Sophie woke up around six in the morning Henley was not in her side anymore. They do not have the same working schedule if there is not operation on calling. She does all the things she does in the morning when she wakes up.

When she was about to go to work and plan to eat her breakfast outside. Her eyes noticed the dining table were foods prepared for her. She walked towards it and found the note. It was from Henley.

Bro, eat first before going to work. I prepare this for you. I have an early operation. See you around!


She smiled feeling like a cloud nine. She quickly snapped herself.

'What the hell she was thinking? It was not the first time Henley did this to her. Why she feels like a teenager now?'

She immediately grabbed a bite on her breakfast.

Sophie was holding a takeout coffee from Coffee Angel. She was inside her clinic when she saw Ronald sitting at the waiting area of her clinic. Glenda, her secretary was there already as she greeted her.

"Good morning Doc Sophie." Glenda said with a smile.

Sophie nodded as went straight to her office. Ronald followed her but she did not say something to him.

"Babe, can we talk about us?" Ronald said. "About what you see the last time you went to my office."

She sighed as she sat to her executive chair then taps her fingers to her table.

"I do not think that would be a good idea Mr. Ronald. As far as I concern, there is no Us anymore and I do not give a damn what happen last time. I move on, Ronald and I do not want anything from you anymore." She said in an annoying voice.

Ronald stared her ridiculously. "So that's it. You broke with me just because I did sex with other woman." He said angrily.

"Huh! So, what I supposed to do? Accept you even you did some dirty things with our relationship." She got angry as she replied. "You wish! Because I am not that kind of person who can tolerate your Sh*t."

Ronald grabbed her arms. "For God's sake, it is your fault that I was tempted with others. You know that, for years in this relationship. You never let me touch you and I am just a human Sophie. I still have needs and you did not even give me. You know how much I love you."

"I am hurting Ronald let go of my arms." she was really piss. "For God's sake, sex is not the only thing that matters in the relationship. It is not love you have felt it is lust Ronald. Now get out and do not disturb me again. It is over; our relationship is ended few days ago." She said with the loud tone. "Find a woman who can give your needs and that is not me. Goodbye." Ronald still did not let her arms go and it was already turning red.

"I said let me go." She repeated.

"Let her go Ronald." A voice came from her office door.

They knew whose voice spoke. It was Henley. Ronald dropped her arms and left the clinic with anger face.

Henley walked towards her and raised her arms. It turned red by holding Ronald's hand too tight. She saw Henley clenched fist.

"Do you have a cream for this?" He asked as his brows crossed. "Next time he bothers you, call me or call the guard."

Sophie nodded and glanced at him. "Hmm." She replied. "I thought you had an early operation schedule. Why are you here?" She asked and got some ointment from her drawer.

Henley put some ointment to her arms where Ronald held it tight. "I do, in few minutes from now. I just want to check on you before I do the operation. It was the right thing I did. Ronald might hurt you more with that attitude towards you."

Sophie took a deep breath. "You forgot bro, I was a black belter way back and do boxing too. I was a boyish type of person you know that." She said proudly to him.

He shook his head. "I know, I know but still you are a woman and I do not want to see you hurt."

She stood up and walked near him then patted his shoulder. "Okay, okay I get it. So, you go now and do your job instead." She pushed him to the door. "My patients will be here soon and your patient is waiting." She makes a cute smile.

Henley cupped her face and kissed her lips that Sophie's eyes widen from shock. She could not say a word from what Henley did to her a while ago.

"Okay, now I am ready with my patient." He grinned after pulled away. "See you later beautiful."

Sophie blushed.