
On the other side, it has been four hours when Li Jingli and the rest finally managed to track down the location of Xi Ana. During those four hours the only thing they manage to retrieve was Xi Ana's cellphone and her necklace which is identical to the the four of then since it was personalized for them alone.

The person who kidnapped her must really be something to even figure out that Xi Ana's necklace actually has a tracking device. From that fact alone, they can say that he is not a simple character which made them more anxious than they already are.

While Li Jingli was busy gathering the people he will bring on the side another laptop was opened and from it the anxious face of An Qi Lu could be seen.

There are only few times when you can see emotions from An Qi Lu's face and most of those times Xi Ana was always involved, be it happiness, sadness, or anxiousness they all seem to be connected to Xi Ana somehow.