I don't Regret Marrying You

"CEO Lim, it's almost time." his assistant announced. They are currently seating on their respective room behind the stage. The press conference was scheduled for today and the venue is none other than Lim Corportion, Xi Ana and Lim Yi Sheng came to the company together.

"Ana." he reminded his wife who's engrossed with her tablet once again. She's really a very workaholic person, its almost like she can't breathe without it.

"Alright." it's not like these works are needed to be done in an hour anyway, without further discussions she handed her tablet to Hannah and immediately prepared herself for their appearance.

When its time, Lim Yi Sheng guided her out of the room until they reached the stage that was prepared for them. Since the idea of press conference came from Lim Corporation, it is only right to have it done here.

Camera started flashing as soon as they came into view. All the reporters' lips are itching to ask questions already. When the couple have finally taken their respective seats, the reporters' were signaled to start asking their questions in an orderly manner. This is their first time being together in front of the public.

"CEO Lim Yi Sheng, is it true that you're in a relationship with President Xi Ana?"

"Yes." his simple answer made everyone abuzz.

They instructed that the reporters are only allowed to ask question one by one and anyone who disobeys will be immediately thrown out of the venue. Their tongues are on monitor so they have to guard it for them not to offend the people in front.

The next reporter to ask was a woman, "President Xi, a lot of people were wondering what kind of relationship do the both of you have?" she's clearly disregarding the ethics of reporters by asking such disrespectful question.

Xi Ana squinted her eyes on the woman who spoke, but Lim Yi Sheng immediately covered her hand to calm her though he knows she's not the type of person to easily succumb to anger and irritation.

"Just what kind of answer do want me to speak about, Ms. Reporter?" the way she pointed out each word made all the reporters feel as though it was directed to all of them. She's clearly drawing the line between them who are above.

On the other hand, the reporter seems to be unfazed with her remarks and all people noticed this. She must have strong backing, they thought. They're just reporters, how could they provoke two of the most powerful person in this country if they don't have strong backings that could rival them.

"The truth and nothing but the truth, President Xi." she even smirked. It's clear that she's showing disgust as if Xi Ana is a dirty woman who just climb on Lim Yi Sheng's bed to get where she is now.

Lim Yi Sheng signaled his assistant to come near him which he immediately did. The reporters noticed this and they knew right away that this woman's career can never be saved. She must have been paid with an incredible amount to accept this fate.

"I don't really understand what it is that you really wanted to hear, but to answer your question. We're in a kind of relationship that we sleep on the same bed, have meals together, and he can kiss me and hug me whenever he wants. Is that what you want to hear?"

Xi Ana looked at the faces of the people, she knows how ambiguous her answer is and she's actually quite enjoying their reactions. Lim Yi Sheng was again amused by his wife, she really do hold grudges.

"Basically, you were saying that you have an indecent relationship with the CEO of Lim Corporation? Just how shameless could you be to announce it on public?" although some of the reporters also felt the same most of them knew there is something more to it, they've known enough to know that Xi Ana is not someone who lets her emotion gets the best of her with just simple provocations.

Xi Ana looked at the woman nonchalantly as if she didn't understand her question at all, "I don't know what you think but isn't that what normal married couples do? It's gonna be weird if we're living in the same house and not doing those things, don't you think so?"

The bomb was dropped without warning causing them to create so much noise. They were already expecting that the two were in some sort of romantic relationship, or it could be facade that says so but hearing that they were already married is something they wouldn't have expected.

The PR director of Xi Empire took the initiative to speak. "The documents on your hand right now contains a copy of the marriage registration of the two which was dated three months ago. CEO Lim and President Xi wanted to keep it a secret but because things escalated to this they don't have a choice but to reveal it anyway."

Three months? And they didn't get a wind of this? Just how secretive could this people be. If its already this long then they can tell that this marriage isn't about leeching of each other's wealth and trying to use each other's connection for their own advantage.

Suddenly one of the reporters remembered something, "President Xi, did you perhaps went to visit CEO Lim during the time he got into an accident?"

"I did." they knew that someone spotted them but before they were able to intercept it before it got released.

"I presume the one who picked up President Xi from Xi Corporation a few weeks ago, was also you CEO Lim is that right?"

"Yes, it was also me."

As the reporters were convinced, the rest of the conference went smoothly. Since it ended earlier than scheduled Lim Yi Sheng managed to convince his wife to stay at his office for a while.

The executive elevator as well as the private one that Lim Yi Sheng uses were at the opposite side of the building and since she really didn't wanna waste time going the other way just to use those, she just told him that they would use the normal elevator.

Lim Yi Sheng's right hand was placed at the small of her back, guiding her as they walked. The couple was easily noticed by all the employees of Lim Corporation, just who wouldn't right? They look so perfect together, as if they were made for each other and no one else.

This scene almost melted everyone's hearts, though most of the time their boss looked arrogant and cold but right now he seems completely different. His deep-set, hazel brown, and almond-shaped eyes which used to gaze them coldly seems like glowing just by staring at the woman beside him.

His defined features, which highlighted his attractive jaw looks more attractive with an alluring smile that could take away one's heart in a bit. Though his tall and broad frame would usually make someone feel small, the woman beside him didn't lose at all.

Her height matched perfectly with his, standing side-by-side and with her heels on, they are almost at the same level. Her long and wavy hair sways at the same time she walks with such poise and elegance.

She's wearing an extravagant set of office wear but that doesn't mean she's not looking sexy at all, because she's breathetakingly beautiful! Due to her pencil-cut skirt, her curves could easily be recognized even from afar, though her coat was merely draped over her shoulder that doesn't really affect the vibe she's giving off.

Seeing these two, they feel like they were born during the empire eras as commoners and this is their one time chance to be graced by the royalties' presence.

The air is filled with nobility and pride as they reached his office, the workers they've passed stopped working as they were mesmerized by them. They are such an eye-candy sight, watching them for a long period of time even though they are not doing anything would be worth it.

The moment the door to his office was closed the employees who were watching can't help but feel sad. They wanted more. They wanted to see more.

"Are you tired?" he asked as he ushered her to the sofa.

She sat quietly and dropped her coat on her side, "Uhm."

Her husband saw how she pinch the gap between her eyebrows so he decided to make a tea for her, their assistants are still busy taking care of the after mess of the press conference so they had some spare time to use for themselves.

He served the tea before finally sitting down on the armrest of the sofa where she's currently sitting. He gently massaged her temple which gave her the feeling of being at ease.

"Don't stress yourself over that woman a while back. I've already dealt with it, okay?"

Lim Yi Sheng hugged her shoulders, gently kissing the crown of her head before resting his chin on top of her head. Xi Ana's hand caressed his arm that was circled around her, she never thought she could feel this comfortable around someone. Whenever she's with him, she felt like she's being protected, as if no one could ever harm her.

"Yi Sheng."

Her sweet and angelic voice calling out his name could melt his heart in an instant. He tightened his hug not wanting to let go, "Why?"

"Thank you for making me feel at ease." she just felt like saying it.

She doesn't have any idea how her words could impact him so much. He slowly turned her around so that now they are facing each other. He cupped both of her cheeks and looked straight into her eyes with pupils as dark as obsidian and the depth that could drown you without your knowledge, it's as if once you entered you can never find your way back. And right now, he felt so mesmerized just by staring

at it.

Their position gave him an easier access, he kissed her forehead. Leveling his face to meet hers, he gave a peck on top of her slightly wet nose, and finally placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"You don't have to thank me for making you feel at ease, I'm your husband and it is my duty. I want you to know that even though we started a bit differently from normal married couples I want to make this relationship work out. I don't want you to regret marrying me."

Xi Ana felt as if her heart was pricked by a needle, if she wanted to make this work she would need to be an open book but that is something she can't bear to do. Being stripped of this mask she'd worn for how many years, it's not gonna be easy nor would it be painless to be removed.

Right now she doesn't have any regrets about this marriage because for her, until now, this is a marriage out of duty, all she even did was take the role of a wife. But, she also knows that no matter how hard she tries to deny, she's grown attached to this man and if this goes on she can't bear to see the consequences.

She's afraid that when that time comes, she might have regrets about letting this man be a part of her messed up life.

Looking into her husband's eyes she responded, "I don't regret marrying you." for now, that is. She finished her sentence at the back of her mind.