
Xi Ana is sitting at the edge of the rooftop's railings swaying her feet like a child. The man smiled while watching her from not so far away, only him can see this side of her and no one else. Who would think that the merciless queen has a childish side to her, right? Xi Ana could easily feel the presence of the man, so she didn't bother to turn around and look at him.

The man slowly walked to her and sat beside her, "Tired of your facade?" trying to act tough in front of the world is not easy but it is better than show them how vulnerable you are.

"Uhm." she answered not even looking at him. Pondering on it, she's too used to this facade that sometimes she forgets who the real her is.

Her gaze is fixated on the city lights below them; their meetings has always been like this. Indeed, this is not her typical business meeting. It's too far from her normal.

She chuckled with that thought, thinking about it, her daily life has never been normal, it is only her usual. The man sitting beside her smiled because he knows what she's thinking.

Since there is nothing much to do and their time is only limited, he handed her the black envelope that contains all the information that she asked for. She took it without hesitation, he managed to gather everything she asked for a short period of time.

"When do you plan to proceed with it?" he asked without looking at her. It's almost time, that is what she told him last time.

The woman spared a glance at the man who is now looking at the night sky, she can only see his profile from her position, but she knows what he's thinking. It has always been like that between them, too many words aren't needed. With one word, she answered his question. "Soon."

She stood up and stretched her arm preparing to leave. She's wearing all black with face mask and cap on.

"Oh, by the way I'm getting married." she chuckled with the thought of sharing it to him.

"Yeah, congratulations. I'll send you a gift later on." he smiled and looked at her.

"You better."

With that, she already left the rooftop. The man silently watched her until he can't see her silhouette anymore and soon, he prepared to leave as well.


At exactly 3:00 pm in the afternoon of Friday, Lim Yi Sheng together with his assistant went to pick up Xi Ana from Xi Corporation. He was supposed to pick her up from her office but the woman refused and said that it's only a bother, but soon they were able to compromise with him picking her from the private parking lot of the company.

After only a few minutes, Xi Ana and her assistant went out from the building. Looking at her, Lim Yi Sheng could easily tell that she just finished attending a meeting. Her aura, even from afar, is like that of a queen.

As soon as they reached his car, he rolled the window down from his side. He heard her telling her assistant to drive her car to Imperial Regency Residence. That is the place where their marital house is located.

"I already spoke to the management and told them that your assistant is allowed to go in and out of there, she just need to provide them her finger print and she needs to be scanned so that her face will be registered to their list of allowed guests" the location of their new house has the best security and provides utmost privacy to its residents, unless you're a resident or your identity was approved by one of its residents will you be able to enter the premises. Even if you are a president of company if you didn't meet the rules, you will not be able to enter.

It is the best place to live in City A but not all people can live here, unless you have the money and has a good social standing only then will you be able to dream of living here.

"You heard him. Just drop off my stuffs and you're good, okay?" her assistant still seems to be a little bit hesitant but still took the key from Xi Ana. After that, she already boarded his car.

"Let's go?" Lim Yi Sheng asked politely.

"Uhm." her response was more of a sleepy one rather than totally agreeing to him, but Lim Yi Sheng nodded to his assistant as a sign that he can start driving already.

Xi Ana is looking outside the window. Seeing her like this, he can't help but remember the words that Grandfather Xi uttered. This woman has indeed a dark past and to save herself from totally breaking apart she unconsciously erased that dark past, and maybe her personality now is also a result of that. A way to add another layer of protective barrier for herself. Grandfather Xi also mentioned that she became like this from that day on, cold and aloof.

"If you want to ask something, just ask, you won't find any answer even if you stare at me for a long period of time. Staring at me will not make me answer your unsaid questions." she glanced at the man who's been staring at her for quite some time now.

Lim Yi Sheng cleared his throat. "I'll ask you these things when we're already married."

The woman looked puzzled and stared at the man as if waiting for another word from him. Lim Yi Sheng realized this that is why he added, "At least then I have a reason to ask."

The woman shrugged lazily before replying, "Makes sense."

"By the way, are we staying in the same room?" she asked curiously but instead of directly answering her question Lim Yi Sheng smiled and said, "Usually, married couples do."

Well, he's got another point with that, so she simply shrugged. After a few minutes of silence, they already reached the Civil Registrar Office. The both of them went inside the office and without doing any unnecessary things, they officially registered their marriage and even taking a photo in their business attires to commemorate the event.

The person who took their photo was amused, he saw people wearing casual clothes, to normal day clothes, and even people who wear dress and formal long sleeves but this is his first time seeing couple wearing business attires in registering their marriage.

Everything went smoothly, it's not like they are holding a grand wedding. After registering, Lim Yi Sheng took the keys from his assistant and told him to go ahead. As soon as the assistant left, he opened the door leading to the passenger seat and ushered Xi Ana, his wife to get in.

On the way home, they surprisingly talked to each other like it's a normal thing to do though what they actually talked about is business. They both know that what happened today will change their way of living, whether for better or worst is yet to be unveiled.