What a great ambition!

Fang ping and the others followed the trail at an extremely fast speed.

When they arrived at the entrance, Fang ping scanned the area and frowned slightly."Ji Yao and the others went out!"


The crowd sensed the remaining Qi of Ji Yao and her group. They were right at the entrance.

"Where's Feng miesheng?"

"I don't know,"

Fang ping continued,"I don't think he went out. He's not that fast, and he might not dare to come out. I told you, albidor is guarding this place!"

As soon as he said that, Yao Chengjun and the other man remembered.

Indeed, Fang ping had said this before.

If Feng miesheng was frightened, he might not dare to walk in.

Feng miesheng was most likely still on the king Battle Ground, but he was in hiding.

"I'll stand guard here!"Yao Chengjun said. "Fang ping, you go and look for the legacy site ..."