Xi Ana's Sudden Arrival

"CEO Lim, I was informed by the secretary of Xi Corporation's Vice President that he will not be able to attend to your lunch meeting for today but a representative will sent over here so that there will be no inconveniences on our part." Feng Jinnian explained.

Even though they are not of the same industry, they are still closely related so business occurences like this isn't very unusual but since this is kind of a big project the Vice President of Xi Corporation is in charge of it.

Of course, regarding the representative Lim Yi Sheng has a tiny bit of hope that it will be Xi Ana because it's been so long since they had lunch together though it kind of unlikely to happen because as far as he knows, she's been to busy with another big project right at the moment.

"Alright." he said without much enthusiasm.

"Ms. Mo also asked if she could come in, I think she wanted to personally ask you about some matters so that she can familiarize herself with her work. I already told her that I was tasked to do so but she just won't listen and insisted for you, Sir." he was quite conflicted with the set up and felt like this Ms. Mo is trying to cause some trouble for the CEO and he is indeed displeased with the idea.

Lim Yi Sheng never thought that Mo Chuxia can be stubborn like this, she was never like this before. Ever since she came back, she had brought him so much headaches already. "Just let her in."

"Okay, Sir." just as he was about to turn away Lim Yi Sheng said something more.

"Next time, don't call her Ms. Mo in the office anymore. I don't want other people to misunderstand our current relationship so calling her Secretary Mo is more than enough." Lim Yi Sheng didn't feel any wrong with this, after all he'd given her enough face by letting her work in this company.

"I understand, CEO Lim." he strode off the room and immediately informed Mo Chuxia to go inside, which made the woman delighted for no reason. The mere thought that she can be with him even for a few minutes together brought her so much happiness already.

When she is already inside, she went near him. "Yi Sheng I just wanna ask you -"

Before she could even finish her statement Lim Yi Sheng cut her off, "Didn't I tell you a while back that you shouldn't call me with so much familiarity anymore, Secretary Mo."

The way he emphasized 'Secretary Mo' made Mo Chuxia's heart ache. "I'm sorry, I was not yet used to it. Do you have to be so mad about it?"

He looked sharply at her, is this the attitude of someone who is in need? They were friends for so many years and he never thought she has a really stubborn side of her. "I've given you so much face, Mo Chuxia. I should be mad right now because of the way you used my grandfather to get here but I'm not so please don't push it."

Those words made her already broken heart into shattered pieces, his words made her feel even more desperate that she already is. "Do you love her this much for you to be able to treat me this way?" her voice cracked.

"My relationship with my wife has nothing to do with you."

"Didn't you love me as well? We were about to get married after being engaged for how many years. Our relationship was deeper than what you have with her now and yet you can disregard me like this for her?" tears streamed down her white delicate face.

Lim Yi Sheng squinted his eyes, just how shameless could this woman be? "I never looked at you more than a friend, I agreed with the engagement because of the relationship between our families. Just that. As for my relationship with Ana, I don't know if it's the so-called love but the only answer I could come up with is that I can't imagine my life without her anymore." there is a conviction in every word that he uttered and Mo Chuxia knows this.

'I never looked at you more than a friend' his words reverberated in her ears.

Her face reddened as tears continuously streamed down her cheeks, this is too much for her to handle all at once. She wanted to speak but no words came out of her mouth, just what can she say at this moment right? She was slapped with the reality that the man she ever loved never loved her.

He continued his work and spoke without glancing at her, "Secretary Mo, you may take your leave. As for the matters regarding your work please approach Feng Jinnian, it is not within my responsibility to personally help you in coping up because if you even need my help with something as small as this, I'd rather not have secretary at all."

Secretaries were meant to help the boss, not the other way around.

The cold words that were directed at her made her froze up. Before she could even react, the office door sprung open and what surprised her the most is the woman who entered. She is wearing a knee-length white dress that made her looked radiant than she usually is. As if acting on impulse, she turned her back on the door to hide herself from the woman.

Lim Yi Sheng glanced at the door and was utterly surprised when he saw his wife. The previous irritation he was feeling was now changed into pure bliss, he missed her so much even though they saw each other every night.

"Ana, what are you doing here?" he walked towards the woman and kissed her cheek and gave her a peck on her small and flush lips which made her a bit surprised.

Feng Jinnian who is on the other side saw it and felt as though his boss deliberately did it to make Mo Chuxia feel worse but if he knew that Lim Yi Sheng did because he was too elated to see his wife Feng Jinnian might puke blood on the spot.

"CEO Lim, President Xi is here as the representative of Xi Corporation for your lunch meeting today."

Feng Jinnian reminded. Well, this is supposed to be a meeting not a chance to feed single dogs like him with too much sweetness.

Xi Ana didn't bother with it as her gaze trailed on the woman who's back is on her. "Who is she?"

Upon hearing her question Lim Yi Sheng remembered that Mo Chuxia is indeed still there and the realization that he needed to explain things to Xi Ana earlier occurred to him.

"Mo Chuxia, my new secretary." he simply said which made Xi Ana's left eyebrow raise. She only knew one 'Mo Chuxia' and that is her husband's ex-fiancee could this woman be her?

"Feng Jinnian, please escort Secretary Mo out of the office and prepare two sets of lunch and have it delivered here." he did as what was instructed and led Mo Chuxia out of the office.

As soon as the door was closed, Lim Yi Sheng helped her remove her coat and neatly hanged it next to his'. Xi Ana then walked towards the sofa and elegantly sat on it. "I didn't know that your new secretary is your ex-fiancee." her words were sharp. She didn't expect this kind of set-up.

"I can explain." Lim Yi Sheng said hurriedly as he sat in front of her.