Two Possibilities

Even though Lu Nai He already assured him that his wife was already out of danger he still very much worried, what could have happened to her that she ended up in an accident? As the worry intensified, his grip on the steering wheel became tighter.

He didn't know how long he had driven, but when he is already in front of the hospital he immediately went out of his car. Lu Nai He's assistant is already waiting for him in front of the building so when he recognized the car, he came rushing forward.

Lim Yi Sheng recognized his bestfriend's and assistant so he tossed his car keys to him without hesitation, the man easily caught it and went straight to the CEO's car. he's very much familiar with this CEO because of his' boss relationship with him.

Without wasting any more time, he rushed oinside the elevator and pushed the button that leads toward the VIP floor. He soon reached the lobby of the floor and when the people saw him they immediately recognized him, so they bowed as a sign of respect. The man though did not notice the action because he was too worried for his wife.

When he reached the presidential suite, he pushed open the door and found his bestfriend standing on the side of the bed adjusting her drips. His gaze went past him and saw the woman lying on the hospital bed while her eyes were closed. There was a plaster on hear forehead and nothing else.

Lu Nai He on the other hand looked at his wrist watch and was surprised with the man in front of him because he really made it possible to arrive here in 30 minutes! Just how fast did he drive for him to reach here? "You were issued with a speeding ticket, aren't you?"

The man though sharply glared at him which he just shrugged off, this man is really no fun. Lu Nai He then turned his doctor mode on and explained her condition to him, "Her head injury was mainly due to the impact of being hit on her steering wheel, she suffered a mild concussion which possibly the main reason why she is still not awake. We've run a few tests on her just to be on the safe side but so far there was nothing wrong with it. We just have to wait for the result of the CT scan to know whether there was a serious damage done by the hit."

He let out a sigh of relief upon hearing him, on a first glance one can already infer that the accident wasn't serious but because the injury was on her head and she was still asleep their worries are reasonable.

Lim Yi Sheng sat on the chair beside the bed and held her hand, "You said there was a man that brought her here, where is he?"

Due to his question, Lu Nai He was reminded of it. "He already left I didn't even see him though he told the nurses assigned on the lobby that Xi Ana almost hit is daughter and when she went out of the car to check on them he saw that her forehead was bleeding before losing her consciousness."

His eyebrows creased, is it possible that it was Master An? "Oh, he also left a note together with Xi Ana's car keys." Lu Nai He handed him a piece of paper which was folded into two.

'Check the CCTV footage from the nearest convenience store to Imperial Residence.'

Upon reading the note he looked at Lu Nai He which the latter immediately understood. He'd actually read the note already, "I already secured the footage, you just have to go through it." he said while pointing at the laptop which was neatly placed on top of the coffee table.

"Thank you."

"If my assumption is correct then there are only two possibilities.." he paused and looked at the man who is solemnly seated on the side of the bed.

As he continued, he can't help but feel a sense of worry "'s either someone wants to kill Xi Ana because of being the heiress of Xi Corporation or your past has already started haunting you again, Yi Sheng."

Lim Yi Sheng's body stiffened.

Everyone probably has something they wanted to run away from, something they wish that never happened. That memory they've tried to bury in the deepest, darkest part of their minds. But that's impossible because the darkest memory tends to creep out of that grave you've made and starts to haunt you again, trying to pull you back on that darkness.

Cold as he is, he can't help but feel safe when the warmth of Xi Ana's hand traveled from his hand throughout his body. "If it all comes down to that then I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe and sound in my arms."

Lu Nai He just smiled and remembered something, these husband and wife both ended up being confined in his hospital in just a few months!

"Well, you guys are welcome to use the presidential suite of my hospital anytime but remember this Yi Sheng, the morgue of my hospital is off limits. If you get my point." he smiled playfully after saying his reminder.

He looked at his smiling friend and chuckled, "Don't worry I'm too busy to pay a visit." both of them knew the seriousness of their conversation and talking this way doesn't mean they don't care about it at all it was actually the opposite.

"I'm gonna take my rounds then, I'm busier than you think I am." he actually is. A renowned surgeon like him doesn't even have the time to take a day for months now! Who said that the president of a hospital can take it easy? This is not being easy at all.

"Alright. Thank you for staying with my wife." this heartfelt gratitude together with his sincere expression almost made Lu Nai He doubt everything he'd ever known in his entire life. This was a first for him to see an expression like this from Lim Yi Sheng.

He felt a little bit cringe about the whole thing so he decided to tease him a little, "I would even want to accompany her the for the entire night if only I wasn't considering our friendship I wouldn't have called you a while back."

"Lu Nai He."

"What? You know she's always been my goddess." this is the most shameless thing a man could ever say in front of the husband but because it's Lu Nai He, Lim Yi Sheng can't help but smile on it.