at me as I shrugged my shoulders. At this point I was accepting this in exchange for some Gaia booty and possibly some Athena booty.

"Interesting...let me see him. I don't want you to be lying to me about this." She said interested as Athena turned it towards me. I waved my fake arm as I saw Aunty C examine me to every last detail as I continued to eat some herbs that restored a little MP. However her eyes landed on my fake arm as one of her eyebrows arched in interest.

"Hmm he looks just like a normal human but there is something different in his aura. If I wasn't looking at him so carefully and there wasn't such a level difference I wouldn't have noticed it at all. Athena be a dear and tell me his species." She said as Athena who was behind the hologram grinned. Seemed look like a hook line and sinker kind of situation.

"I will if you rescue us first. Also you can only do 1 experiment on him." Athena said as Aunty C seemed burdened by her decision as she made a grim face and scratched her head.

"Tell me his species type now and up it to 10 experiments." She said as I pointed my finger down as Athena got the message.

"I will tell you later and 7 experiments." She bartered with her aunt.

"Tell me his species now and I will only do 4 experiments on him." She said with scrutiny.

"I will tell you his species right now but it has to go down to 3 experiments." Athena said.

"Deal! But you have to let me take some samples of hair, flesh, and blood for later." She said as Athena looked at as I nodded.

"It was good working with you Aunty C, you got yourself a deal. Now his species is a divine soul human." Athena said as Aunty C suddenly seemed to freeze. Even her smiling face froze as her eyes suddenly landed on me.

"Aunty C?" Athena asked in a confused tone as she seemed to have never seen her aunt like this. However her aunt suddenly spoke after a second.

"Don't move, I will be there as quickly as I can!" She said as suddenly the magic projection showed that the device was suddenly dropped and only a storm of papers and blankets were left behind in the air. With that the scene shut off as Athena blinked a few times and then looked over towards me with a blank expression.

"What?" Gaia asked as Athena scrutinized her gaze as she looked at me like her aunt did but then shook her head.

"What?" Gaia asked again as Athena looked at her.

"Sorry I just never thought my aunt would react to something so seriously. Makes me wonder what exactly a divine soul human is or why it is so special. Sure you gave me some details but I wonder if that is the whole picture." She said as I nodded as well. I guess my real parents only gave me the info I needed at the time. Maybe there was a whole other story about my species I didn't know about.


The minutes ticked by and our friendly neighborhood sandworm was back for another shot as my mana was roughly at 1/3 of its original amount. With that in mind as soon as the sand worm made its final dive into the ground before it got to us we poured the rest of my mana into Gaia and she shot forward like a rocket. The idea was that we would pass over the spot the mouth would come up and go in-between the area the last spot was and the current one.

As we did this and all my mana was used up we reached up to see the barrier and couldn't handle it as a harsh wind hit us. Thankfully I was still useful as I protected Gaia and Athena from the wind with my body as it instantly ripped apart my epic rarity armor that I never replaced. Though my boots and pants were safe since they were higher level. Anyways Gaia continued to seed forward as the head of the sandworm finally broke the surface.

One hundred feet was what separated us from a dark belly of sandworm and freedom. However my MP was all used up and the stone began to slow down drastically as Gaia suddenly fainted from exhaustion. Yet we were still over the worm's mouth as it shot up at us at a drastic speed. So I took a chance and ran forward towards the now 90 foot distance between the desert and the sandworm.

With all my strength that wasn't sapped out of me by Gaia I used every last bit of strength to carry Gaia and Athena and jump the remaining distance. Even if I wasn't in my demon form I was still stronger than others at my level. With that I went flying through the air and the edge of the sandworm came even faster than I thought. The distances closed in on one another and even got down to the simple single digits.

One foot stretched out it suddenly landed on the edge of the lip of the sand worm as I used my last whips of strength to basically pull myself over its lip with Gaia and Athena in tow. Just then the mouth began to close as my last foot made it out inches before the mouth closed itself. I was so relieved I felt a wave of satisfaction wash over me but then I realized that we were still about 1200 feet in the air.

"I got you!" Athena suddenly said as I felt a puppy land in my arms and an arm loop under my waist. Just then Gaia was in her other arm as well as both her wings shot out and we began to glide down. However Athena's face puffed up as if she was overworking herself as I noticed her wings trembling.

"Too heavy! Going to crash if we don't lighten the load!" She said in agony. Just then a thought passed in my mind as I gave a mental command to the unconscious Gaia as her body suddenly began to shrink from her 16 year old form into her tiny fairy form. Athena seemed thankful for this as I now had a puppy and fairy in my arms as both of Athena's hands looped under my shoulders.

"Barely made it." Athena said as the now seemingly angry sandworm fell towards the earth away from us.

"Yeah...ah man I lost one of my boots." I complained with my newfound voice due to my eating ability, but I noticed my right phase walker boot was now completely gone. I could only groan as I saw my left boot slowly dissolve into light particles as the set was destroyed due to one being eaten. Unfortunately I couldn't use them since I was carrying Gaia and Athena or I would have teleported right out of there.

My now bootless self was carried back down to ground as Athena carried me very diligently. However as we got close to the ground Athena motioned to me as I nodded. She then dropped me down as I fell a few feet and then broke into a run and then slowed down steadily as Athena landed a few feet away. Her wings quivering after being used even though they were fully rested yet from her long flight.

"Well I guess all we can do now is wait." Athena said looking at the sandworm as I walked over to her and sat down. However by this time nearly 12 hours had passed and the sun was already past the horizon and in the air. With our only option ahead of us, me and Athena decided to stay put as either we were rescued or we were going to get swallowed. With Gaia out of commission and our vehicle eaten that was about it.

"You're going to get a sunburn like that." Athena said as I laid back on the hot sand. My eyes opened as I noticed Athena looking down at me. However her eyes were not on mine as they rigorously trailed up and down my toned body. I simply coughed as Athena jolted from her trance as she blushed and looked away. All I could do was laugh as I slowly sat up with the small puppy on my lap.

"So when is your aunt..." However before I could finish that sentence I felt a rush of power flow over me. The same happened to Athena as we both turned to the direction of the power. Even the sandworm stopped moving as its head broke the surface on its turn around and faced the source of the power. However nothing could be seen in the direction as there was no dark cloud or flock of locusts contrary to what I thought a necromancer would bring with them.

But just then a rumbling could be felt and heard as the sand vibrated below me and Athena as we looked down. What happened next was simply too fast for me to fully comprehend as the sand exploded by the side of the sand worm.

"Yee Haa!" Shouted a woman's voice as a massive skeleton of another sandworm erupted from the sand, but this time it was much smaller than the one that was chasing us. However the front of its mouth were three beak like appendages that ripped into the living sandworm as it gave a massive cry of pain. I just stared in shock as the much smaller worm 's mouth ripped into the living one.

"Aunty!" Athena said happily as I followed her gaze as I noticed a person was currently riding the back of the skeleton worm. She was currently holding a rope that was attached to her ride as she tugged it as the skeleton worm managed to rip off the piece of flesh it was holding onto. However it then dove back into the sand as it disappeared in an instant. Altogether it was about a tenth the size of the living sandworm and much faster.

"Is it me or was your aunt smiling like a crazy person?" I couldn't help but ask Athena as her smiling face faltered as she looked at me.

"Yeah...I will introduce you later." She said as the sandworm tried to get away by diving back into the sand but the skeleton one came back. In fact it struck it so hard the living one was knocked on its side. As its beak tore into the sand worm it began to wrap its body around the worm like a snake. But it wasn't over as suddenly several more skeleton worms just like the one before were attacking the living one.

It only took a couple minutes but soon the skeleton worms were entangled with the large one as it finally tried to attack back. It slammed its body into the ground rapidly as the desert shook uncontrollably. Athena and I could only watch in awe as skeleton worms were smashed apart into dust under the weight of the living one. However they soon reformed with her aunt's magic as they continued to attack.

However it wasn't done as its head faced me and Athena as it seemed to go with the phrase, 'if I go down I am taking you with me'. Its massive mouth then opened as wide as it could as a bright light began to form inside it. I could only freeze as I could only guess that the beast was about to launch a laser beam at us.

"Oh no you don't!" Said a voice as the skeleton worms suddenly all shot towards the head of the beast and began to wrap around it. In a couple of seconds at least 10 skeleton worms were constraining the living ones mouths shut like coiling snakes. However it seemed the beam energy was still building as the head thrashed around uncontrollably.

"Explode for me!" Shouted Athena's aunt as a deep glow spread throughout the sandworms head. In the next instant the head of the sandworm explodes sending a ball of fire, blood, guts, and bones. The shockwave alone set up a wave of sand and knocked me and Athena down. I did manage to throw up a small mana barrier with the little I managed to regain as it parted the dust storm.

Athena stood behind me as we watched in awe as the dust storm parted and soon the piece and chunks of sandworm began to rain down on us. It was like looking at an exploding volcano as the chunks were sent flying in all directions and the now charred stump of the sandworm slowly fell to the ground.

"Holly shit." Athena said as the blood fell like rain and painted the area around us red. However even as it rained blood and chunks of flesh fell dangerously close to us a person with pitch black wings quickly flew over to us. The person in question was Aunty C as she landed inside my barrier and out of the blood rain. However the blood that covered her currently seemed to have no effect on her as she gave a crazy grin.

If I were to describe her I would say she kind of looked like the crazy female scientist that always had long hair blocking her face from view. However her black hair was all pushed back as a blood covered face smiled at me and Athena. Her clothes were actually a lab coat with a black shirt and pants underneath it. However her face was much more beautiful than I first thought as it was at least supermodel worthy.

"So you called?" She asked in a slightly tired voice as Athena and I looked at one another.

"Yeah...Aunty C maybe you should clean yourself up." Athena suggested as she looked down at herself.

"It's just a little blood. So tell me is this the divine soul human?" She asked her as she walked over to me as I couldn't help but back up a step. But I was too slow as her hands landed on my shoulders as she put her faces at least an inch from mine. Her eyes were full of interest as she looked me over like a fine sample of something. However the thing that scared me was not her current blood covered self or her interesting methods it was the fact that I couldn't move an inch under her grasp.

Aunty C

Age: ???? Race: Angel

Job: Necromancer

HP: ????

MP: ????


That was all the info I could get from her with my spirit eyes and currently all my strength was not nearly enough to shake her grasp. She examined me and even forced me to open one eye much wider than normal and examine my pupil. However Athena came to my rescue as she let out a small cough, but it didn't work on the first try as she moved onto smelling me as deep as she could like an animal. This made Athena blush as she coughed again as Aunty C finally managed to stop studying me.

"Truly interesting! I have heard stories but never seen one in the flesh and blood! Athena I must ask where you found such a fine specimen." She said as she let me go as I now kind of felt uncomfortable being around this weirdo.

"He is not a specimen, his name is Perseus Jackson. He is the one who saved me after you kind of bailed on the responsibility." She said in all honesty as her aunt made an 'I don't care' face. After that she waved her off and turned her attention back to me as she looked me over.

"Anyways we should head back so we can expire-...I mean get some rest." She said with a cough as both of us noticed her aunt slip up.

"Remember you can only do 3 experiments and they cannot be life threatening." Athena said as her aunt sighed as if her plan was destroyed. She simply waved her hand at Athena as she got the message.

"Fine. Anyways let's get back." She said as she motioned her hand towards me and Athena as suddenly both of us began to levitate off the ground. Her aunt then flapped her wings once and all of us shot into the air like bullets. In fact it was nearly 4 times faster than what Gaia was flying at as an air barrier made it so our skin wasn't ripped off our body.

"Actually I have a question for your...friend." Aunty C said as Athena glanced at me as I nodded.

"Go ahead." I said as she smiled as her head turned towards me.

"I was just wondering how you lost your arm. My guess is an {empowered} got a hold of you?" She asked me as I nodded as she let out an hmm.

"It just be the never healing curse, truly tricky bugger. If you want I could try and fix your arm, but for a price of course." She said with a smirk as I felt a shiver go down my back.

"Thank you but no thank you, Athena has already promised me she will do what she can with some sort of metallic slime substance." I said as her aunt turned to Athena as Athena nodded. However her aunt seemed distraught at the information.

"I know the experiment beforehand shows some promising signs but you shouldn't use such risky treatment on such a rare specimen. You could kill him if something goes horribly wrong." She said as Athena sighed as if she didn't want her aunt to say those words.

"I kind of guessed as much to be honest. A life changing event cannot happen without the risk of someone's life on the line so I am not afraid." I said as her aunt glanced at me and then at Athena.

"We will talk more when we reach the craft. Afterwards get some rest and then finalize your decision on your arm. In the meantime...hehehe." She said with a creepy laugh me and Athena shivered at the laugh as it bet she was referring to her experiments.


It took a total of 2 hours to reach the floating ship that Athena and her aunt were currently stationed in. However the flying ship that I suspected to be some sort of wooden sailing ship that was floating in the air was not the case. In fact it was about as far from the truth as could be. It could be said that the floating ship was about as advanced looking as a spaceship.

It was not shaped like a normal sailing boat as it has a rectangular shape and was easily about one and half times the size of an aircraft carrier. To be honest it looked almost like the helicarrier of the marvel movies that I used to watch. It even had massive magical fan-like things on each corner keeping it up in the air. But the main thing was that the helicarrier was in fact a very white color instead of black and what not.

There were magical cannons stationed all over the behemoth as it floated there silently as even the wind around it didn't seem to be affected by the massive fans. Still it looked like it had been damaged slightly on the bottom and other spots as I noticed some angels and other winged creatures fixing it as it floated in the air. But to me it honestly looked like a flying fortress as the air around it seemed to demand respect.

"Why do I have a feeling that I have seen this before." I mumbled to myself as Athena had managed to hear me and smiled in response.

"Oh I forgot introductions. Percy welcome to the RV Athena or the Research Vessel Athena." She said proudly as Aunty C snorted this caused Athena to glare at her aunt.

"What's so funny?" Athena asked as Aunty C snorted again and tried to hide it.

"Oh it's named it after yourself. Hahaha!" She couldn't help but laugh as Athena grumbled angrily as I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Well I did design it and build it." Athena said as Aunty C snorted again.

"More like paid people to build it for you." She said as Athena gritted her teeth as we approached the RV Athena.

"I was very involved in building it!" She yelled as she protected her baby before her.

"Pointing your finger in the right direction is not involved as much as you think it is." I suddenly said before I could stop my lips from moving. However I knew Athena's way of 'involved' and I am pretty sure I hit the nail on the head this time. But this remark caused Athena to glare at me and Aunty C laughed wildly at my remark.

"Haha! Perseus you are funnier than I first thought! You and I are going to get along like elves and nature spirits." She said as her laughter continued as I grimaced at the idea of being her friend.

"Anyways series time." She said as she approached the deck of the RV Athena. Amazingly there were runways on the top but not just jet runways. It looked like there were footholds for massive creatures to take off from and land on. My guess this thing could even handle wyverns. But the much longer runways that looked exactly like jet runways had me wondering if there was such an item yet.

Still as Aunty C approached with us in tow a person on the flight deck stood up with two glowing sticks and directed us to a landing spot. The person in question looked to be a beast kin of a sort as he waved the sticks to a landing spot as Aunty C followed the directions.

"Man landing is such a pain." She grumbled as she flew over to a certain spot and slowly glided down until her feet touched the ground and made a firm landing. With that my bare feet finally touched the ground as I felt a cool metal under my feet.

"Ah how was my baby feeling?" Athena asked as she knelt down and patted the ship as me and Aunty C shared the same creeped out expression. Athena saw this and blushed as she stood up and brushed off her legs. Just then the pup in my arms shuffled around for a more comfy spot as Aunty C finally noticed the small creature.

"Oh? Is this the creature that got you in so much trouble?" She asked as Athena nodded. She then told her the whole account with the divine shadow wolf and our promise to her as she nodded. However she reacted differently than I first thought about the information.

"Alright well keep her safe until the time is up." She said calmly as me and Athena shared a stare.

"Aren't you going to freak out like when I told you about Percy?" Athena asked her as she shrugged.

"I have already seen and met her before, she even let me do some experiments on her so I don't care about her species anymore." She said calmly.

"You met Darkness before?" I asked her as she got a confused look then made a 'aha' face.

"You mean the divine shadow hound, then yes I have. It was for a brief time when I was working on some remains of a stillborn void divine shadow walker that the heavens seemed to bless me with. She wanted to eat the remains to eliminate the possibility of it falling in bad people's hands and I agreed if I could run a few experiments on her." She said as the only thought going through my mind was that she was the only bad person here.

"In turn I gave her the corpse and she let me do several small experiments that let my techniques in shadow necromancy advance leaps and bounds." She said with a smile that suggested that time was a state of euphoria for her.

"Well that is interesting." Said Athena as we all began to walk towards a door that led into the ship.

"Wait." Aunty C said as we both stopped and she looked at us.

"What?" Athena asked her as she walked closer to us and pointed a finger at us.

"I am setting a time for tomorrow for Perseus to come and pay me a visit. Right after lunch at 1 pm come and see me after you have eaten. I will be waiting." She said in a feminine voice as she poked my chest and slowly dragged it away just like a succubus would. With that small motion and a seductive smile her brilliant copper tone eyes shifted from us and she disappeared into the ship.

"Your aunt is scary." I said as Athena didn't know whether to chaste me or agree with me on that.

"Yeah she is." Said a new voice as a tiny Gaia slowly appeared on my shoulder as she gave a large yawn and seemed to slump against my head.

"You're awake!" Athena said happily as Gaia nodded as she seemed mentally drained.

"What happened?" She asked us as Athena and I retold the tail of the sandworm battle and how one basically exploded. All in all she seemed happy to see we were alive and unhappy about the fact that my secret was revealed to the every so creepy Aunty C.

"Are you sure she won't tell anyone his species?" Gaia asked Athena as we continued to walk through random halls as I had no clue where we were going. Even my [mana sense] and [spirit eyes] were disrupted by the walls of the ship we were walking through. But in turn I did learn that the ship was recognized as a single item by my system.

Ancient class vehicle: Research Vessel Athena

Created from the finest materials in the world this 2,000 foot long and 750 foot wide behemoth in the sky is both a research vessel and a flying forest. Designed by Athena Winston of the Sky Continent she has poured all her knowledge into this to create a truly remarkable piece of engineering.

Durability: 30 billion/ 32 billion (can be repaired, needs to be docked for full repair)

Small cannon x 250 (individual) damage: 300,000 (5 second reload)

Medium cannon x 50 (individual) damage: 2.5 million (1 min reload)

Large cannon damage x 10 (individual) damage: 10 million (5 min reload)

Main cannon damage x 1 damage: 2 billion (15 min cooldown and 30 min reload)

Crew (max): 8,000 people max, 1000 gryphons, 200 wyverns, 2 (medium) dragons

Engine: 2.5 billion kilowatt magic crystal generator

Reading the stats for the RV Athena I was incredibly impressed by the capacity of this thing and even the fact that it was an Ancient grade vehicle. Still I could only imagine this was the tip of the iceberg for Athena since I could only assume this was the first of its kind.

"Did you design this?" Gaia asked in awe as she was now seated on Athena's shoulder as she nodded proudly.

"Yep, I even have plans for an even better one coming alone. The only problem I am running into is a proper energy source." Athena said as Gaia nodded.

"I could assume that something this large does require a massive mana source. But what would it make?" Gaia asked as she seemed interested in this.

"A battleship or an assault ship." She said as I continued to follow Athena until we reached a fancy looking door as Athena looked at me. On the way here I had gotten plenty of strange stares thanks to my one clothing item being pants. Even my fake arm was put away as my nub was let out to breathe some fresh air.

"Percy you and Gaia will be sleeping in my room tonight. However I will have no shenanigans happening tonight. Just get some sleep and rest up for tomorrow. Got it?" She asked me as I nodded as Gaia frowned as she was banned from doing anything naughty.

"Also please don't walk around half naked anymore it is distracting and rumors will begin to spread if people see you go into my room dressed like this." She said as I smirked.

"But I thought we were soulmates." I complained as she blushed and then opened the door to her room not responding. I just followed her inside as a giant bay window appeared in front of me. However it was not the desert and instead a giant city below with people flying in the air and multiple other things.

"It is a live feed from my room in the sky continent. Keeps me from getting home sick." She said as I nodded.

I started to look around the room as I noticed a large half circular coach in the middle of the room facing the right of the room. Multiple books were stacked and thrown around it and a pillow and blanket placed in the center of the coach. In front of the coach was a table with blueprints and books in different languages on it as well as dirty dishes. The whole area was actually depressed in the floor by about a foot as well giving it some design.

But on the wall in front of the coach was a magic hologram showing some scene of a magician battling another on it. Beside the hologram was a hallway that I suppose led to the bedroom and bathroom and facing the back of the coach was a kitchen. It was a full on kitchen with a fridge, oven, stove, microwave, dishwasher, sink, cabinets, and bar counter that faced the coach.

Finally was another door which I supposed was the pantry that was beside the kitchen and another hallway which I assumed led to either a library or den or a sort due to the stacks of books in the hall.

"Nice place." I said as Athena shut the door and grimaced at the mess that was currently dominating the room.

"I will have my maid come by and clean it up later. In the meantime there is a full bathroom down the right hallway and is the first door on the left. There is also a half bath down the left hallway and is the first door on the right. My library slash work room is at the end of the left hallway as well. My bedroom is down the right and is last door on the right and the guest is on the left."

"The kitchen is open to all and I have some magic signal for some shows on the hologram. Feel free to watch anything you want but don't mess with my blueprints. Finally you two are to sleep in the guest bedroom and don't worry about the mess the maid should be here in the morning to clean it up." She finished as she stepped away from me but then stopped and turned back to me.

"One more thing you are not to lounge around shirtless in here, I don't want the maid spreading rumors of us. Also no sex under my roof." She added as Gaia groaned as Athena gave the tiny fairy no mind.

"You're no fun." I said with a yawn as I guess the time was about noon which meant we still had 12 hours before the pup would be free of us.

"I am going to get a shower with Gaia, don't do anything stupid." Athena said as she walked down the right hallway as I walked over to the coach with the pup and sat down where Athena probably spent countless nights sleeping. But just as I was about to turn up the volume on the hologram the door suddenly broke open.

I could only slowly turn my head as I saw a male angel that looked like a fairly decent fighter breath heavily as he scanned the room and his eyes landed on me.

"You!" He shouted as he pointed at me. I however was confused and looked around a few times and then pointed at myself as if confirming that it was me who he was talking about. Just then Athena and with fairy Gaia on her shoulder ruched back into the room thankfully still in their clothes. However the look on Athena's face was one of disdain as she looked at the male angel and his posy that stormed in the room.

"What do you want Keith?" She asked annoyed as he huffed in anger and pointed at me.

"You dare invite a male into your chambers? No less a human?" He asked her as she seemed completely fed up with this man as I played the village idiot to see where this was going.

"If I remember right Keith female angels have the right to marry any man or men they want. Also male's angels have no say in who they pick even if they are the ones who are picked unless another female has laid claim on them." She said as Keith's eyes twitched.

"But I am the most suitable male on this ship! You should have chosen me! I have been courting you for nearly 7 years no less!" He shouted as I figured out what was happening now.

"That doesn't mean you can barge in her and interfere with any of my choices. Now as your commander I demand you leave." She nearly shouted in her anger.

"I will not leave until this fool accepts to fight me in a duel for his spot by your side." He said as I shrugged.

"Sure." I said as he seemed slightly at a loss for words as to how simply I accepted. I then turned my attention back to the hologram to see two knights fighting one another.

"Fine then in one weeks' time I will see you in battle!" He shouted as I didn't even give a response as they finally left as Athena gave a large sigh.

"You shouldn't have agreed to that duel. He is a level 2398 he is much stronger than you. If you want some XP I can get you monsters to hunt." She said as I smiled.

"I know but that isn't the reason why I accept. When I kick his ass in battle then you will have to publicly announce that you and I are in a relationship." I said as her face fully flushed red as she began to stutter.

"D-Deviant!" She shouted as she ran away into the bathroom as I couldn't help but laugh.