A Mother's Selfish Request

That's right he is the older brother and Samantha's mother trusted him with her. He may not have seen her personally but he knew how much she loved Samantha, forsaking her pride and beg for her daughter's life til her last breathe, that is the kind of mother she was.

The first time he met Samantha when she was still a child, he never thought that their situation would someday lead to this.


Lim Yi Sheng was startled when he saw frail looking kid beside his car, although she does not look like a beggar she still looked as if she has not been eating well. He tried to observe for a few minutes but the kid didn't leave as if she is actually waiting for him or that might be his imagination.

He is a regular of this coffee shop because he knew the owner and it was near the company but this actually the first time he saw this kid around here.