A Marriage Prospect

Her thoughts were interrupted when her personal cellphone rang, only a few numbers of people know her number as she's not really into mingling with other people. Unless its business, there is no way she would spare her precious time with them.

She immediately looked at the phone number and realized it was her grandfather that's calling her. Her cellphone's contact list is practically empty, all the important numbers were all etched into her mind so there is no point in saving.

"What rumor did you hear now, Grandfather?" she said as soon as she answered the call.

Like what was previously said, because of her personality and aloofness to the world, a lot of rumors are circulating about her in the corporate world. In this industry, people would do everything to bring each other down.

Some rumors say that she has already a family she's keeping while some says that she has a gigolo as a lover but of course, all of these were nothing but baseless rumors not worth her time.

"How can you be so rude to your grandfather to tell him that as soon as you pick up the call. Grandfather is hurt." the person on the other line expressed through his tone that he's hurt by his granddaughter's attitude though it's half a joke really.

"Chairman Xi, your company president is not in a very good mood at the moment if you will not state your purpose right now, I might need to put an end to this call." she said in a serious manner.

Though she is indeed cold and ruthless towards other people, her grandfather and her younger brother are the only exemptions to that.

"Alright, alright. But, before I state my purpose, I'm just wondering why you haven't accepted the position of being the chairwoman of the whole empire. You've been doing everything on your own since you were 24 years old. Right now, I'm just an old man holding onto the position of chairman while playing around. There is not much difference, my dear granddaughter."

It's true. She became the company's president at the age of 23. Unfortunately, the next year her grandfather suffered from mild stroke and from then on, she took it on her shoulder to be responsible for the Xi Empire so that her grandfather will be able to recuperate at its best.

"I'm fine this way." the old man on the other line sighed as his way of giving up on the issue for now. He's been trying to tell her this for so long now but to no avail.

"Ana, to be honest, I'm worried about you. All you've been doing is taking care of the company, your brother, and me. You're not giving enough time to properly take care of yourself." her grandfather has always been worried about this.

"Grandfather, I am taking care of myself." she said as a matter of fact.

"Then why don't you have a man by your side? Grandfather is worried, you're already turning 28 yet you're still not married. All my friends already have their great-grandchildren, and they are boasting here and there yet here I am still nothing."

So, it all comes down to this issue then. In her mind, she's questioning her grandfather's argument. Seriously, why is there such a need for a man to be by her side before she can take care of herself. She's fine on her own anyway.

"I will ask Chen to impregnate a woman so that you will have a great-grandchild soon."

"XI ANA!" there is a slight frustration from the voice of the old man upon hearing his granddaughter's suggestion. How could she suggest a thing anyway? It's ridiculous.

"What? I thought you want a great-grandchild. I can easily arrange that without marrying him off. What's the use of money?"

"'I really don't know what to do to with you!"

"If that is all, I'm going to hung up already, my head is about to explode." she rubbed her temple as the pain is once again seething inside the very core of her head. Just what is it with this day that her head has been hurting nonstop.

"Wait! Don't hang up. I just want to tell you that grandfather arranged a meeting with you and Young Master Lim, the current CEO of Lim Corporation. You might as well consider this as an opportunity to enjoy yourself." she knows that there is something more to this meeting because everybody knows that it is very rare for her to be actually present in private meetings such as this.

Furthermore, it's not like she can turn this meeting down. Lim Yi Sheng, after all, is the man who's standing at the top of the infamous Lim Group.

"Fine. Just send the details to my assistant. Take care of your health and don't stress yourself with this anymore." she knows what her grandfather is looking forward to this 'meeting' that's why she decided not to argue anymore.

Upon ending the call, she took another sip of her wine.

Anyone in the corporate world will say that President Xi Ana and CEO Lim Yi Sheng are the same in different bodies. They stand atop the wealthiest, most daring, and most capable leaders of the country. Meeting with them is not as easy as one might think, offend them, and expect your downfall.

All small companies were dying to gain their favor because as much as they can easily crush you, they can also easily lift you if you truly deserve it.

Xi Ana picked her phone once again and dialed a certain number. Nobody answered on the other line that's why her call was redirected in the voicemail. After a few seconds, she already heard the beep which signifies that she may now start recording her message.

"Yet another marriage prospect, I guess?" it must be it.


"You're meeting President Xi Ana of Xi Empire?" the man suddenly barged inside his office. Eyes widened as he speaks.

"Yeah." he answered without even glancing at the man who is in shock about the news, he just finished doing a 10-hour surgery and here he is asking this to him as if he's not tired at all.

"Is this a marriage meeting? A marriage meeting. Yi Sheng, just who's life did you save from your past life for you to be able to meet her in this lifetime?" he took a glass of water and immediately gulped it down.

"Probably." his focus is solely dedicated to the work in front of him.

He's currently reading through a report about the expansion they've done in Europe. Their company focuses on architectural designs and this project is crucial for the company as it defines their value to communicate their ideas to the European Market.

"Man! Why do you look so uninterested? It's Xi Ana! Xi Ana! Do you know how many men did this woman humiliated in the past? Not only is she very capable when it comes to business, she is also known as ruthless and merciless towards any guy that tries to take advantage of her. Yi Sheng, is the rumor that you're gay true? Why are you not interested in a woman who's been the dream of most guys in City A?" he sneered.

The man working in front doesn't only look uninterested about Xi Ana, it looks like he doesn't even care a bit. He threw him a glare before finally answering him, there is indeed a rumor like that.

"Do I look like someone who would care? If, by any chance, this is indeed a marriage meeting then might as well accept it, right? In that way, my whole family will stop pestering me about getting married. And, if I were to marry Xi Ana, I don't think there will be a problem about who's who that's being taken advantage of." if they were to be truly married no one will be at a disadvantage, their families are both standing atop, what is there to be taken advantage of, right?

Their marriage will only be beneficial towards each other's family. A great investment as one will put it into corporate terms.

"So, what you're trying to say is that you're okay with marrying her?"

"If she's fine with marrying me, then, I don't have any reason to object, am I?"