Nightmare Ends With a Kiss

"Help! Someone help my Grandmother!" the little boy is shouting on top of his lungs while tears were streaming down his small and reddened face. He knelt beside his grandmother trying to make her get up, seeing him exerting so much force on those small hands his grandmother can't help but feel sorry.

"Cough..cough.." the fire grew bigger and bigger that the old woman's vision became clouded because of the thick smoke.

"Grandmother, you have to get up! We need to get out of the house or else we'll burn. We have to get back to Grandfather. " he said this frantically in between his sobs.

The old woman knew very well that she will not be able to get up, the impact of her fall a while back might have broken a bone or two. Debris were already starting to fall, any longer and they would be burned alive.

There is no other way, she thought. "Honey, Grandmother's back really hurt. For me to get up I want you to hurry outside and call for someone to help me, okay? I'll be alright, I'll wait here." she's trying to coax the kid to stand and get out of the house, this is the only way.

"But I don't want to leave you, Grandmother." his cries grew bigger that it's making him out of breathe a few times.

"Shush, a real man does not cry. You are not leaving me, you will ask someone to help me." she won't make it anymore even if the kid will be able to ask help but she needs to at least save her grandson.

"But.." there is still hesitation in his eyes and he doesn't want to leave her in that state. He may be too young but he's not dumb.

"It's okay, go on. Everything will be okay." she smiled reassuringly so that he grandson's mind will be put to ease.

"Okay, I will ask for help. Wait for me Grandmother!" he managed to wipe his face using his arms. He got up and strode outside the room with his stubby legs.

Seeing the back of her grandson leaving the almost burned room, her heart felt a little bit at ease. If her grandson will make it safe, she's more than happy enough. After all, she'd lived a long life and if she has any regrets now that would be not being there when her grandchildren grew up.

"Cough.. cough.." as the whole room was engulfed in fire she can already feel the excruciating pain brought by the fire. Because she inhaled too much of the smoke, her eyes became blurry until there is nothing to see.

- - -

"Yi Sheng!"

Lim Yi Sheng jerked when she heard the voice calling out his name. He gripped his left arm tightly feeling a burning sensation within it.

"Are you alright? You were having a dream as if you're under a intense pain." she said worriedly. She was awoken by the struggling whimpers from her husband and she knew immediately that he was having a bad dream.

Seeing her worried face, he instantly pulled her into a warm embrace which she returned without hesitation. This tugged his wavering heart as he mumbled, "You're not leaving aren't you? You're not gonna disappear on me, right?

His words echoed deep inside Xi Ana's heart because she knew that she cannot promise that to him. Her plans have started and nothing will change that, not even him nor the unfathomable feeling she currently has.

He doesn't remember clearly the contents of his dream, he just knew that it was the same dream he's been having since he was a kid because it would always trigger an unbearable pain in his left arm, a sensation as if he's being burned.

While still in his embrace, she looked up and asked deliberately ignoring the questions that he had previously mentioned, "Do you want to talk about your dream?"

With this answer, Lim Yi Sheng knew that she wants to avoid the question and that made him feel even more scare of the thought that he will lose her one day. He hugged her tighter, if he could, he would tie the both of them together so that she will never be out if his sight. The mere thought of losing her is making him scared like he's never been afraid before.

As much as he wants to press on the matter more, he decided not to and instead answered her question. "I actually cannot remember the dream itself but I knew what happened."

Xi Ana remained quiet and waited for him to continue what he was saying.

"Although I cannot remember, the dream would always give the feeling of my left arm burning and that's when I realized that something must have happened before." since he was too young before they kept some details from him but when this realization came in he personally investigated the matter.

"The old residence of Lim Family were burned when I was five years old and my Grandmother died because of it, she was trapped in her room and they suspected that she might have fallen that's why she wasn't able to get up and ran out of the burning house." this is the first time he's sharing this to anyone other than Lu Nai He who's the closest to him.

"At first I didn't know the whole story but when the dreams started I realized that there is something more to it so I started investigating." he paused momentarily as if trying to gather strength from an unknown source. He's not much of a talker but he wants her to know everything about him.

"I was inside the burning house that night and I was with my Grandmother but only I managed to stay alive." he loved his Grandmother dearly, because he was the first born grandson of the family, his grandmother pampered and doted on him more than anyone else.

"The searing pain I always felt after those dreams is because of the injury I suffered back then. According to the medical history I obtained, my left arm suffered a 2nd degree burn.

She didn't even need to ask why there was no burn marks on his arm, she knew right away that their family doctors did what they have to do. Instinctively, she moved her hand towards his exposed left arm, he's only wearing a white shirt that firmly clung on his broad shoulders.

This touch sent an unimaginable warmth all throughout his body as if something inside him suddenly turned something that he never thought existed. Just a mere touch and this is already the effect.

The feeling of her hand caressing his arm where the pain would normally occur brought happiness to his heart, having her beside him makes everything easier to bear whatever it is "Does it still hurt?" she asked.

He looked straight into her eyes and smiled while shaking his head. He could live in this moment for years and he wouldn't get bored at all.

Lim Yi Sheng raised his finger and gently caressed the edge of her face removing the loose strands of hair and tucked them behind her ears. His right hand rested on her cheek, he once again remembered that man and he can't help but curse himself.

"I'm getting more and more selfish, Ana. I don't want to ever share you with anyone else." the woman smiled genuinely at her husbands words.

"Aren't I married to you?" Yes, you are but you were never entirely mine, right? Because if you are I wouldn't be scared that you might disappear one day. Those were his words at the back of his mind.

Looking at her eyes, he seemed to be so drown to it. He slowly lowered his head and reached for her lips with his. At first, Xi Ana was shocked but she eventually closed her eyes feeling the icy cold lips of her husband.

He lightly bit her lower lips seeking for entrance, which she voluntarily opened for him. Without rush, his tongue creeps its way inside her mouth tasting her sweet and luscious mouth. Lim Yi Sheng's hand slipped at the back of her head, gripping some strands of her hair. He slowly pushed the back of her head towards him to deepen the kiss, he's overflowing with unfathomable feeling that his heart is very ecstatic.

The kiss was slow yet full of emotions as if they are trying to tell all the things they cannot possibly tell each other in words. Lim Yi Sheng knew very well that any more than this will make his urges win over him. He separated his lips from hers and looked at her lips which is now a bit swollen, looking at how its redness makes it a lot sexier he can't help but give it another kiss.

To avoid himself from kissing her deeper again, he separated himself and tucked his face on her neck inhaling her scent, scent that belongs only to her.

"What's the matter?" she asked in a hoarse and raspy voice. Xi Ana felt the man in his embrace stiffened a little bit.

"I'm afraid that I might lose control. I want you, Ana. I want you so much that I'm willing to wait no matter how long it is."