A Mother's Selfish Request (3)

Since Lim Yi Sheng is already in America he took the opportunity to deal with some business matters and then accompanying Samantha from time to time whenever she's free.

His flight going back home will be later in the evening, his luggage has already been packed and prepared so he does need to go back to the hotel anymore. For remaining free time, he decided to swing by Samantha's hospital to bid her goodbye.

"Brother Sheng, you're leaving already?"

There was a bit of sadness in Samantha's voice. For Samantha, her Brother Sheng is her hero although they are not always together because she was studying abroad he knew that he cares.

"Yeah, there are matters that I have to take care of in the company that's why I have to go back for now."

That was true but there is one more reason why he was excited to go back now.

"When will you come visit again?"