Dinner (3)

When Xi Ana heart the word 'transplant' she was surprised in her heart, no matter how you look at it the operation would definitely be risky.

She might not be well versed in the medical field but she at least know how delicate this organ is, it's not just a piece of meat that one could easily move from one body to another. Even kids know what it means when this fist-sized organ stopped beating.

This thought already came to her mind earlier but she didn't expect it to be this soon, there is not even a month left before the operation.

The moment she read the content of the letter she was again made to realize that people really do have a lot on their plate.This is what makes humans human, it doesn't matter what kind of reputation one has or how wealth he is because he will still eventually be faced with problems of the world.

Be it Lim Yi Sheng or her, they were not exempted to the cruelty of the world.