There Must Be Dreams

January 20th.

Just as Fang Ping had predicted, on this day, Sino Nation published the Rank-6 rankings.

So far, the charts for all the ranks were complete.

Fang Ping did not make the Rank-5 rankings, but he did not care too much and did not pay much attention to it.

However, for the Rank-6 rankings, MCMAU had several people who were on the list.

The rankings for middle and low-ranks were different from that of high-ranks, in that it only featured the top 100.

As for MCMAU, this time there were many people on the list.

Tang Feng, ranked sixth in the Rank-6.

Lu Fengrou, 8th.

Luo Yichuan, 37th.

The Peak Rank-6 who was guarding Magic City's Catacombs, the fat-faced old man Zhang Jianhong, also ranked 64th on the rankings.

MCMAU currently had only 6 Peak Rank-6s except for Old Man Li, and 4 were on the list.