Lim Yi Sheng's New Secretary

Lim Yi Sheng finished his cold bath in almost an hour, that was one of the cold baths he really need to take no matter what happen. He wore his robe and pushed the door open, knowing that Xi Ana is exhausted he thought that by the time he's done she was already asleep but to his surprise the woman is still awake and reading on her tablet.

"What aren't you asleep yet?" Who can stop this woman from working all the time? Doesn't she know the meaning of rest?

Xi Ana raised her gaze and she was greeted with the man with his robe slightly open on his chest area exposing a great amount of skin, the robe he is wearing also emphasizes his broad shoulders with his hair slightly wet he looked even more sexy. Only then did she realize that her husband is not only a handsome CEO but a handsome and sexy CEO to boot!

"I was waiting for you. What took you so long?" the way he used the towel to dry his hair is sexy, why does she feel like this man is oozing with sexiness tonight? Is something wrong with her? Should she go on a hospital and get a thorough check up?

She set the tablet aside and stood up, she walked towards the vanity table where the hair dryer was placed. "Come, I'll dry your hair. It's not good to sleep with your hair so wet after taking a long time bathing. You might catch a cold."

The man didn't retaliate and walked towards her. As soon as he was seated, she started blow drying his hair. As her delicate fingers massaged his scalp, he can immediately feel his body relax. For the thirty years that he's living never did he realize how comfortable it is to have someone by your side, and he never thought that it would brought him so much happiness by the mere fact that someone is waiting for him before going to sleep.

Just as he was immersing on his own world, Xi Chen's words from before suddenly flashed on his mind and he can't help but f eel afraid. This woman is becoming more and more special to him as each day passed and the mere thought that she will disappear from him scared him the most.

Unconsciously, he circled his arms and hand on her small waist and buried his face on her stomach. The fresh scent of Lavender greeted him as the soft silk fabric of her night gown touched his face.The sudden action made Xi Ana squirm a little, but surprisingly, she is not the least repulsed by it. When she touched the man's arm, she realized that his muscles were tensed.

She cupped both of his cheeks and made him look at her, "What's the matter?"

His eyes were full of emotions, so much that the feelings in it is overflowing. "You won't disappear on me right?"

She flinch at his words, this man really cared for her and thinking back on what she was planning to do she thought that it's better to do it sooner. If time comes that she wouldn't have the heart to leave him, everything will go to waste. Everything.

- - -

Days went by rather quietly, nothing remarkable actually happened as if those days passed by just like the wind.

Mo Chuxia walked elegantly as she entered the lobby of Lim Corporation. Several employees looked at her, but only few recognized her and those few knew the hiostory between the CEO and her. There was a sudden feeling of disgust that washed over them.

She's aware of the stares of some of the employees, those hostile stares didn't escape her eyes it was indeed different from that warmth they've shown her before. It's been years since she last entered this company. But before she could finally the lift, a guard immediately caught up to her. "Do you have any appointment with the bosses, Ma'am?"

'That's right! I'm no longer the Future Madame of this Corporation so they wouldn't recognize me' she thought.

"I'm Lim Yi Sheng's friend, you can call to Feng Jinnian's office to confirm. Tell him my name Is Mo Chuxia, and I have something important to talk about with Yi Sheng." the word friend escaped from her mouth rather bitterly. Is she even considered as a friend at this state or nothing but a desperate woman?

The guard looked at her suspiciously, she even brazenly called their boss by his name! Even though suspicious he still called the front desk and instructed them to call, if she really is a friend of the CEO then it is in their best interest not to offend her.

After about a few minutes, he receive =d the signal that the woman is allowed to enter the lift only then did he let her pass through.

On the other hand, when Feng Jinnian received the call about the sudden visit of Mo Chuxia he was a bit at loss do he decided to ask for the permission of the CEO. He knocked on the door, and when the beep sound indicating that he can now enter he pushed open the door.

The man didn't spare him a glance and directly asked, "What?"

"CEO Lim, the front desk at the lobby called and said that Ms. Mo is currently at the lobby. She said that she has something important to talk about with you, should we let her up?" the man in front of him suddenly looked up with a furrowed brows. His deathly glares made him unconsciously step back.

Why is it that with the Madame he never had this kind of expression? Just what kind of biased treatment is this? "Er, I should not, right?"

Lim Yi Sheng was about to say that he's busy and that he doesn't have the time to entertain her, his personal phone suddenly rang and when he saw that it was his grandfather he immediately pick up, though there is a small part of him that says it will do him no good to answer the call.

"Hello, Grandfather?" he said respectfully. A call from the Elder is very rare.

"Xiao Sheng, I have something I want to tell you."

"What is it?"

"That child Mo Chuxia will be your secretary from today onwards." after hearing the elder's words he was shocked.


"You see, she came to see me the other day and she begged me to help her find a job and since the secretarial position in the company was already vacant for long period of time I thought it would be alright." Lim Yi Sheng knew that the elder really cared for Mo Chuxia, even after what happened between their families he doesn't have the heart to turn her away.

Lim Yi Sheng sighed, "You should have told me, Grandfather. I could have arranged a different position for her. You should have let me decide so that I would have time to tell Xi Ana beforehand."

At the sudden mention of Xi Ana's name, the old man on the other line became alarmed, "Why? Would Xiao Ana get mad with what I did?"

The old man was anxious whether his decision would complicate matters between the two of them and if it would make his grand daughter-in-law mad at him.

"It's not like that, Grandfather it's just that it may seem a little inappropriate for us to work at a close proximity. Well, don't worry about it. I'll deal with it and I know Xi Ana would understand."

Though he was still thinking about it he decided to let his grandson deal with it, "Alright then."

"Take care, Grandfather." he said and hanged up the phone. It's not lie he can avoid this now.

Lim Yi Sheng turned to Feng Jinnian and instructed him to let Mo Chuxia in.

"Right away, sir."