Southville Project

Today Xi Ana went to observe on the site of the Southville Project, she didn't even go to the office and just started her day her. So far this project is the biggest one she had to handle ever since she started working in the company.

"Are there any problems with the progress of the construction?"

She is currently talking with the engineer in charge who is also the head of the engineering department of X Corporation, as a hotel and restaurant company they have to make sure that each and every building they construct would be of high quality so they created a department solely dedicated on it.

"There was a delay with the shipment of some the materials that were needed but it won't pose a problem since those materials were not yet needed at this stage."

"If it's like that then it's fine but just in case, notify them again. We can't tolerate anything that might delay us on our schedule."

"I understand, president."