CEO Lim is Not in a Good Mood

Xi Ana and her assistant has been long gone and surely they have reach Xi Corporation at the moment despite the traffic, it would still take two hours at best to travel.

"We'll start the meeting in 10 minutes." Lim Yi Sheng ordered.

How unlucky they must be to actually have their meeting with the CEO when he's in this kind of mood. Facing Lim Yi Sheng's wrath is something they haven't experienced in a long time now. They thought that his marriage with President Xi can be considered as a blessing in disguise but it looks like it's a lot worse now.

"Yes, CEO Lim." Feng Jinnian went out of the office and notified the department heads who were waiting for him a few meters away from the CEO's office.

Looking at them, he can't help but heave a deep sigh. "I suggest that you better perform well with your presentations. The CEO's mood is grave at the moment." Feng Jinnian reminded.

"What happened for him to be so mad? I saw President Xi walk out of the office and it seems that she's also very upset." one of them asked because a while back she almost got shivers when she saw the menacing look on the president's face.

"Let's not talk about their personal lives. Get back to your stations and prepare your materials." after reminding them once again he walked toward the conference room and started preparing it for their meeting.

Meanwhile, the employees who were left saw Mo Chuxia which made them feel disgusted as irritation washed over them. If they don't have the proper ethical manners they would have lashed it out on her. Due to this fact, they settled with throwing daggers using their eyes on her way. The woman though was not oblivious to it.

Soon the 10 minutes passed and they are now properly seated inside the conference room with

Lim Yi Sheng on the center. The air feels so heavy that it makes them feel stuffed, some of them loosened their ties ocassionally because they were feeling suffocated.

The man on the center seemed calm on the outside especially to those people who have not yet seen him angry but for the people who are inside this room right now, they are very much familiar with this. They usually experience this a few months ago, and because it has been months it seems like they have forgotten how it was like to feel his wrath.

"Start." that one word sent shivers down their spine.

Even though their CEO is clearly in a foul mood it doesn't affect his professionalism and everyone knows this. What happens actually is that whenever he's mad he becomes more sensitive to mistakes, he would notice even the smallest of mistake. He also does not speak words that may affect their performances, but his aura alone could affect them in a way even Lim Yi Sheng can't imagine.

As soon as the meeting progressed only Lim Yi Sheng's voice could be heard inside the room, everyone is holding their breathe as if they are rats who were afraid that they would be caught by the cat.

"Is that the best marketing proposal you could come up with?"

"If the risk was too high even after considering everything to lower the risk did nothing, why bother wasting your time with this proposal?"

"There was a margin error with the calculation of cost and return, simple math. How could you make such an elementary mistake?"

"If I asked you to report in front of client is this how you will perform? You're stuttering is worse than the interns we interviewed the other day."


"Get your facts straight."

The three-hour meeting continued with the CEO continuously nitpicking on their reports and proposals. They felt relieved when Lim Yi Sheng finally stood up and just when they thought they could finally breathe another wave of torture followed.

"I need the revised proposals and reports in three hours and don't even think of submitting halfheartedly done works. If you can't even do something as small as this then question yourselves if you really deserve your position in this company."

After saying those words he strode out of the room

The employees felt a though they've aged ten years from that three hour meeting when the door closed all of them released a deep sigh. That meeting as truly nerve-wracking! It's been a while since he made them work on their toes.

Lim Yi Sheng on the other hand was oblivious to the fact that he had caused an uproar in the whole company.

That fight with Xi Ana really affected his mood and he's aware of that. Even though they've been married for couple of months now this is actually the very first time they went into an argument and a very serious one at that.

He was not sure how things transpired to this and though he wanted to reconcile as soon as possible it's not very easy to do so, they aren't kids anymore and they knew themselves the gravity of their argument is not somthing you can fix by giving candy.

Feng Jinnian who is following behind him felt really depressed over their situation, "Sir, do you want me to postpone your remaining schedules for tonight so you could rest for at home?"

It's already early evening and there is really nothing important that cannot be postpone for the CEO's schedule so he decided to suggest such a thing. If he didn't suggest such a thing then after that three hours deadline he would surely read those documents. He might as well help the other employees so that they can turn in a faultless proposal by extending their deadline to tomorrow.

Lim Yi Sheng leaned on his chair and heaved another deep sigh while pinching the space between his eyebrows. He wanted to work more, actually he wanted to exhaust himself until he cannot think of anything anymore.

He wanted to prolong this situation because he was afraid to hear what kind of reply would Xi Ana have yet at the same time he's also afraid to lose her more if he continued to act this way.

"Just cancel everything, I wanna rest for now and tell the employees to pass their revised proposals before 6 am tomorrow."

"So, will you be going home now sir? Should I drive you home?"

"There's no need I will drive myself for now I just want to rest for a while. You can go first."

Seeing his current state, Feng Jinnian can't help but be worried over his boss. Lim Yi Sheng noticed that his assistant is contemplating so he assured him that he can manage. "I can manage myself."

Still reluctant he nodded his head and bid goodbye to his boss before exiting his office. Before leaving the company, he made sure that the guards will contact him once the CEO left for the day.