Bad Trends at MCMAU

At the same time.

Sun City.

Sun City No.1 High School, second floor of the gym.

Fang Yuan felt her entire body itch, and she squirmed uncomfortably.

The young girls who were admiring their boss as she trained suddenly cried out in shock.

"Sis Yuanyuan, you're bleeding all over!"

"There's so much blood on your face!"

"On your clothes, too!"

"Soob, what's the matter with you, Sis Yuanyuan?"


In their fluster and panic, the girls tried to rush forward and check on her. The moment they approached, however, Fang Yuan instinctively shoved one away, and the girl closest to her was sent flying several meters away.

Fang Yuan was stunned. 'I didn't even use any force, but she went flying so far. Is this what Old Bro meant by faking a crash?'