People Xi Ana Kept by her Side

"I know you will." these words weren't empty words, she do want to believe everything that Wang Xinyi said because she is the proof of the resolve she made a few years ago.

Although this woman looked weak because of her small body frame, at the age of 16 years old she is already holds a black belt in taekwondo at the same time she also practices jiujitsu. Xi Ana once visited an orphanage near their school and that's where she first saw this child.

Certainly, with all the despicable things that Han Tu Mo did to them she should be disposed of immediately before she causes a bigger trouble for them in the future Xi Ana knows that herself it's just that she doesn't have the heart to do so, she saved Han Tu Mo once before if she will also be the one to end her life then all the things she'd done for her would go to waste.

But, of course, she isn't that naive enough to just let her do as she pleases because after the past few weeks that Han Tu Mo became a lot more persistent and aggressive with her attacks she made sure to keep her in check and once Han Tu Mo crosses her bottomline, that would be the day that she won't be giving her any leniency anymore.

After a few seconds of silence, Xi Ana decided to change the topic as she motioned Wang Xinyi to sit in front of her which the latter followed without hesitation. To her, Xi Ana is like a mother and sister and she would love to follow her anywhere because before she came into her life, having someone to care for her seems like a far-fetched dream.

"How was it, living In City A?" she asked casually. From the day Xi Ana took her out of the orphanage, she has been living in City M under the protection of the Lu Family so that when the time comes no one would suspect her relationship with her.

"I've been able to adjust well thanks to your arrangements, Ana Jie."

Actually, she was given the chance to choose and live peacefully away from these horrible things but she chose to stay by her side and Xi Ana was given no other choice but to keep her safe. To her, Wang Xinyi is like a sister whom she cares for after all she's only a year younger than Xi Chen.

Whether she has a connection to that man or none, she would still treat her like a younger sister.

A long time ago, Wang Xinyi asked Xi Ana why she decided to get her from the orphanage because she can't seem to find any logical reason why a teenage girl like her would arrange someone to adopt her but the only respond she got was that she looked like someone she would never want to forget when she asked it was Xi Ana only said that it was a person she met a long time ago.

They talked casually for a couple of minutes when a question she'd been meaning to ask resurfaced in her mind, "Ana Jie, I've been wanting to ask you this but why does it feel like you don't completely trust Ms. Hannah?"

She'd observed this long before it's just that she didn't really ask, "It's too early for you to know but I guess I have to tell you a little."

Hannah is indeed efficient in everything she does, although it seemed like she never disclosed anything that could ruin the company it's still better to be cautious especially about the personal matters that she does, "Hannah still didn't betray me, but her loyalty doesn't lie with me."

Though the meaning of these words wasn't fully conveyed Wang Xinyi the latter did not ask anymore.

At first, she only has assumptions but later on she finally confirmed that her assistant is also working for another person whom she didn't know no matter how she tried to investigate it. From her understanding, it doesn't seem like it was an enemy so she decided to keep her by her side.

Realizing her actions, she seems to be fond of keeping danger by her side. Well, she believes that there is no better place to observe your enemy other than the place beside you.

- - -

"Ana, is it true that my First Uncle managed to implant a mole inside Xi Corporation to spy about your relationship with me?" upon receiving the news she immediate made a call to Xi Ana to confirm about her current situation.

"I've already taken care of it, there's nothing to worry about. Your First Uncle thought that between me and Li Jingli I seem to be the easier target not only because I'm a woman but also because I'm in a different city." Fang Wenna felt guilty because how her First Uncle involved her just to get more information on her and Xi Ana knew what she was thinking.

"The moment we decided to attend your charity ball we already know what might happen. Also, you really don't have to feel guilty nor worried about us are you underestimating us?" the last part of the sentence was only a joke.

"It's not that I'm underestimating your capabilities, of all people the four of us knew better what each person can do and to what extent our capabilities are it's just that I can't help it you know, after all this is a problem within the Fang Family." whatever she said was true.

She knew very well that when it comes to power, her friends aren't lacking at all. The mere fact that they are part of the Nine Noble Families speak a lot about their capabilities, she'd been with them for how many years and she'd personally seen how much they can do.

"We respect that you wanted to finish this on your own, and we're giving you enough time to sort this out but just as what we said when we met after your charity ball that once your family used underhanded schemes to harm you we will butt in whether you like it or not." she said as she sat on the corner of her bed, she was just about to dry her hair when Fang Wenna called so she is still wearing her bathrobe at the moment.

They don't have any doubts with Fang Wenna's capabilities but when a person is full of greediness in his heart, they would result to doing dirty tricks and admit it or not there are still instances when even the best of the best tend to fall prey to this types of schemes.

"Alright then, just a little bit more after I sort things out on my end I will contact you guys."

"Uhm." the person on the other line ended the call and just when she was finally off the phone a man she is most familiar with suddenly entered her bedroom which is adjacent to her office.

The man was wearing a casual shirt and pants and Xi Ana can't deny that the man looked younger whenever he's wearing casual clothes, "You just got discharged from the hospital yesterday and her you are overworking again."