Chapter 9: Into the Dog Days

GM finalized their offer before I even made it back from Michigan. Ford and Chrysler followed suit within a week. I was fairly certain Jim had leaked the fact that GM was signing to get the other two on board quickly. He knew I was more interested in establishing some real working capital than squeezing every last dime out of them. Before the Fourth of July weekend, PT Innovations had twelve million dollars in its corporate accounts.

"I still think you should buy a garage rather than build here," Jim said as I tended the grill. It was the Friday the fourth of July and our board meeting had just finished before our first annual company holiday cookout. Jim and I were talking about putting some of our new capital to work.

"But I couldn't work without driving someplace then. What happens if I want to tinker with something in the evenings? If I have to get in my car and drive someplace else to work, I'll waste too much time."

"But you could get started sooner. We could pick-up that old service station near your school. It has three bays and an attached workshop that could be perfect for you. You could have it bought, cleaned out and ready to use before the end of the month. Plus it gives the corporation a tangible asset and some property deductions for taxes."

"But if we build out here, I can lease land from Mom and we can still depreciate the structure and any equipment, plus I could walk to work after dinner like I do now."

Jim shook his head. "Okay, I know you've at least thought it all the way through. I hadn't thought about you paying a lease for the land. You want to share some of your good fortune with your mother, I understand."

The fact that Mom would only take a nominal fee to be the President of the company was a touchy subject with both Jim and I. She, however, was adamant about it.

"Also, I'd like to keep a little bit of a low profile," I said. I had gotten a little local notoriety following the car show and the press coverage we had generated. I knew everyone in school would flip if I bought the old garage three blocks from school and hung PT Innovations on the door.

"I've talked it over with Uncle Ben, and we can stake out a new machine shed and have a slab for it poured in two weeks. The shed can be up and ready for outfitting by the end of the month, if I place the order on Monday."

"Really? I didn't think it could go up that fast."

"If we stay with a standard size, it's pretty easy. I've been looking over the dimensions and can lay out plenty of workspace along with a machine shop and some office space to keep notes and drawings in. Uncle Ben said I could hire John and Ryan to help finish building the office space while I take Mom on vacation."

"Have you told her about it yet?"

"In general, yes, but not specifics. You haven't let anything slip, have you?"

Jim chuckled and shook his head. "Not a word, though she has been asking Kelly and I if we know any details."

I had asked them to help me plan out a two week trip for my mother and I. We would be flying to London at the end of the month and then visiting Paris and Italy in a leisurely vacation. We would get back just in time for me to start football workouts in August.

"What does Jeryl think about you going away a couple of weeks after she gets back? Not much of a summer together."

I shrugged. "I'm not sure where we stand, to be honest." I had talked about her grandmother's attitude toward me. While I truly loved Jeryl and believed she felt the same toward me, I was not certain it would be enough to overcome her family's objections. The long drive home had given me plenty of time to think about things. In the end, I had decided she needed to decide what she wanted. "We'll see what's what when she gets home next week."

Kelly and Mom came out to the porch with a platter of steaks and asked if the fire was ready. As I tended to the cooking, I tried to forget any future drama and enjoy the day. It was enough of a struggle that I nearly burned the meat.

Pulling into the Salaway's a few days later, I was worried. Jeryl had called and asked if I could 'pick her up'. They must have just gotten home since it was just after dinner when she called. I drove over and saw her sitting on their porch, waiting for me. She was running to me before I stopped the car and was in my arms as soon as I got out of the car.

"Paul, I'm so sorry for the way my grandmother treated you." She kissed me soundly and glanced over her shoulder at the house. I thought I saw a curtain move, but decided kissing her again was more important that figuring out who was watching.

"I missed you." I finally said as we broke apart again.

"Me, too." She stepped back and looked at my work clothes. She took a little sniff. "You could have taken a shower before coming over."

I laughed. "Come right over when you called after not seeing you for nearly three weeks, or take thirty minutes to get cleaned up and put off seeing you that much longer. Sorry, if I made the wrong choice, sweetie."

"How about we run over to your place and you get cleaned up? Then we can take a drive and talk some more. I've got a lot to tell you."

"Me too." I opened the door for her and soon was driving home. Jeryl held my hand.

"Did you hear anything from your test drives?" She asked.

"Quite a lot, actually. All three signed a deal. We signed the paperwork last week. They have the right to use any intellectual property in my portfolio for eight years at a set price. We have the right to renegotiate in five years with a bunch of provisions around valuing the updated portfolio. Jim was very pleased with the terms. He's pretty sure GM was just waiting for the performance to meet some pre-set minimums they had in mind. Based on the deal, we must have blown by their minimums."

Jeryl kissed the back of my hand. "Paul, I hate to ask this after the way my grandmother acted, but did you get a lot?" She rushed on. "I still haven't told my family, but you must have said something to grandmother, since she hinted around it in a few comments."

I thought about my heated comments and the smiled. I knew Jeryl was not chasing me for my money. "They deposited twelve million dollars with us in advance of future production licenses and royalties. Even if they never used a single idea, never needed to pay a single license, we would get to keep half of that."


"Wow is right."

"I'm very happy for you." She suddenly sounded insecure.

"For us."

She looked at me intently as I pulled into my drive. "What do you mean?"

I parked the car and took both of her hands in mine. "I mean it's not about just me or you, or Mom, or Jim or Kelly. It's about us. All of us, but especially about you and me. I love you. I want you to be part of my present and future."

"I want to be with you, too. I love you." She leaned over and gave me a kiss. "I thought a lot while we drove home. My grandmother has always driven us with promises and veiled threats. I realized how bad it was after you left. Jordan confirmed my thinking. She knows college is being paid for from grandmother's trust, so she tries to be the dutiful granddaughter, but it bothers her. Jyl just shrugged some of it off, but did not deny it. When mother got into a discussion with me, talking about the value and cost of a college education, and how I needed to keep grandmother as an ally, I wanted to scream."

I nodded as we walked up to the house. "I understand. Look, I don't want you to have to choose between your family and me. That's not fair to any of us, and especially not to you."

We stepped inside and she gave me a hug. "Thanks, Paul." She let me go and stepped back. "Now go take a shower and I'll chat with your Mom."

Thirty minutes later, we were enjoying the comfort of the back seat as dusk fell. Jeryl had wasted no time in directing me to pull into a secluded spot on the way into town. Even before we were out of sight of my house, she was in the back seat peeling off her clothes. By the time I was parked and climbing back with her, she was naked and playing with her nipples and neatly trimmed pussy.

We were in an enjoyable sixty-nine and I was close to succumbing to her excellent oral talents as I lapped slowly at her dripping pussy hanging over my face. She took me deep and I tickled her clit with my tongue as I stroked the cheeks of her ass. I collected some of her moisture with a finger and probed her ass gently as she began humming around my cock.

I moaned and felt my balls tighten. A second later, I was coming down her throat. She held me in her mouth gently as my cock pulsed and fired into her. I reveled in the feeling for a moment and then resumed my licking, wanting to return the favor. She continued to suckle me gently and moaned as I focused my own effort on getting her off. Soon, she tightened her stomach and let me slip from her mouth with a moan as she came.

"Oh, god, I have missed you, Paul." She finally managed to say as I continued to lick her gently.

She climbed off me and turned around to kiss me passionately. I held her against me and stroked her back as we lay in blissful comfort, recovering from our efforts.

"I missed you too," I whispered.

"What did you mean about me being part of your future?" she finally asked as our breathing returned to normal.

"I love you. I can imagine us being together for a long time. But, we're way too young to be talking about lifetime commitments. I wish we were seniors in college instead of sophomores in high school. Then we could discuss the real future, not just the next few years."

She kissed me. "I know what you mean. I can't imagine not being with you, but we don't even know if we'll go to school near each other. I can't imagine a long-distance relationship. And I can't imagine a bunch of college women leaving you alone when I'm not around."

I kissed her again and hugged her to me. "We don't have to worry about any of that yet. Let's just enjoy the summer and our sophomore year. If we take things one step at a time, I'm sure everything will turn out just fine."

Her hand slipped between us and stroked me gently as my fingers caressed her back. "Well, there is one thing I've been thinking we should do this summer, if you're up for it." Her voice had a hint of a tease in it.

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"I think I want this thing," she squeezed me gently so there was no mistaking what part of my anatomy she was discussing, "to be inside something other than my mouth."

"Really? Are you sure you're ready for that?" I asked as my cock began swelling again at the thought.

"If you have the lube I gave you for your birthday, I'm very ready to give it a try."

I kissed her passionately for a few minutes and then reached beneath the seat to grab the towel and lube I had stashed there. She took the lube from me and squirted some into her hand and began rubbing it on my dick before reaching around and spreading some on her own rear.

"Let me help," I said as I took the tube from her and applied a generous dollop on my finger. She twisted around on the seat; resting her knees on the edge and her head on the padded back as she reached behind her and spread her ass for me. Carefully, I worked my lubed finger into her tight rosebud. She moaned as I worked a second finger in.

I applied more lube to both her and myself and then scooted behind her. "Do you want to shift around so you can control the speed?"

"No, just go slow."

I reached between her legs and stroked her clit and pussy for a moment before leaning in and lining my cock up with her ass. The feeling of the head of my dick pressing against her was electric. Slowly I leaned in as she pushed back against me. Suddenly, the head popped past her sphincter and we both stopped.

"Are you alright?" I asked softly.

"Yes, just stay still for a minute." She released her ass cheeks and slipped a hand beneath her. She stroked her own pussy for a few minutes as she adjusted to me being inside her. When she reached back and cupped my balls, I took her signal and pressed in a little more.

"Oh, Paul, this feels amazing."

I pulled back a little and then stroked in slowly, plowing deeper as she moaned against the seat. I repeated my motions, resisting the urge to push to far or too fast as she alternated between caressing my balls and stroking her pussy. Finally, I was all the way into her and could not help but moan at the feeling of it.

She pushed against me and wiggled a little. "Take it easy, but fuck me now, with long, slow strokes, darling."

I did as I was told, slowly pulling back until just the head of my dick was trapped inside her and then pushed forward as she worked her pussy furiously.

"Oh, God, Paul I'm going to cum!" she yelled as I bottomed out after ten or twelve strokes. Her ass spasmed around my dick as a shudder shook her body, and set me off deep inside her. The pulsing of my dick in her bowels set of another torturously delicious spasm inside her as I held her hips tight against me.

I held her gently until I felt myself softening, and then pulled out slowly and quickly cleaned us both up with the towel. Jeryl turned and leaned against the armrest of the back seat and smiled at me.

"That was so much better than I imagined. You made it wonderful for me, lover."

"Likewise, ma'am." I leaned forward and kissed her deeply. "Are you sure you're alright?" I asked.

"I think so. I'm not ready to try it again right now, if that's what you're asking, but I will be soon. Jordan and Jyl told me it could be good with the right guy. I'm glad I had the perfect guy to try with."

She kissed me and then pulled me against her for a long hug. "If having you in my ass feels that good, Paul, I can't wait until I can feel you in my pussy," she whispered. "And one day, I will." She kissed me again and then pushed me back.

"Now, let's get some clothes back on and drive into town so someone can see us and make an appropriate report to our mothers."

I laughed and gave her one last kiss before searching on the floor for my boxers and shorts.

The summer seemed to fly by. My days were filled with farm work and getting the foundation for the new machine shed poured before taking Mom on her vacation. Jeryl and I managed to spend some time together almost every evening now that I had my license, but we didn't get too much alone time unfortunately.

I had to get new clothes for the trip, and Jordan, Jeryl, and Janet decided they all needed to approve my purchases so I would not embarrass my mother in Europe. I was tempted to tell them I was more than capable of picking out clothes, but then thought better of it and endured a day of shopping with them. Some of my secret came out as soon as I pulled out my credit card the first time.

"Paul, how do you have a card with your own name on it?" Janet asked as I handed it to the cashier.

"Um, well, you know my car, right?"

She nodded.

"And you know GM let us run some tests on it on their test track?"

Of course she knew that. She nodded again.

"Well, that was because they wanted test data before buying a license for my patents."

She arched an eyebrow at me and I felt like I was back in her class. "And because they are licensing your patents, you have a personal credit card?"

"Well, it's actually a company card. Jim arranged them so I would not have to worry about writing checks and having people wonder if I was really able to cash checks for some of the things I need to buy."

She pursed her lips as the cashier handed me the card and slip for signing. I focused on signing my name and hoped that was the end of the conversation. I handed the slip back and put the silver American Express card back in my wallet.

"So why are you using a company card for clothes?"

"Well, Jim told me to. He said he'd have the accountant code any personal purchases against my account and then we could take it out of my company pay instead of having to go through the hassle of getting a personal card for a minor."

"And just how much is your pay? Can you afford shopping today?"

Jeryl was trying not to laugh. Jordan was hiding her own smirk at her mother's ire.

"Yes, ma'am. I can more than cover shopping today"

The eyebrow arched again, and Jeryl finally laughed out loud.

"Mom, GM bought a license from Paul. Do you think it was for a couple hundred dollars?" She grabbed my bags and handed them to me before grabbing my arm. "Come on, we've got some more shopping to do. My boy needs to look dashing while he's in Europe."

She pulled me out of the store as we left Janet and Jordan staring behind us.

By the end of the day, I was glad I had built a good-sized trunk on my car. I was the proud owner of almost a completely new wardrobe, and over a thousand dollars poorer. I had to admit that the clothes were a better quality than I was used to, but I also knew I was never going to be excited about going shopping -- especially with the inquisitive mother of my girlfriend.

Europe in August is either brilliant, miserable, or a mix of both. Our trip was definitely a mix. Flying first class fell into the brilliant category, as did dinner on the Seine in Paris and the small chateau in Tuscany. The rain in London, rude French drivers and the muggy humidity of the city were on the miserable side. Everything else was a mixture of new and mundane. Mom loved it, so I was happy.

I kept up with my morning runs which generated some curious looks, but usually did them when few people were out and about. The days were filled with tourist stops at famous museums and historical sites. Mom knew most of the history and chatted with locals and guides in French. She was pleased with herself when she was mistaken for a Parisian in Paris and complemented on her accent when they discovered she was not. Like I said, it was a great vacation that let me relax a bit, made Mom happy, and helped me get my mind set for the hectic fall schedule of school, football and patent filing.

We got home around five on the Sunday before football practice started. Mom was tired from the flight and the drive home. I was excited to see how the new machine shed was coming along. As soon as she announced she was taking a shower and then going to bed, I was heading out the door.

The shed was a typical green and white corrugated metal shed from the outside. The north end, facing the road, had windows and a door on a small entry porch. I unlocked the door and stepped into my new work space. John and Ryan had done an excellent job putting in the interior walls and finishing out the space. The front of the building was forty feet wide, and half that space had been turned into a nearly square room with a long counter under the windows and filing cabinets along the back wall. The counter had a faucet and sink with a refrigerator in the corner. There was a small conference table and chairs filling the remainder of the space. The walls were a light cream color and the tight-weave carpet on the floor was a neutral tan. It looked nice and professional, but more like a lunch or conference room than an office.

Directly opposite the entry door was another door leading into the actual garage area. The floor of the garage was sealed with industrial epoxy that sparkled under the florescent lights. Three car bays were set up in the area facing the sliding side doors of the shed. They each had a low-profile hydraulic lift and were flanked by work benches. The back wall of the shed was the working machinery area. A lathe, drill press, planer, and metal press were lined up neatly with OSHA-approved safety lines painted around them. I could see the small forge in the back corner, on its special ceramic insulated flooring. Happy, I flipped the lights off and stepped back into the office area.

The second door from the open office area had a separate lock on it. I used my key and stepped into a short hallway. The first door on the right side of the hall was the restroom. I glanced inside to see a large counter and sink with a small shower stall and hanging space for coveralls. The toilet was on the other side of the shower. A door led to the utility room with a good-sized hot water heater and a stacked washer and dryer set. Mom had complained about the grease on my coveralls once, and this was my solution. She would not need to worry about washing them anymore.

Past the bathroom was my new office, again with its own lock on the door. It had the same neutral colors of the front office, but had both a drafting table and desk against the windows. A Franklin stove was tucked into the corner on insulated tiles with a wood bin along the wall. A low filing cabinet with wide drawers was on the wall near the door and a leather couch, chair, and ottoman with a low coffee table finished out the furnishings. It looked nice. I sat down in the chair and put my feet up. A phone was on the small end table between the couch and the chair. I picked it up and was surprised to get a dial-tone.

A minute later, I listened to the phone ringing on the other end.

"Salaway's", I heard a woman's voice answering.

"Is Jeryl home?" I asked.

"Paul, is that you?" I could now recognize Jyl's voice. "When did you get home?"

"Just a little bit ago. I thought I'd call and say hi".

"I'm glad you did. Jeryl has been a bit much this week with you away." I could hear Jeryl in the background demanding Jyl hand over the phone. Jyl went on as if I had called to talk to her. "I mean, I don't think any of us could take many more dramatic sighs from her as she looked at the calendar or wondered if you were meeting some beautiful French girl. It's been horrific for us."

I laughed and Jyl finally handed off the phone.

"She's not funny, Paul, and you should not encourage her by laughing. I missed you."

"I missed you, too. And I did not meet any women that could hold a candle to your beauty, so you had nothing to worry about."

"I know. I didn't worry so much as wonder what you were doing."

"Well, guess what I'm doing right now?"


"I'm sitting in my nice new office calling my girlfriend from a private phone. I'm thinking about how nice it would be if you were over here and how you would like the feel of this nice leather couch against your bare ass as I kissed every inch of your naked body."

"Oh, Paul!" Her voice dropped to a whisper. "You can't say things like that when I have to stand here in the middle of kitchen and listen with at least one pair of big ears a few feet away trying to eavesdrop. I wish I was there with you."

"Well, it's early. I could bring you over to see it if you want."

"Of course I want to, but I'm almost certain Mom won't let me go out with you tonight. She's been on my case this week about slowing things down with you again."

"Maybe Jyl or Jordan could bring you by."

"I'll ask."

Jyl came back on the line. "So, Paul, did you learn how to kiss like a Frenchman while you were over there?"

I laughed. "I learned that a long time ago, along with a few other things the French have been known to do."

Jyl laughed back. "If Mom okays it, I'll bring Jeryl over and you can prove those boasts."

"You're going to ask your Mom if I can prove I know how to give head to a lady? I'm surprised you would ask permission for that. She might want to be the judge herself."

Jyl laughed as Jeryl came back on the phone. "I can come over for a little while, as long as Jyl or Jordan drive me over and stay around. I'll see you in a few minutes. Bye."

Just that quickly, the line was dead and I sat wondering what sort of welcome home I was in for.

I didn't have long to wait. Jordan's mustang pulled into the yard and parked in the spaces near the front of the building and all three sisters piled out. They were through with the tour of the building in fifteen minutes and had spread out over the couch and chair in my office with me relegated to the comfortable chair at the desk.

"This is really cool," Jordan said as she stretched her legs out on the couch. Jyl nodded and pushed her sister's feet when they tried to cross into her lap. Jeryl sat in the over-stuffed chair and swung her legs onto the arm closest to me. I caught a devilish look from her when she spread her legs far enough to give me a flash of white up her loose khaki shorts.

"It's quite a party pad, if you ask me," Jyl said.

I shook my head. "No parties. It was a condition from Mom to put up the building. It's for work."

"Then why the couch and comfy chairs?"

"Mom found me asleep in the shed once this spring. I was in my coveralls on the back bench seat while it was pulled out of the beast for some work. I had stretched out for a cat nap around midnight. She found me about three in the morning. When we were laying this out, she insisted I have something better if I needed a nap."

Jordan looked skeptical. "I'm sure she never thought about you using it for something else, like talking your girlfriend's sisters into playing truth or dare or something."

I laughed. "More like them talking me into playing truth or dare."

Jeryl grinned at me. "So, truth or dare, Paul?"

"Truth, of course. I know you're dying to ask me something."

"What were you thinking about when you called me this evening?"

I smiled and repeated my comments about how nice she would find the leather against her naked skin. All three girls giggled and squirmed a little. I would have dared Jeryl to find out for real, but knew the rules. I couldn't ask her next. Instead, I had to be a little devious.

"Jyl, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to strip your sister so she can feel what that leather feels like on her naked skin."

Jeryl made a quick clapping motion and began to stand up, but Jyl instead grabbed Jordan's feet and began pulling her shoes and socks off as she stuck her tongue out at Jeryl. "He didn't say which sister," she said with a laugh.

Jordan laughed and then lifted her hips as Jyl reached up and undid the snap on her shorts and began pulling them down her long, tanned legs. They were as delectable as they had been over Memorial Day. Soon, Jordan was stretching naked on the couch, writhing for my benefit.

"I must say, Jeryl, it feels marvelous."

Jyl laughed and then turned to Jeryl. "Truth or dare, little sister?"

"Dare. But you had better make it a nice one." I could tell how worked up Jeryl was.

Jyl shook her head. "I dare you to let Jordan have the full experience of Paul's tease."


"Kiss her all over, or let him do it."

Jeryl blushed and looked over her sister before turning to me. "Do you want to kiss Jordan?"

I wasn't sure if she wanted me to, or wanted me to make her do it. "Whichever you want, kitten."

It seemed to be the right answer. "We'll both do it." She hopped out of the chair and pulled me to my feet to lead me over to the couch. She shooed Jyl to the chair. I let her take the lead as she pushed my face toward Jordan's. "You start."

I kissed her full lips and then began placing light kisses on her face. Jeryl gently kissed her shoulder and then began moving down her arm. By the time I moved to her pointed nipples, Jeryl had pulled back far enough to strip off her own clothes. I stroked her arms and back gently as I kissed my way down Jordan's taut stomach and then began licking her in earnest.

Jordan's orgasm was quick, but not so quick that she did not take the time to stroke her own fingers along her sister's skin and tweak her nipples. By the time Jordan came down from her own release, I could tell Jeryl was ready to explode. I quickly stood, picked her up, dropped her on the couch next to her sister, and dived between her legs. She was over the top three long licks later.

"Wow," Jyl said from the chair. Her statement seemed to commingle how impressed and frustrated she was.

Jeryl smiled. "It does feel wonderful being naked on this couch while you do that, lover." She pulled me up for a long kiss. I was in no hurry to stop kissing her until I heard a 'harrumph' from behind me. Jyl was getting impatient, it seemed.

Jeryl smiled at her only still clothed sister and then turned to Jordan. "Jordan, truth or dare?" Jyl moaned in frustration.

"After that, I'd feel like a cheat if I didn't say dare," she answered.

"I dare you to..." She glanced at my crotch for a moment and then looked over at Jyl. Finally, she looked back at me. "I dare you to help Paul break in his new chair."

"What do you mean?" Jordan asked as she sat up. If her nipples were any indication, I knew what she wanted Jeryl to mean.

"I want you to strip him and plant his gorgeous rear in that chair, and then jump on top of him and let him do your rear. He's had mine and Jyl's. It's your turn before you leave for school."

If she only knew, I thought to myself.

Jordan smiled and slowly stood up and grabbed my belt. She didn't waste any time talking as she pulled my clothes off and then guided me to the chair.

"What if I don't want to move," Jyl asked as my naked backside was pointed at her.

"Then you will be under Paul and I, and you won't get a turn anytime soon," Jordan said. Jyl was gone by the time my ass hit the warm leather.

Jordan dropped to her knees and engulfed my cock in her mouth. Jeryl smiled at me as I groaned. She spread her legs and let me see her fingers working on her snatch. With the feeling on my cock and the visual stimulation of Jeryl playing with herself, I lost it. Without warning, I was coming in Jordan's mouth. She sucked every drop and continued to hold me in her mouth with just enough stimulation that I did not soften. Finally, my breathing was almost back to normal when she stood, spun around, and lowered herself onto me.

"Oh, God," I moaned as she impaled herself on me. As soon as the head of my cock popped past the sphincter, she paused and held me just inside her ass.

"Jyl, truth or dare?" she asked.

Jyl had moved to the far end of the couch and I noticed her hand was stuck inside her own shorts making similar motions to Jeryl's.

"Dare." She was a little breathless.

"Get naked and get over here and lick my pussy while I do Paul."


"You heard me. If I get off before he does, you can finish him off and I'll make sure you have a good come. If he gets off first, you go home frustrated."

Jeryl gave her sisters a wicked grin and nodded to me. Jyl stood and stripped in a flash. I was suddenly naked with all three Salaway sisters.

Jordan lowered herself on me slowly and I felt hot breath on my balls as Jyl sank between my and her sister's knees. I felt warm saliva as she placed a long lick on her sister's dripping slit. Then we were off to the races.

Jordan began fucking herself on my dick as Jyl tried to get her off so she could get on. If I had not just come, I would not have lasted more than a couple of thrusts. Instead, I settled into the nice rhythm Jordan set and looked over to watch Jeryl pleasure herself.

Our eyes locked for a moment, and then she was coming again. Jordan must have been watching as well because I felt her back arch into me and felt her ass clamp down as her own orgasm hit. Jyl switched her attention to my balls and suddenly I was joining them in their orgasms.

I was still breathing hard a few minutes later when Jordan finally lifted herself off my lap. I watched her incredible ass as she sashayed out of the room and came back with some wash clothes from the bathroom a minute later. She cleaned me up nicely and then dropped down to suck my dick in her mouth again. The thought of her sucking her own ass off me was both disgusting and arousing. I found myself hardening quickly.

Jyl replaced Jordan with her own mouth and then pulled a tube of lube from her purse. "I'm not doing this big boy again with just spit for lube," she said as she squirted the clear gel into her hand and began applying it to us both. Soon, she was spun around and lowering herself onto me. Jeryl came over and sat on the arm of the chair to kiss me as her sister fucked herself in the ass on my dick. I reveled in the sensations rolling through my body and kissed her deeply, trying to ignore what was happening below my waist. I knew Jyl was in for a long ride after coming twice. I just hoped my dick could take it.

Five or six minutes later, I felt another hot vice clenching around my dick as Jyl got her reward. "Shit, that felt good," she managed to say as she lifted herself from my still hard dick. Jeryl climbed into my lap as I felt another warm wash cloth clean me off. We continued to kiss and she rubbed herself against me. She felt good.

"Do you want me, too," she whispered in my ear.

"I always want you, kitten. But you know that you set the pace on what we do."

She purred against me for a minute and then waved a hand behind herself. A minute later, I was being lubed up again and a pair of gentle hands were lining me up as Jeryl scooted back and down on my cock.

With Jordan and Jyl, I had seen only their backs. With Jeryl, she was facing me and pressing her breasts against my chest as she thrust down on me. The amount of contact was amazing and the feel was incredible. I reached down between us to strum her clit as she rose and fell against me. When she leaned in to kiss me, it was awe inspiring. Soon, we were coming together.

"My God, Jeryl, I love you," I gasped in her ear softly as I spurted inside her.

"I love you, too, Paul. I always will."


"One-hundred, coach."

Tryouts were the same, and my answers were the same.

Jim scowled at me. "You could have left a few out there," he said.

"I did. I'm up to one fifty in my daily workout."

"Shit. What about the run?"

"I'll stick it at eighteen, so you can keep up, old man."

Jim laughed. We had not seen much of each other over the summer, and I realized that was my loss. He was a good friend. As we started the run, I thought of Wendy and what having real friends meant. I realized I had been being selfish. It was time to change that.

We finished the first day of tryouts and I asked Jim if he wanted to come and see something cool. He said sure and followed me out to the farm in his car and into my new shop.

"Man, I knew you were doing a deal with your ideas, but nothing that would let you build this sort of place. It's cool." We were in the work bays with the big doors open. "Think I could change the oil in my car out here? It would be a lot easier than using the ramps at home."

I laughed. "Of course, just let me know when."

We headed into the conference room and grabbed a couple of sodas from the fridge before heading into my office.

"So why did you want me to come out here? Just to show me all this?"

"No. I wanted to talk to you about school. You're a junior and will be the starting quarterback on the varsity. I'll still be on the JV squad most likely."

He snorted. "You'll be varsity. Nobody else has a shot at the OLB position. You proved that last year."

I shrugged. "Maybe, but this is your year to catch some attention. Where do you want to go to school?"

It was his turn to shrug. "I don't know. I'd love to go to the U of I, but I don't know that we can afford it. I don't think I'll be winning a football scholarship there."

"What do you want to study?"

"I'm enjoying biology and chemistry. I think I might major in one of those."


"No way. I'm thinking chemical engineering, but I've heard it's a hard row to hoe."

I laughed. "I've seen you study. You can do it, I'm sure. What about Lisa?"

"What about her?"

"Where is she going? Do you want to stay with her, or is she just your high-school girl?"

"Shit, Paul, I don't think about things like that. We haven't really discussed long-term yet."

"Do you want to?" My tone was dead serious.


I paused for a minute and took a deep breath. "Look, I don't want this thing I've got going to change how I act and who I am, but I got a butt-load of money from the car companies for my ideas. I'm trying to figure out how I can help my friends, and how much and who I should help."

"What do you mean?"

"Say I offered you a full scholarship to any university you could get into. Where would you go?"

"MIT" he said without thinking. "I always wanted to go there, but never thought it was realistic."

"Okay, so suppose you had an acceptance letter in hand from MIT right now, and I handed you a check for four years of tuition, books, room, and board? Am I a rich asshole, a friend, or a mark you can take for that kind of money?"

He started to make a glib answer and stopped himself. "Are you serious? You have that kind of money?" I nodded.

"That and more, but I don't want to buy a bunch of fake friends or paint myself as a rich asshole or stand out as an easy mark. I was thinking as we ran this morning, that if anyone else on the team knew I had that kind of money, they would think one of those three things and be hitting me up all the time. You wouldn't. I don't think Lisa would. I know Jeryl and her sisters wouldn't. Other than that, I don't know anyone that would judge me just as me."

He nodded. "You're right. Just people knowing you have that kind of money will change how they act. You need to keep it quiet. And you need to have a plan for when it does come out."

"What do you mean?"

"We live in a small town. You can't keep a secret that big in a small town. It will get out sooner or later. How long did the Pickering's keep Kathy's pregnancy secret last year?"

Kathy had left school in the early spring after putting on some weight. Within a week of her leaving, everyone knew she had a nine-month flu. Her parents had actually moved away rather than bring her back into school this year.

"Damn. I never thought about that. Any ideas?"

"Well, start by saying the money is in a trust or invested or something."

"It is. Both, actually."

"Okay, that's a start. If people know you can't put your hands on it, they won't be so likely to try and grab it. Next, you need to buy some goodwill before and after it gets out."

"What do you mean?"

"You see rich people buying things for towns and schools all the time for tax write-offs and to get what they want. You need to be ready for that. Do nice things with some of the money before people know you can afford to do things like that. Then when they come with their hands out, you can say you've already donated your limit for the year or whatever. That way, they can't smear you for being stingy, but they won't pester you for the time being."

I nodded. I would have to talk that one over with Jim and Mom, but I liked the idea. I said as much to him.

"If Mom and the lawyer agree, what sort of thing do you think we should buy?"

Jim grinned. "An indoor pool for the school."

"Wow, you don't think small."

He laughed. "It's perfect. You're giving back to everyone in the county and school. Who could blame you for not 'doing more' if they see what you have done every day?"

I laughed with him. "Shit, I just wanted to make sure money wouldn't change our friendship and here you have me giving it all away."

He sobered. "Dude, I didn't mean to tell you to spend all the money."

I waved him off. "Look, I trust you or I wouldn't have told you. I made twelve million dollars this summer. I can afford to put in a pool for the school, and still offer you a scholarship."

"You were serious about that?"

I nodded. "As a heart attack."

I suspected the meeting with Lawyer Jim as I thought of him was going to be tough, so I broached the ideas Jim and I had kicked around with Mom first. She smiled at me and then gave me a big hug.

"I knew I shouldn't have worried about money going to your head," she said as she wiped away a tear. "Did I ever tell you about your dad swimming in school? He loved to swim."

She had mentioned it, but I had not thought about it consciously. "Then let's put his name on the pool," I said.

That got me another hug.

"But, I don't want to do just one thing. Minonk is getting a bit run down. I'd like to help more people out than just the school. I want to help the fire department and ambulance service as well."

"Well, it should work well with the trust structure Jim set up to pay your cousins school from. I would think you could move more money into that and let the trust handle disbursements, but Jim will know the best way to do it."

"Won't he be upset with me?"

Mom laughed. "Jim has made it very clear that this is your money and your company to do with as you wish. He may disagree with you and argue, but at the end of the day, he knows it is your money, not his. That's why he told you to always keep fifty-one percent of the shares in your name. He cannot really tell you not to do something, only advise you. At least that is what he said when I tried to argue about the lease amount you paid for part of the homestead you already will inherit."

"Okay, so we need to set this up at the board meeting this week. Do you want to talk to him beforehand?"

"Do you want me too?"

I sighed. "No. It's my idea and my money. I'll talk to him first."

Mom smiled at me and patted my hand. I wasn't sure what she was trying to say, but I hoped she was proud of me.

"Paul, this just about guarantees that people in town will know you are rich with a capital R," Jim said as we sat in his office.

"But it will at least be on my terms," I countered. "It's a small town. Mrs. Doughtry at the bank has to have seen the checks going in and out. It's only a matter of time until she lets something slip to someone and they start guessing."

Jim grimaced. "I should have told your mother to set up your accounts down here."

"But that's just it. This isn't blood money that I need to hide. I've been paid honestly for my work. Can't I give back without being a bad guy?"

"You can, and you should if that is what you want to do. I just want you to make informed decisions and go in with your eyes wide open. Do you want to set up an endowment or a trust?"

"I don't know. I want to donate the funds to do some specific things for the town, not just hand the politicians money. The mayor and town council are nice normal people, but they are still politicians. I want very specific strings attached to the money."

"Like what?"

"That it can only be used for what I want it spent on. I'm not out to fund raises for people."

"Okay, we can draw up specific endowments backed by a charitable trust. They will essentially sign a contract stipulating the proper use of the funds. If they spend it on something else, they have to pay it all back. You know that running a pool has a lot more to it than just building it, right?"

I nodded. "I thought about that, too. I want to buy some land that the school's FFA chapter can farm with the proceeds going to the pool fund. I think twenty or so acres should cover it, but we need to research that beforehand. If the FFA doesn't want to farm it, we can use cash rent or something to generate cash for the fund."

"That's a good idea. So the pool and land for operating costs will be one endowment. What else?"

"I want to refurbish the fire station and update the fire truck and ambulance."

"Okay, that's a one-time cost."

"Agreed. If they need more or something else down the road, I can fund it separately."

"What else?"

I took a deep breath. The next items were tricky. "I want to set up some scholarships for a few people."


"Scholarships. Five of them. Undergraduate through advanced degrees if they desire it. I think a million in the fund would more than cover it."

Jim whistled. "The interest on that size fund would cover it. It would pay for just about any school in the world."

"That's the idea. I want to guarantee sufficient funds for five people to attend any school they get accepted by."

"When you say no strings, what about grades?"

I thought about that for a minute. "If they are not getting at least a 2.5, the money should stop. Even in a hard engineering program, you would have to take a lot for granted to not get a 2.5. If they aren't serious about attending school, I guess I don't have to be serious about paying for it."

"That sounds reasonable. When would these scholarships be issued? When you graduate?"

"No. Most of them will start in two years. One would begin immediately. Three would be in two years and one would be the year I go to school, but it's not for me."

Jim arched an eyebrow at me. "And who would they be for, if I could be so bold as to ask?"

"Jordan Salaway will begin at Purdue in two weeks. Jyl Salaway, Jim Morris, and Lisa Miller will be starting school in two years. Jeryl will be the year I go to school. I don't know where any of the four of us will be going. If you want to throw Kelly's school into it as well, I'd be happy to pay."

Jim sighed. "Paul, as your lawyer, I have to ask. Are you doing this as payment to any of the girls?"

"God, no. I'm doing it because these five people are my friends and I want to help my friends out. I'm fine if they don't even know it's me doing it, though Jim will know because I bounced a few ideas off him."

Jim sat back and stared at me for a few minutes. "It's about their grandmother, isn't it?"

"No. Maybe some, but it's because I can help them and that's what friends do."

"Okay, so what happens if Jeryl and you break up again?"

"It doesn't matter. If we break up, it will be because we were not right together for the long haul, but I think we might be. I know her sisters are good people too, and deserve to not have a controlling grandmother dictate all their choices. Jim and Lisa are good people as well. So is Kelly. If I just let all that money sit in a bank and grow, what good was inventing anything?"

"Okay, I can use the same structure we put in place for Ryan and John's tuition for these five. Thanks for thinking of Kelly, but I put plenty of money aside to let her go where she wanted for school. What else is on your mind?"

"I want to draw some specific skills into the region for some other ideas I have."

"What sort of ideas?"

"The kind that can make our first few patents look like the minor leagues. I've got some ideas on better batteries and some other materials that could change not just cars but the entire transportation sector. Planes, trains, automobiles, everything. But I'll need help getting some of the basic research going."

"What if you endowed some research chairs at some universities?"

"How would that work?"

"A combination of what you want to do for the school and for your friends. You essentially tell a university you will donate money to cover the cost of a small research team with a lead investigator and let them fill the post. You can stipulate the area of research and let them handle the staffing."

"That can work for basic research, but some stuff I'm going to want to control."

"You'll need to hire those researchers through our company then."

"Can we do that without having a research center? I don't think the farm is the right place for some of the things I'd like to look into."

"What if you let out research contracts? You specify the research areas and any parameters and they conduct the research. The company owns the results and any breakthroughs."

"Can we do that?"

"We can try. It all depends on the area of research."

"I'll write things up on two areas and we can start with those."

I split the remainder of my summer time working out for football, working on the farm with Uncle Ben, or writing out research areas and proofing Jeryl's typed transcripts of my handwritten notes. With less than two weeks until school started, it did not leave me with much free time. Jeryl, at least, was understanding.

"Paul, why is this ceramic compound so important to you? It seems like you want to spend a lot of money making something as strong as steel but not made from metal."

I kissed her and smiled. "I do want it as strong as steel but not magnetic or conducting. Then I need it to be able to be made in very thin sheets. If it is layered with this other carbon based material, I can then make a thin-film transistor."

"Which lets you make what? A smaller portable radio?"

"Nope, it lets me make a tube like a gun that can have a magnetic pulse generated along its length and pinched down tight enough to fuse hydrogen."


"Fusion. But affordable and controllable."

"But aren't they already working on fusion out in California? I read an article on it around here someplace."

I was sure there was a Scientific America on the counter talking about building a Tokomak reactor. I also knew it would be a dead end due to politics and funding issues. Instead of telling her that, I shrugged. "I think I can do it cheaper and faster, but need some really new materials to pull it off. It could take ten years to make these materials. By the time they're ready, I will be ready with the other parts."

"You, boyfriend of mine, are scary smart."

It was my turn to smile at her. "Smart enough to know I need your help to do it." That earned me another kiss.

"Hey, did I tell you what happened to Jordan?"

"No, what?"

"She went to the bursar's office to pay her tuition and was told it had already been paid. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"

The arched eyebrow made me grimace. "Can I plead the fifth?"

"No. What did you do?"

"Circumvented your grandmother, I hope."


"Look, this isn't how I wanted to tell you, but I hate the idea of your having to kowtow to your grandmother. I decided some of my good fortune was due to you and your family and decided to help out. She'll get a packet from the trust with the specifics. Jyl will get a little more notice on things, and you can know now. You three just have to get accepted to a program and it will be paid for so long as you keep your grades up."

I had a very cuddly and excited girl in my arms kissing me furiously. "I love you, I love you, I love you," she said when she finally came up for air. "Now, take me over to the couch and screw the living daylights out of me."

I pushed her off, but held onto her. "No. That's not why I did this and I won't let you think that way. I want you to know you could walk out the door right now and ask to never see me again and I would be fine with still paying your way through school. I want you to be able to make the choices you want, not those forced on you by some sense of obligation. If I made love to you right now, I'd be worse than your grandmother. I can't do that to either of us."

She kissed me again, with less urgency and more genuine feeling. "Saying that just makes me want you more, but I understand what you're saying. I don't think I'm ready to do that yet. But I'm also not waiting as long as my grandmother would want."

I kissed her again for a few minutes and then stood her back up on her own two feet. "You really need to finish typing those notes up. Kelly will be here any time to pick them up."

"And I'd hate for Kelly to catch us making out in the office," she said with a grin. "But I do love you, Paul. Very much."

"I love you too, Jeryl"