Unnecessary Trouble (2)

"Who the hell are you to speak like that to me? Do you not know who I am?" Mo Jingjing retaliated. The way the woman in front of her acted felt as though she was belittling her and its getting on her nerves.

Who is she to speak so brazenly like that, she thought.

Xi Ana was about to speak when a man who looks upset suddenly strode towards her. Well, it's not surprising at all because she really took her time today. "Ana, I've been waiting for you for quite some time you know."

Li Jingli heard that Xi Ana is already at the building but after waiting for couple of minutes she still didn't arrive so he decided to fetch her.

Xi Ana touched her nose unknowingly. One of the commonalities between her and her friends was that they all hate waiting, they aren't the type to make the other person wait as they too hate waiting themselves. For them, time is indeed too precious to be wasted.