The Admission Requirements of Various Universities

The efficiency of governmental institutions seemed to have increased in the world where martial artists resided in.

In the middle of June, less than two weeks after the exams, the results were announced.

Lakeview Gardens.

Fang Yuan watched on as Fang Ping typed in his candidate ID slowly, he was burning in anxiety on Fang Ping's behalf. She kept on pestering him, "Fang Ping, can't you type faster?"

"What are you getting so worked up for?"

Fang Ping was unfazed. He spent a while confirming his information.

After entering the results page, Fang Ping gave it a cursory glance. Sounding as if everything was within his expectations, he said, "It's nearly similar to what I expected."

Chinese: 120 

Mathematics: 131

Liberal Arts: 112

Sciences: 264

Total: 627