Getting To Know Each Other

Sports Field 1. 

The students were in groups of twos or threes while the ones that were alone were mostly new students from Area 1. 

As for the other dorm areas, those who were in groups of four were usually from Area 4, while those in groups of three were often from Area 3.

Fang Ping looked around as he walked when he suddenly thought of an important issue and asked, "How is the arrangement like with girls?" 

There were only 4 dorm areas for new students, so where were the girls staying?

Fu Changding was taken aback and asked, "You didn't notice?"


"There are girls at Area 1!"

Fu Changding was shocked. "What's with that look of yours? Or is it that these girls look too much like boys?"

"The girls stay together in Area 2, 3, and 4 while in Area 1, they usually just stay by themselves in their own room.