Rescued (2)

Getting Xi Ana out of this house is the top priority and now that it has already been achieved they have to make sure that there would be no more complications that would arise.

"Alright, alright. Since we already achieve our goal here it's better for the two of you to go back to the mansion as soon as possible, we're not yet sure whether you are really safe now."

Fang Wenna also realized that it's not good to stay longer than they should have where in the first place Li Jingli was already against her coming with them. "You're right, that was naive of me. I got too excited, let's go back Ana."

With that Li Jingli ushered the two inside the car and instructed their guards with his eyes looking sharply at them. "Bring them to the mansion and protect them at all cost. Highten the security around the mansion and no one is allowed to enter until I came back."