I met the Mafia Lord

Chapter 2 I met the Mafia Lord

What am I like?

I believe this is the first time you asked such a "get to know you" question. Where is this coming from? I thought our anonymous relationship is exciting and mysterious enough. It is better for everyone to know less about me and it is best for you not to dwell on who I am. But if it has been bugging you then I should relieve a little of your unbound curiosity. I go to the infamous mafia academy and I'm boring as hell.

That's all for now,



Sav sighed, she could tell that he was a little annoyed and surprised. And if he was as boring as hell then he wouldn't be boring at all because how could someone be bored in hell? She thought in a literal sense and shook her head. At least it was a step, like tipping over a stone, like facing a new leaf or like beginning to count the stars. She smiled, looking out the window as the rain pattered in the bustling city of Manhattan.

At that moment the phone rang and Sav didn't bother to get up from her comfortable seat. Her dad was up immediately and answered the receiver. Her mom on the other hand, sat beside her curiously as they both stared at him.

"It's the news," her mom said quietly, "I think we're being summoned."

"What news? By who?" Sav asked, her big eyes now on her mother.

"One of the seated mafia elites is missing. And the mafia Lord might want our counsel."

Sav gasped, "But how---"

Her mom put a finger on her mouth to stop her and pointed at her father.

"Yes, my Lord," he chuckled, "And no I'm not bringing a pizza, I'm bringing my daughter. We'll see you in 10, maybe 5."

Sav jumped from the couch and raised her hands. "You're bringing me to see the Mafia Lord?!"

"Yes, my nosy daughter, you are coming with us," her dad sighed, "and I think it's time. I'm tired of answering your endless questions. What do you think honey?" He looked at his wife.

"Of course, ready or not, she's coming."


I met the mafia Lord,

Yes, you read that right. My parents were summoned by the Mafia Lord himself. I heard they've been friends since they were toddlers and are practically family. Can you believe that? He consulted with my parents and I heard a few things about the missing mafia elite. He went missing a week ago, before he went missing he sent everyone home, and the government might be involved. Before I heard any further one of the butlers showed me around the mansion. I'm so fascinated by the edgy furniture and sharp ial touches. A lot of them were black as coal, or dark brown as a stallion. There were brilliant lamps and they shone like the devil's eyes. Their gunning range is designed like a dragon's lair; scales everywhere, the targets are beautiful dragon heads, and the lights of fangs were as sharp as my blades. It was exhilarating and I would have seen more if there had been more time.

As we were leaving, I think I might have met the son of the Mafia Lord. An umbrella was held for him and bodyguards swarmed him like flocks of birds. His demeanor was gloomier than the weather and I wanted to ask him why but before I could exchange words with him, he was ushered quickly to the mansion. I don't think he even saw me. But oh well.

Anyway, what do you think about the missing mafia elite?

Do you think he's dead?



That's unexpected.

I've met him a few times and he's definitely not the friendly type. You should stay away from him, everyone here does. As for the mafia Lord, it's interesting that your parents are close to him. Are your parents part of the mafia elite? I think I might have seen a similar gunning range like what you described. People say it's intimidating—the mafia Lord's mansion but it's refreshing to hear you are exhilarated to see more. It makes me want to see it too if there's an opportunity.

There's a high probability that he's dead. If the government has him for more than a week then why hasn't there been a call for ransom? Are they keeping him hostage? Or are they torturing him to extract information?

We don't know but we are hoping he's alive.

If your parents are chummies with the mafia Lord then I'm expecting you to come to the academy soon.

When are you coming here, Savannah Cahill?
