Attempted Murder

"I don't like hospitals so when this best friend of yours done checking up on you, I'll discharge you myself. Hearing Doctor Li's words I think that would be fine. We'll just hire a personal nurse if you need it. Is that okay with you?"

The irritation she had from Doctor Li's visit has not yet subsided, it's really obvious that she has a thing for him but this clueless husband of hers couldn't possibly be more dense than he actually is.

"Whatever my wife says." he smiled. The feeling of submitting to her gives so much happiness to him to the point that he's been questioning himself if he's already gone crazy, he's not the type of person who submits but for her he's more than willing to do so.

All of a sudden Xi Ana's phone rang. He was able to see the phone screen but it only says that it's a call from a private number. Xi Ana immediately knew who the person is calling even though it says on her screen that it was a call from a private number there is only one person who calls her using a private number.

"I need to take this call. I'll be back in a minute." there was faint of confusion and worry on her face while looking at her phone, just why would he call right now?

He can't help but be curious about the person on the other line but still, Lim Yi Sheng nodded before Xi Ana answered the call.

"Why did you call? What happened?" that is the only thing that Lim Yi Sheng could hear because she's already at the far end corner of the room.

The room is quite spacious to be expected of the presidential suite. This is the only room that exists in the whole hospital that is limited only to those who are close enough with the president and him being his best friend was able to use it to his heart's content.

He was busy staring at his wife when a man suddenly entered the room. Looking haggard and exhausted as if he just ran a mile.

"Just got out of a surgery?" he asked the man who sat on the sofa facing the bed. Instead of answering he nodded his head towards him.

Aside from being the hospital's president he is also a skilled surgeon and believe it or not a lot of wealthy people line up in front of him holding cases of money just for them to be operated by him but this man has a reputation to uphold, he only take on cases which really needs his expertise if the case can be operated by their other doctors he wouldn't take it even if they pay him millions.

"What happened to you? I was inside the operating room when I heard the news about your accident." he eyed his friend who is sitting in his bed.

"It's actually not an accident, someone intended to kill me." Lu Nai He was shocked about what Lim Yi Sheng said.

"Are you serious? Did you tell the police about it?" it's actually not that surprising, ever since they were children the both of them have always encountered people who wanted to kidnap them because of their social standing.

"I informed them but I instructed them to keep the matters of the investigation between us. The person who wants to kill me might be nearer than I expect him to be, I need to be cautious." the car deliberately hit the back of his car, he already realized that someone is tailing him but he thought it was only paparazzi trying to snap a photo of him but he didn't actually think that he has a different intention.

"Well, just be careful with the people around you. Anyway, when will I meet your wife? The first thing you should have done is for the three of us to have a meal, how can you be my friend if you're not even letting me see your wife." even though they are living in the same city, getting the chance to meet Xi Ana is very rare. In fact, he only saw her once and just a glimpse at that.

Lim Yi Sheng laughed at his friend's desperation. He lifted his chin to point at the woman who is currently busy with a phone call. Lu Nai He turned his eyes at the far end of the room and he realized that Xi Ana is standing there.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have greeted her first, that's the most important thing you know. How can you do this to me, Yi Sheng?" he's speaking very fast but only using a soft voice, afraid to distract the woman he's talking about.

"She's on the phone. I'll ask her to free her schedule so that we could have dinner, she's quite busy you know." knowing her, she must have impending reports to finish.

The two of them who are busy talking didn't even notice that Xi Ana is already in front if them.

"Good evening, President Lu." she went in front of him and extended her hand, Lu Nai He immediately stood up and took her hand.

"It's my pleasure meeting you, President Xi." he smiled and ushered her to sit beside Lim Yi Sheng's bed. Xi Ana smiled and sat down.

"You don't have to be so formal with me President Lu, after all I'm your best friend's wife." she said it as a matter of fact, she can feel that the man is excited yet cautious around her that's why she deliberately said it to lighten up the atmosphere.

Lu Nai He, is as handsome as people describe him to be. His dark brown hair is a bit messy, which made him look sexier in his doctor's coat. His set of brown eyes that looks like smiling, the bridge of his nose and his refined jaw, his heart-shaped lips made look like someone who just came out of a manga. It's no wonder that a lot of women voted him to be the 'Nation's Husband'.

There was actually a debate among netizens that it should be Lim Yi Sheng but his name was removed from the list and the only explanation they got was that the CEO doesn't want to see his name there.

"I'll call you by your name then." he felt as though he was pulled out of a great amount of pressure. He never thought in his life that he'll be able to call the great Xi Ana by her name. All he can think about now is 'Thank you Yi Sheng for making this woman your wife.'

"Sure, I'll do the same." she said and turned to look at the man beside her.

"Yi Sheng it was not a mere accident, am I right? Did you think I will not be able to find out? But I must commend, you tried well." her smiling face turned into a frightening look. He didn't intend to tell her about it but it looks like there is really nothing you can't hide if it is within her network.

"I just don't want you to worry about it anymore, I can handle it on my own." he knows that it will make her feel anxious that's why he tried to keep the truth from her. Though he knew that he can't actually keep it from her for long, he still didn't expect her to know it as soon as this.

"We'll talk about this when we get home." she said in a serious tone, she turned and looked at the slightly frightened man near her.

"President Lu, do you think we'll be able to discharge him tonight? I really am not used to hospitals but I just can't leave him alone here. If it's necessary, then it's okay." she called him president because she is talking to the doctor who can give her an answer about her question.

"I checked his records a while back and there is really nothing serious, as a doctor I would advice him to stay for another day in case there are others problems that may arise but since I'm also his friend I would have to consider the patient's choice after a few questions. Would that be alright?" he glanced at Xi Ana and she simply nodded.

He went on the other side of Lim Yi Sheng and adjusted his IV before and started asking about what he's feeling right now, or where does it hurt. Asking him to scale the pain he's feeling and a lot more. No matter how playful he is, when he's a doctor, he is a doctor and there is no room for playing.