Path of Conquest

Just as Fang Ping went to ask Old Man Li for a more detailed explanation of how he should cultivate the technique, the martial arts students' power ranking was updated.

It changed on the 1st of July.

Only one month had passed since the last update, but the ranking had changed a lot.

Fang Ping had shot way up the Rank-3 list in record time.

"Ling Yiyi, CCMAU, Year 2. 20 years old. Peak Rank-3 martial artist.

"Ranking: 1.

"Peak Victory: Has gone against a Peak Rank-4 martial artist alone. Killed an upper-stage Rank-4 martial artist."

"Qin Fengqing, MCMAU, Year 3. 21 years old. Peak Rank-3 martial artist.

"Ranking: 2.

"Peak Victory: Killed an upper-stage Rank-4 martial artist while among ten thousand soldiers."

"Fang Ping, MCMAU, Year 1. 19 years old. Upper-stage Rank-3 martial artist.

"Ranking: 3.